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Michael Jackson - Awakened And Misunderstood

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Those are some deep words, the crowd continues to scream i love you but no one is really listening.. do you see the wisdom behind his speech? the purity of his soul was one of a kind, a true angel, he always talked this way and we never saw it until he passed away. His soul was among the most highly evolved, if he had a different more spiritual path maybe he would of become an enlightened master? He was always so child-like, innocent, kind, loving and pure, in the present and free-spirited but due to his tough schedule and rough life he never really had time to connect to himself. At least now his back with source and free to be and express completely. How did we miss this?

What we need to learn from children isn't childish. Being with them connects us to the deeper wisdom of life... which is ever-present and only asks to be lived. They know the way to solutions that lie.. waiting to be recognized within our own hearts.

Edited by pluto


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