Truth Addict

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Everything posted by Truth Addict

  1. I don't think you really get it. He said that we (consciousness) can't get beyond consciousness, therefore we take it as rock bottom. And that's very different from the materialist paradigm, because for matter, we always know that there's more to it, even though we might not be able access it. (Read Max Planck's quote in the beginning of the video). Do some consciousness work, you don't know what you're missing out on. I'm not a Buddhist but yeah ? Yes, very energetic, authentic and totally in peace. ? He's getting cuter every week.
  2. I'm not sure I understand what you're implying.
  3. A wave in the ocean is still the ocean itself. You in the universe is still the universe itself. It's obvious and simple, your mind creates the distinction between "things" to make pragmatic use of reality. Things are different, it's true, only from the ego's point of view.
  4. Leo, I told my mother about you, she said you worship the devil and also drink human blood. Seriously, she literally said that. And now I'm dumped in my room, she doesn't talk to me anymore.
  5. Translation: Laughing my ass off on one obese orange What's so funny though?
  6. Been thinking for a while, just felt like sharing it with you. It doesn't make sense only from the ego's point of view, therefore creating so much suffering. If you want happiness or peace of mind, just accept what is as it is. Happiness or peace of mind gives you the freedom to do everything you want. This meaninglessness is very meaningful because it creates so much potential. P.S. This is life in a nutshell (Good vs. Evil, God vs. Devil, Truth vs. Falsehood, True Self vs. Ego, etc...) P.S. I'm not at the level of 100% comprehension of what I just said, not even close, but I can see clearly that it's quite the case, at least conceptually. Have a great day, night, whatever. ?
  7. @Leo Gura Happiness is having you back. We missed you ?
  8. @Mikael89 ? ? @Nahm ? ? I think it can be helpful for meditation, what do you think? Also, I miss Leo, when is he finishing his challenge?
  9. Google 'Troxler effect'. Focus your attention on any single point.
  10. @Cara I know this might sound hard, but this is the only way (imo): You will have to face your fear from 'Hell', know that fear is just a concept built upon illusion and belief, also another way to face this fear is to just accept it (fear of death, fear of Hell, fear of fear). Ask yourself, what is fear? Why should I fear anything at all? Contemplate this topic of fear, and Truth will reveal Itself to you. Surrender my friend, let everything go, and go with the flow.
  11. @Rilles I have this technique that I use myself, I kind of created it coincidentally. It's very easy and simple, just use any word that has one sonant, make your inner voice say it continuously without ever ending. For example; I use the word 'Om', I make the inner voice say: 'Ooooooooooooo' forever without ever reaching to the 'M'. This gives me good space of no chatter and ability to be in touch with the Spirit. I suggest you create a word that has no meaning, so you don't distract yourself with thinking about it.
  12. Hello everyone.. For enlightening purposes, I would like to hear your description(s) of a psychedelic experience(s). What do they do in general? I mean their actions on the mind and the ego. I heard some saying they give raw reality, I appreciate a little explanation. The reason I'm asking for that is that I couldn't get a psychedelic whatsoever, because they're not available in my country. So that I can then simulate the experience through my meditation practice. Thank you in advance. ?
  13. @Nahm Lol, today I recalled your comments on this post, and then I realised I was acting like a victim and I was ignorant of that fact. Lol, how much potential did I lose! I also realised that I didn't really wanted to get psychedelics, and still don't. Thank you for your enlightening words. Man, I really really admire you ?
  14. Hello ? Recently, I became aware of my consciousness levels shift every while. Some days they sky-rocket, so I could meditate, inquire, even be extremely mindful throughout the whole day, and perform whatever tasks, all effortlessly. And some other days they go down, so I struggle too much to do those things, sometimes I had to skip my meditation because I don't find it useful just to sit mindlessly. And there are days in between, mild struggle, but I'm cool with it. Guys, is that normal? What should I do or consider? Is this state of imbalance temporary or permanent? Or is it a theme of personal development? Was it the case all the time before and I wasn't mindful of it? I tried to let go and surrender my desire to control, didn't work out. Or I failed to let go. Love to all of you ?
  15. It's true what you said, I do many anti-meditative activities. I'll have to make sure I don't get caught up in those activities. Thank you ? I get what you're saying, the only way to improve is to work on my consciousness, not the other way around. Thank you ?
  16. Panic attacks during the day only occur when I think about no self and stuff (my bad I didn't mention that earlier). Other than that everything is quite normal, and I do exercise on a regular basis (60 to 75 mins a week), and everything is fine. During sleep, I don't know how to describe the attacks precisely, but I'm quite sure they're thought related. I still don't know what to do, but I'm considering seeing a doctor. Thanks, and have a good day.
  17. I also have many panic attacks almost every day, many times a day, during sleep too (the strongest and scariest panic attacks). I feel like I'm going to die, but my ego does not want to surrender because I fear death, because I still have some beliefs about death. Anyone familiar with my case?
  18. Good thing is that I expected such answer. No worries, I feel I'm getting closer every day. ? And ?
  19. I know, this can be tricky though. Because thinking that I'm that is irrelevant. What one must realise is that being is beyond thought. Thought is not needed for experiencing Truth. When you think you're aware, you lose awareness to thought. When you actually become aware of that then there is Truth. It's unthinkable. Again, it's very tricky, and I'm not a master there yet, I recently started to see that. @Nahm Am I correct?
  20. @Dodo I'm neither, because the answer is always just a thought and I'm not a thought. But it's a good step up from the unconscious thinking. You know who you are when you stop thinking, when that annoying inner voice shuts up.
  21. Finally some decent answer. So it all boils down to messing up with the ordinary experience, which is limited by itself to itself. Thank you ?
  22. @Space Thanks for the generous reply. What I wanted to know exactly is what do psychedelics do to the awareness to make you realise and understand more? What beliefs do they dissolve of the ordinary system of thinking? Why we can't comprehend things as much as we can on psychedelics? This kind of questions is what interests me. Thank you, really, though. ?