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Everything posted by Arcangelo

  1. Wow, just WOW! I have seen videos of the feet kissing. It is OBVIOUSLY a cult. I just needed 15 seconds to figure it out. Leo has a video about cults. Maybe go check it out so you can get out? Arc
  2. Hi. The National MTB Marathon Championship is being held at Athens (not Greece), at a place called Long Savannah. I am riding my bike to Athens by the mountains (not taking the easy road) the day before the race: 40 Km to ''get my legs loosen up'' I am gonna do an exploration ride to Athens at least a month before the race. It is very important: I don't wanna be lost the day before the race. Registration and license can be acquired the day of the race, easy game. It's gonna be great!
  3. Haha thanks Nham! Melanie interaction: I went to my local grocery store and there she was: Arc: ''Do you just work here or you live near too?'' Mel: 'I live near too' Arc: ''I live near too by XX. My name is Arcangelo what's your name.'' Mel: 'Melanie' Arc: ''At what time you out?'' Mel: 'Today IDK' Arc: 'OK bye' Her body language told me she is interested. So with Melanie i can play some sort of slow game and build a rapport before asking her out. Like go to the store 5 more times to confirm there is sexual tension. Keylin interaction: Today at the bus station i was in line waiting for the bus. I was last and a girl kinda tried to cut me off because i was lagging on the line (walking slowly) but she didn't. I turned around: Arc: Hi Key: Hi Arc: 'Do you take this bus often?' Key: 'Kinda i take the earlier one' Arc: 'My name is Arc' Key: Keylin Arc: 'Like Keylor but with in.' That was bad. Key: 'Yeah' TBC
  4. Arc: Hi. Paula: ''Hi'' Arc: ''Do you have a bike?'' Paula: ''No'' Arc: ''I am crossing here because there is too much traffic ahead. I live close to XX. My name is Arcangelo nice to meet you. What's your name?'' Paula: ''Paula.'' Arc: ''Are you going to work?'' Paula: Yes Arc: Have you been working here for a long time? Paula: I work at XX? Funny how she didn't answer the Q -What time are you out? Paula: ''At 6'' Arc: Do you want me to come and meet you at that time so we can go get a cup of coffee at XX? Paula: ''No I am good.'' Arc: Ok. Bye ABC = Always Be Closing Feel free to leave any comments about these interactions. About what went wrong and what went right and how it could have gone better. There is a key to this lock (women ldo) i need to find it.
  5. She said: -''I am going to a concert on friday, i already bought the ticket'' I perceived this like: -''If i wasn't going to this concert i would definitely be going out with you.'' Haha! wrong. She told she was out of school at 8:30 and that the concert was at 9. It was a guatemalan rap concert (I am not in Guatemala, I am not from Guatemala) Arc: -''Cool I like rap a lot. Maybe i can meet you after the concert'' Silvia: ''The concert probably ends like at 12, but send me a message'' Arc: Ok. Bye No contact until the day of the concert. Bad move IMO. Think it would have been better to call her/text her either wednesday, thursday or both. Day of the concert ( by text): Arc: ''Hi.'' Arc: ''How are you? Where is the concert at?'' Sil: ''Hii'' (Yes double ii) Sil: ''Everything good'' Sil: ''At downtown St. Joseph'' Arc: ''Is it at XX?'' Ghosted for ever. Called her on Monday: Obv. Ghosted for ever. Weird. At 1 point She was attracted at the next she can't even talk to me. Since then. I have talked to Paula and Melanie Paula interaction: I was on my bike again and i crossed a peasant bridge. At the end i looked behind me and i saw her. TBC
  6. Hi. So i called Silvia, she was on her 15 minute break at her ''mcdonald's'' job. I told her to go out on friday. She said: -''I am going to a concert on friday, i already bought the ticket'' TBC
  7. ''Your focus determines your reality'' -Qui-Gon Jinn (Star Wars)
  8. ''We breath better, we think better.'' -Quote from the movie: American Snyper ''You can't pay anyone to do push ups for you'' -Anonymous 'Relax your jaw and eyes, and the rest of your body will follow'. -Mike Wood, national triathlon champion,
  9. Hi. I didn't reach Montserrat. I had mechanical problems. The chain was slipping out of the rear pinions, so i had to stop completely, hop off the bike and fix it. This dynamic happened 20 times. Enough times to say : -''Fuck this shit, i am making a u-turn and go home.'' I did 75 Km though. I bought some salt pills for this ride, I took 1 every hour. (You are supposed to take 2). I guess they made me urinate a little bit less (frequency wise). Nothing special for this weekend. But i am really excited about The Death Mountain-Little Grape beach ride. The minibus is leaving at 3:45AM from another city so i am riding to that city on March 16 and stay at a hostel. 4day-''solo'' bike trip. These are my solo meditation retreats. They are fun! After the ride everybody is going home in the minibus. I am staying 2 nights at little grape beach!
  10. When someone successful (meaning that they can materially provide everything for their potential-future-kids) doesn't want a family ( no marriage, no kids). Does that mean that this person has not fully integrated stage blue? Because stage blue is all about family right?
  11. You don't. You can only help yourself, It's a full time job.
  12. If you view everyone as your family i think you are a person that is close to being turquoise.
  13. ''I have these beliefs that you have to treat women like they are beneath you'' > I wish i had that belief. Because i believe they are above me. I put them in a pedestal.
  14. *bump* When someone successful (meaning that they can materially provide everything for their kids) doesn't want a family ( no marriage, no kids). Does that mean that this person has not fully assimilated stage blue? Because stage blue is all about family right?
  15. Hi Charlotte. I have been wanting to ask this question: When someone successful (meaning that they can materially provide everything for their kids) doesn't want a family ( no marriage, no kids). Does that mean that this person has not fully assimilated stage blue? Because stage blue is all about family right? Or it is just a sign of being smarter than average? Kids are too fucking expensive and way too time consuming. You need a million dollars (and to be retired/loads of free time) to raise a kid properly: Private school, karate classes, college etc.... And even if you do have that mill there are no guarantees that your partner will not leave you. The kid then will be raised in a divided/dysfunctional family. Personally i dislike kids. They are loud attention seekers. One day my dad told me: -''I don't miss Johnny.'' -''Who's Johnny'' I asked. -''The kid i never had. I don't miss him because i never had him'' When i was a teenager i thought having kids was important because: -''Who's gonna take care of me when i am old'' No guarantees for that either. I am stage orange. Basically money = happiness Kids = less money No thanks. Arc
  16. Hi thank you very much for the responses. ''Try ear protection and go to the areas in the club that are quiter'' >Been there done that. Not possible. But i like the outside suggestion. I will implement it. Some one told me: -''Never try pick up with girls that are working you will get mixed signals'' > I don't agree. Easy escape got it. ''How is your feeling towards women in general, like when you talk to them or afterwards?'' > I feel alright. I like talking to people (I live by ,myself so there are days that i don't speak to anyone). Afterwards i feel good because i had the balls to talk to them. Rejection is my best friend. So when i encounter rejection i embrace it, smile, and move on. ''Also try to find some other people not far from where you live with who you could do daygame together, it's immensely huge and this alone could (will) change completly your results and progress'' > Really? IDK i am kind of a lone wolf. Not saying i am yellow. Only saying i am an orange lone wolf. I know i need friends but that's for another thread. Plus with pick up i might score a girl and a friend. Sorry if the word score offends anyone ''I would not throw away that fast online (tinder or other) if I was you''> You are right it can't hurt to spend 15 minutes a day swiping left and right. How did your other interactions went on the other days/nights? Today i didn't talk to anyone. Just said: -''Thanks'' to the cashier at the supermarket. But yesterday i was on riding my bike and saw a girl and she looked at me and smile. I rode 300 mts and decided to go back and talk to her: Me: ''Hi i saw you walking and i think you are beautiful and i wanted to come here and ask for you phone number so we can go out'' She: ''OK'' I pulled out my cel and give it to her so she could type her digits in my phone. Me: ''Can we go out tomorrow?'' She: ''Bla bla bla'' (excuse) Me: ''Ah OK.'' She: ''But send me a message.'' Me: ''OK Bye.'' After that i opened my arms to hint her that i was going to hug her good bye. We hugged and i kissed her in the cheek. And that was it. I haven't called her yet. Calling her tomorrow for sure. She said she was busy today anyway. Arc
  17. ''Usually is easier for an Aries to be one, but others are not excluded. '' LOL OMG
  18. Go for more of it Coco! Hi. Last sunday i went to a place called Tapirs Mountain. It took me 6 hours to get to the Wildlife Refuge. Had lunch there and went for a 3 hour hike. I was very smart with my energy on this trip. Basically i didn't burn any of my ''matches''. I stayed the night. It was very cold at night. At lunch everyone just took for granted that i was going to see the Tapirs at night: -''Oh you are so lucky, you are gonna see the tapirs tonight.'' But i didn't see any big mammals. Most people just do the hike and leave. I got a little bit anxious when they told me: -''If there are big mammals it means there are predators for those mammals.'' also when they told me: -''We had a full grown Labrador retriever that got eaten by one of these predators.'' (felines). On Sunday i am going to a place called Montserrat (90 KM) No felines there, but you never know...
  19. Hi I am Arcangelo, Lord and Master of The Downhill. I bought a brand new trek xcaliber 8. I raced it at a place called green tree. It was a 30 KM marathon. I suffered a puncture on my rear tire at the begining of the race. I replaced the tube but there was something in the rim and it punctured the new tube. So i decided to race with a flat tire. Everybody was offering help: -''Hey i got some patches'' or -''Hey i got a tube you can use'' I decline those offers of help because the tire is/was very, VERY fucking difficult to get out and put on. Prolly because it is/was new. My decision of racing with a rear puncture was a bad one because i damaged the rim a little bit. On February 3rd I made a 4 day MTbiking tour. Took a bus with a bunch of riders to go near a biological reserve, we biked to the reserve crossed it and get out at the other end of it. The bus was waiting for the guys to go home. Me instead picked up my bags and went back to the reserve and crossed it all by myself. The night catch up on me in the middle of the reserve. The reserve has feline predators and it is infested with snakes. I was (very) scared. Long story short: I rode 15 hours the first day I had a couple of more-than-one-hour stops but still. When the night catched up on me, my mind started playing tricks on me. My mind was telling me: -''Hey you know what?: we are lost and we have to go back some kilometers to get a sense of where we are and resume.'' When those thoughts arised i had to kill them singing: -'' I am going to my hotel'' I underrated the distance and overrated my skills. It won't happen again. I was humbled by this experience. 2nd day i rode 3 hours to a nice beach hotel. 3rd day i rode 3 hours to a beach nearby to buy the bus ticket 4th day i rode 2 hours No mechanicals i love my bike! Overall it was great! On april 14th i am doing the same tour all over again. This time i will ride less the first day. My mistake was that i wanted to finish the ride with everyone instead of making a U turn as soon as i crossed the reserve. Also I am doing a bike tour on march 17th this time we start from a place called The Death Mountain and finish at Little Grape Beach (70KM) And finally on july 14th i will be racing at the National MTB Marathon Championship being held at place called Athens (not Greece). It's gonna be great!
  20. For me white bread is not good.
  21. Sounds like a troll post to attract vegans?
  22. Hi. I was a coffee drinker. I used to drink from 2 to 4 cups a day. Your intuition is right. Quitting coffee is a game changer. Say good bye to any anxiety you had. I replaced it with green and black Tea. Good stuff. Also good for the teeth (coffee stains them) It is good for nutrition and healthy eating habits. Coffee is always associated with cake, bread, cookies etc (all the bad stuff) I didn't quit completely. Now i am a social coffee drinker. I never drink coffee alone. I went from 14-28 cups a week to 1-2 cups a week. Quitting coffee = good idea
  23. Yeah that's why his name is kieRAN Hi I have to report that last sunday i ended up 5th place! at a MTB race I report this to inspire people: if i ended up 5th, someone reading this might go for that gold medal they are dreaming of or something.