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Joseph Maynor

What Do You Think Of My New Self-improvement Goals Based On The Personality Assessment

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I need some feedback.  I am going to try to use that personality assessment Leo had us do into a plan to improve my work life.  Is this a worthwhile goal and plan for work self-development?  Before I commit to this, I wanna see your thoughts.  Are these goals sound or futile?

Work Self-Improvement Hacks: (For my work -- Job)

1.  Self-Efficacy -- Go from Low to High

2.  Dutifulness -- Go from Low to High

3.  Achievement Striving -- Go from Low to High

4.  Activity Level -- Go from Low to High

5.  Interpersonal Style -- Go from Competitive to Cooperative

6.  Stress Management Style -- Go from Reactive to Resilient

Do any of you folks see any problem with this kind of goal/plan for self-development for me?  I don't wanna waste my time on something futile.  If there's a futility with any of this, please let me know.

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You know yourself better than any of us, do you feel that this is really stepping it up or is it more of a gradual move? 
Do you have a backup plan if the changes start to feel like too much? 

I know for me I am slow to bring change and I take tiny baby steps all the time because I can be quite rebellious haha I have always been the one to stick it to the man, including myself haha 

Whenever changing things in my life I try to never over step because I used to get abusive at myself for faltering. If you aren't like that then make big goals. But beware if you tend to beat yourself up, one step forward with two steps back usually makes for more frustration in my history books. 

It can be hard to change because of the self awareness we may not have quite yet. Just be prepared to allow yourself to make mistakes. The way I stopped myself from the self abusive pattern was I started listening to my minds nasty little comments about myself when I didn't meet expectations. I would ask myself if I would say this to a small child learning to walk every time they failed momentarily. 

Children are so magical, nobody has convinced them to talk down to themselves yet. I hope we all can one day relearn what it is to be childlike to ourselves and eachother :) 

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