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Everything posted by Arcangelo

  1. Hi. I was a coffee drinker. I used to drink from 2 to 4 cups a day. Your intuition is right. Quitting coffee is a game changer. Say good bye to any anxiety you had. I replaced it with green and black Tea. Good stuff. Also good for the teeth (coffee stains them) It is good for nutrition and healthy eating habits. Coffee is always associated with cake, bread, cookies etc (all the bad stuff) I didn't quit completely. Now i am a social coffee drinker. I never drink coffee alone. I went from 14-28 cups a week to 1-2 cups a week. Quitting coffee = good idea
  2. Yeah that's why his name is kieRAN Hi I have to report that last sunday i ended up 5th place! at a MTB race I report this to inspire people: if i ended up 5th, someone reading this might go for that gold medal they are dreaming of or something.
  3. Yes you've joined a club. Welcome!
  4. Hi. Today i didn't train: 0h
  5. What's my diet? -rice, beans, onions, peppers, garlic, and eggs (free range OFC) for breakfast. With a cup of green tea. -porridge: bran rich whole oat meal with dried cranberries and a banana for brunch. -Here is when i fuck up: Salmon / pork chops with rice beans onions peppers and garlic, a slice of tomato and a quarter of an avocado for lunch. With a glass of coconut water. (Drop the pork chops i know) and prolly the salmon too right? -porridge again for the afternoon brunch or fruit salad. With a cup of green tea. -Again: Salmon / pork chops with rice beans onions peppers and garlic, a slice of tomato and a quarter of an avocado for supper. With a glass of coconut water -porridge / fruit salad for the after supper snack. With a cup of green tea. Actualizers please rate my diet, or should i start a thread of my own? Thanks Arc
  6. Go for it Gary! Something similar happened to my dad. He liked his sport so much (moto enduro) that he decided to be wealthy so he could always have the best bikes and the best gear. On Sunday i did a 37km MTB marathon at a place called Chachagua it went even better (2:20:00)
  7. Well thanks for asking. I guess i am blaming MTBing for me falling off the actualized wagon. But you are right is not the bike's fault is my fault. And yeah is a much better hobby than video games for example. All of my life i have wanted a moped. Now that there are E-bikes, I want an E-bike. Is a little bit like cheating but who cares, i think they are cool. Go for it Girzo!
  8. Hi. It went perfect. I finished 40 minutes after the 1st place. No salt pills, no need for that. 37 KM took me 2:40:00 Racing is mandatory for humans to evolve? Thanks for the replies and suggestions. What i end up doing was mixing 1L powder serum with 1L powder lemon gatorade. See you next race!
  9. Hi. I have been smoking weed for 23 years. I get triggered when someone says weed is not addictive. I will tell you what is not addictive LSD. I did a lot of tolerance breaks on 2017. By the end of 2017 my financial situ improved so i went back to smoking like an addict would. You can change your relationship with weed. Tell yourself you are responsible. Tell yourself that when you smoke again you will be super high. take T-breaks they are totally worth it: more money, get higher, more productivity. Right now i am on a 96 hour T-break today is day 3, i already feel smarter, i move faster, i think better and faster. Exercise everyday so you don't have to deal with insomnia. You can have the best of both worlds. What i kinda don't like is that i become more social, more like a ''normal'' person: I waste my time on facebook, and post stupid comments on forums like this. There are pros and cons to smoking and not smoking.
  10. Here at veganism is a cult and if you eat meat you are a monster. I eat meat every single day BTW. Is just the hypocrisy of green showing. Plants suffer too when you cut them and when you chew on them, you know?
  11. For me it was pure awareness (and weed) I started smoking at 14 by 15 i will smoke 1 cigarette every 2 weeks. By 16 i was smoking like every other day by 17 and 18 i was smoking on the daily. I started with weed when i was 16 by 18 i was puffing on the daily. By 18 i started going to college and one day after class i saw basically everyone smoking cigarettes. And that gave me the awareness that smoking didn't make me special (at all) so i stopped. And every time i wanted to smoke a cigarette i would smoked weed instead. That lead me to become one of the biggest potheads ever, until this day. You can try replacing it with candy that helped/worked for me too. The people you hang around is critical. I remember i stopped after my best friend stopped. But remember: there is no free will , so don't be too hard on yourself. Is not your fault, ''your mind is NOT your friend''
  12. Hi thread. Leo has a video about this: The trap of projection. After seeing it you will not give a fuck about him being veggie or not. Arc
  13. ''I know that marijuana isn't addictive'' > No, you don't. Weed is 100% super duper ultra mega addictive. I kicked alcoholism out of my life through weed though. And stopped smoking cigarettes by smoking joints instead.
  14. Hi my name is Arcangelo and I am an alcoholic. I'll be 7 years sober this december. With the exception of 2 relapses last year which really reminded me why i quit. Alcohol is very bad. Worst drug ever. Is like playing with matches at a gas station. Do not fuck with your life kid. ( I am assuming you are a kid) I started with a beer on social situations when i was underaged. (Just a little kid like you) It ended with me drinking 10 beers a day 6 days a week. I couldn't drink 7 days a week because of the accumulated weekly hangover. So for me it was seriously bad. I had a drinking problem. And yeah it ''helped'' being social, but i wasn't myself. I rather being an authentic anti-social, than a fake social butterfly. Arc
  15. Hi. To all of you that are taping your mouth to sleep: The other day I went to the otorinolaringologist and asked if it was cool if i taped my mouth to sleep. He said not to do it because if during the night you need to breath really deeply that can kind of choke you . I did it before asking to him. I report to you guys the same: it improves my sleeping. Now what i recommend you guys to do is : Do not tape your mouth completely, put the tape diagonally instead of horizontally. In that way you can breath through your mouth if you need to. Also use micro-pore tape. They sell it at the pharmacies.
  16. Guy is as tall as i am and has short hair. Not slim and not whitish though.
  17. Hi. I would like to share my premonitory dream experience in this sub-forum. It would be cool to hear similar stories, thoughts and opinions about these type of dreams. Whether you have had them or not. Thanks! I have had 4 premonitory dreams that I remember. One was about kissing a girl, the other 3 recently. I dreamed that my dog jumped the fence of my yard. What happened in reality is that my dog didn't jump. The gardener left it open, however it was the backyard and it was the other dog (I had 2 dogs). And the other I programmed it. After listening to Leo's paranormal video where I started to take these dreams seriously. Here is the story: There was a family reunion I was attending. So the night before I said to my self: -''I want to have a premonitory dream about tomorrow's family reunion''. What I dreamed was me lifting a baby. Turns out a cousin I didn't even know I had showed up with his brand new baby boy! In reality I didn't lift the baby because I was afraid of dropping it though. If I could go back to that moment I would have definitely lifted him because that action would have been a strong reinforcement to my psyche about these ''super powers''. Today's premonitory dream (reason why i made this thread): I really don't like talking about my ''mcdonald's'' job but here it goes: I dreamed that i was at the office just like any other day and the new guy (who was in another person's body) stood up and said -''Hey i just wanted to make the announcement that today is Arcangelo's last day''. (Like i was getting fired and i didn't even know!). And I am like: -''Oh shit, OK''. Dream ends. So today (in reality) i go to the office like any other day and i see that the boss is there when he is supposed to be at home. I say hi and go about my business. I sit right next to him and over hear a phone conversation about how the new guy is getting fired! In my dream the new guy was inhabiting another body. This is the description of the body he was inhabiting in the dream: Slim and as tall as i am. Short hair. Whitish. What i am expecting is that the replacement for the new guy is going to fill the description. Guess we can chalk it up as just a dream, cause people get fired all the time. But idk I might have this superpower. It is very difficult for me to believe that this superpower is real despite the evidence. Because that will force me to accept that time is not ''linear'' or whatever. In the back of my mind i ''know'' that the more i believe the more i will develop this superpower. Is like self healing gotta believe to see results. I will program a premonitory dream tonight about my weekend. Lottery #s maybe...
  18. Hi! Great thread thanks for creating it! But I didn't vote. I am 30% orange 55% green 15% yellow. I am a green person who tried to skip orange. (Can't skip stages though) I might be more yellow than what i give myself credit for. When i first heard of Spiral Dynamics for 2 seconds i thought i was turquoise.
  19. Mad Reespek for the ones doing it! I don't see myself doing it. Ever.
  20. For me is like drinking a ''light and clean'' redbull. It gives you an instant energy boost and it gives you ''extra'' awareness. IDK about the astral demons. But I have had premonitory dreams and seen UFO's so nothing sounds too crazy to me nowadays. #Radicalopenmindedness and #EFFsocialconditioning
  21. Okay. Urine drinker here. I drink my own urine in the afternoons. It gives an energy boost. Since it is supposed to heal everything i use it for everything. What i am trying to say is that i put intention to it. Social conditioning is crazy! Go talk about doing LSD all by yourself home alone, drinking your own pee, with your co-workers see what they say? In the mean time they will be drinking soda and watching game of thrones.
  22. Hi. MP, ME check. -It is time for me to give this basketball thing a break. -Page 44 so far.
  23. One word: Bicycle
  24. Hi. The way i see it with S.A. is that you stop competing against the other players, you are now competing with yourself, and with yourself only.
  25. Yes totally. Former skater here. If you can't skate everyday just forget about it. You will NEVER be a pro. You will never even be ''pretty decent''. Sorry if it is too harsh of an answer, not trying to be a downer. Is just how mastery works. Is not just 10000 hours is 10000 hours straight, when it comes to skateboarding.