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Brandon Nankivell

Neti Neti by Andre Doshim Halaw

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Yes, I'd rate Andre Halaw's books as some of the most important for understanding classical enlightenment and Nothingness, and neti-neti is an effective method for realizing Nothingness as your true nature. I recently returned to his book No-Mind and a particular representation struck:

"Consciousness is only a portion of what you are. You are not limited to your awareness, experiences, or consciousness. Below is a visual representation of your total self, where consciousness is depicted in white:


As you can see, the white comma-shape expressing awareness accounts for only a fraction of the total image. Just as most of the photo is black, the vast majority of what we are consists of Non-awareness. Consciousness apprehends 'things' such as sounds, odors, etc., while Non-awareness is a type of knowing that does not rely upon forms, sounds, odors, flavors, objects, or thoughts. It is the darkness of Not-knowing. For this reason, I also call it Non-being, Non-existence, or even Nothingness, all of which point to the same reality—the formless, unconditioned Absolute at the base of consciousness and the root of all reality."

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