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Thoughts On Infinity And Nothing

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What comes to mind when You read Infinity & nothingness ?


If Infinity cannot be imagined then what is infinity?... No, answer my mind comes up with will be ever be the answer  . The words and images flickering in my mind ( just assumed Its my mind)  are real just the story they have is not real..  Is Infinity An absolute? Space seems infinite . Since no-thing can be imagined is it also infinity/ absolute,? Isnt that what we are?  Would you consider space nothing but if it is nothing then ive made it into something... Are we inside nothing.  Who said there was an I to be inside something. Inner and outer world distinction is illusory. ? Maybe.   Random thoughts! 




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The rational mind will spin its wheels thinking about this stuff and not really get anywhere.

It's sort of like space, but space is something, not nothingness.

Nothingness is an Absolute. Another way to describe it that has been helpful for me is as pure presence or knowing. This nothingness is like pure awareness. It has no shape or form, yet it is aware of itself and the entire world. It is the thing that allows awareness of anything in the first place. Because for something to exist, it has to first enter awareness.

Nothingness is the same as infinity. Like two sides of the same coin. Both are non-localizable, formless, and ever-present.

Imagine if you were nothing. You would also be everything simultaneously.

There is no "I" to be inside anything. Everything occurs inside of the true "I".

The true self is like an infinitely large empty container within which all material reality happens and gets noticed.

But all the above are just ideas. Adopting them will only get you stuck.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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so the infinity is us.... nothingness, everything is our true self. And is nothingness and everything is what jesus had called god?

Edited by charlie cho

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Pretty much. Although holding that as an idea or a belief isn't it. You have to directly experience it.

Do you honestly, currently feel you're God?


Then you aren't directly experiencing it and have much work to do.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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