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Never Felt This Way Before.

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This is new territory for me. 

Long story short - relationship problems. I was able to stand up for myself, speak my mind, say exactly what I want and expect, recognize my faults along the way, and commit to putting my happiness first. 

I feel many different things. For starters, I feel more confident that I was able to speak my mind. I feel like I am putting my happiness first and will accept nothing less. I am encouraged and committed to work on myself more, taking care of myself more. Don't like it?  Not my problem. 

I've also realized who I feel is valuable enough to keep in my life, and who is not. This was a big thing for me. I've started the process of focusing on those people who keep me happy and those who don't contribute at all 

I guess it's a weird feeling because I'm not used to standing up for my happiness. 

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