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existence is too good to be true

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now dont get me wrong; locally theres a lot of bullshit. im chronically constipated and my asshole is itchy. there are wars and bullshit. but disidentify from what u label as good and bad, and see the objective miracelous harmony of the universe. the universe truly shouldnt be, but it is. and whether or not you believe in god, you cannot deny that we are in eternity right now, and eternity is all there is. this moment is proof that existence/eternity equals experience. fuck i love life. i cant believe i exist. its. so. fucking. epic. every moment is too good to be true, its such a fucking gift

embrace the miracle and dont hold anything back, express the miracle u are.

this was a bit of a rant but i felt like sharing

Edited by emil1234

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Fucking unbelievable. Pure existence, infinite energy so much so that nothing exist just pure bliss on bliss on bliss no beginning/end.  And here we so called are enjoying a dream of individuality.  How wonderful.  

... piggybacked your rant - still blows the mind 🤪


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