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Ryan M

How To Go About Making An Online Course

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I've had the idea of making an online course for the longest time but it feels so intimidating that I don't even start. I already have an audience and I already know what to say in the course. I think the reason that I hesitate is because I worry about how I'm going to create the landing page and what platform I'm going to use for the course etc. Also making the course sounds a bit overwhelming even though I know all the information that I want to share. What are some good resources that could help me actually get this done? Also there's platforms like Skool and I'm wondering if I should just take that route

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The landing page and the platform should be the easiest to handle. No need to overthink it. 


Regarding the course, it shall lead the customer to a very specific, tangible result. 


The communication of how that result will solve your clients problem and free them from their pain is the marketing. 


If you really know what you wanna say already, why not just shoot the videos and take it from there? Otherwise you're thinking more than you are doing. The key is to take action. 

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Good point. I’ll start with the content and handle everything else after

Edited by Ryan M

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