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Questions About Meditation

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I am a beginner in meditation. I have around 40-50 hours of meditation done in my whole life but I have never done it consistently for over a month.

I have now committed to do it consistently every day until the rest of my life. I am becoming more aware of my patterns when I meditate and I had a lot of questions that could give me some opportunities to improve my progress.

So basically what I am doing right now be sit with the back straight and I close my eyes for 20 minutes.

  1.  Is it okay to change techniques during the session? -- I have realized I tend to not stick to one technique at the time, in a single session, i would switch from mindfulness labeling, to clear my mind, to be aware of my breath, to be aware the different part of my body, etc. Basically, I change technique either when I am bored or when my monkey mind is intense.
  2. Is it better not to move sometimes during the session? --- I am trying to keep my back straight. And honestly, 2 weeks ago my experience was so hurtful that i would only think of my upper back for the last 10 minutes of my session. I started to do a little stretching of the back when it becomes hurtful and was wondering if it lowers the quality of my meditation.
  3. Is it normal to think about the time it is going to end? On the 20 minutes, i try to figure out how much time their might be left and i think about quitting for about 5 minutes, total, sporadically.  I never quit.
  4. Is it okay to talk to myself? --- I tend to talk to myself in my head saying something like. ''Do not think about that, let go of that thought, just relax, and clear your mind, clear your mind, relax'' I found it quite helpful sometimes, but is it a bad habit to have.
  5. I am always thinking about meditation, when i do meditation? So, I am thinking about what i am doing, and if it is appropriate, and if my back is straight enough or what is the next technique i should use.

I had other questions but cant remember right now.

Your insights would be really appreciated. Thanks already  

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1) No.

2) Keep movement to an absolute minimum but if you must adjust than adjust and get back to meditation.

3) Yes, it is when your new to meditation but with practice the time flies by. I would go so far as to say time doesn't exist when meditating.

4) Talking to yourself will reduce greatly with daily practice. Almost become nonexistent. Practice more.

5) Just sit and watch as thoughts come and go in a detached manner.

It sounds like your busy doing almost everything but meditating.:) Everybody has to start somewhere though-like learning to play an instrument..  Practice often and you'll get the hang of it. Eventually it will become effortless and without all the distractions.

*Do you have all these distractions when your watching a good movie? Probably not. Why, because your absorbed in the movie. Do the same with meditation.

Just a suggestion, don't think of it as "you are meditating" but rather "meditation is happening" (no doer).

Just my 2 cents worth. Others may have better suggestions for you. Good luck!

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