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Everything posted by Arcangelo

  1. He has a good heart. For sure we need/can use a lot of that nowadays in politics.
  2. You know? After listening to his rant again. He doesn't sound crazy at all. He is just excited, thinking a mile a minute. I endorse Kanye 2024 Arc
  3. I am no psychiatrist but I think Kanye is mentally ill.
  4. Hi about 6 weeks ago I got hired back at my McD's job. Here is the thing: I have a chance to formally sit with my eyes closed, my back straight and meditate in between times that the customers are not asking for burgers. I want to ask the meditators in here if this meditation is ''valid'' from you POV It definitely feels like I am meditating. But sometimes it just feels like I am resting my eyes and kinda sleeping. As soon as a new customer asks for another burger my meditation is put on pause or terminated or interrupted. The meditations can last up to 15 minutes but they are usually like 5-7 minutes long in average. It's definitely better than nothing right? I even do the whole concentration technique counting my breaths with my fingers doing the Buddha thing and all. What do you guys think? Is it valid?
  5. I want us to have a protocol for trolls Say I identify a troll. What should I do?
  6. As long as they don't ban you @Preety_India I am alright Arc
  7. ^Here it is: you reek of ignorance, I’m talking about direct experience, taking full responsibility for sickness, what it is that contributes to disease. Viruses and bacteria aren’t to blame for our energy blockages, negative energy, acidic cell destroying diets/deities. There’s no separation, bacteria and viruses are friends or signs of needed cellular detoxification. The Covid tests are bogus as they reveal nothing, people are scared/ignorant, full of shit and looking to blame and treat the symptoms of a compromised immune system. The energies are shifting on the planet and we are being held more accountable for our health, most doctors are stupid indoctrinated fools and the media is just spreading fear, but for what purpose? I’ve moved beyond survival, this is my thriving state of being as a multidimensional spiritual being, not compromised by fear relating to densities and fully aware of the self sustaining vessel I continuously learn from, grow and develop
  8. link to the post that got him banned please
  9. ^This is your problem right here. YOU. CAN NOT. CHANGE. ANYONE. It is a full time job to change yourself.
  10. I went through what he went, and yeah it was disturbing
  11. Welcome to self actualization! You gain awareness and recognize you have been in a toxic friendship for years. When there is a doubt there is no doubt
  12. IDK James... I have done psychedelics, shrooms included. IME it is not possible to get hooked on them because of the built tolerance.
  13. @Preety_India Thank you! I think I am kinda doing that already to some degree. Cool! Will do.
  14. I bet there are tens of thousands of persons living like me. For example an uber driver who meditates while the light goes green, a doctor who meditates in between patients etc. It is like a lifestyle. Do you live like that?
  15. That's called Tilt in poker lingo. Take a break a long one. If you don't, you will end up absolutely hating that game of skill that you love.
  16. I don't meditate too much. I meditate twice a month in average. Meditation is great IDK why I haven't been able to make it a habit. What I have been able to realize during meditation is that Nothingness = Infinity or something like that. Why guided meditation? The only times I have done guided meditation was a healing guided meditation after surgery. My thoughts about your experience is that you were experiencing some sort of Siddhi
  17. From my own experience Leo's system works, but it is tough man. There are no shortcuts, or hacks. Whatever you do (to deal with your cravings) it will be uncomfortable. Don't try to distract yourself. Try to focus as hard and as long as you can on the craving. Then watch it lose it's intensity to finally disappear. Now a days M&M's and Oreos are my biggest enemies.
  18. According to Leo, you watch the craving come and go. Instead of acting on the craving. Craving shows up you act on it consuming those forbidden foods . Instead: Craving shows up, you say hi to the craving and you try to feel the craving with every cell of your body, and you try to stay there. It is impossible, the craving will eventually leave, and you are left with a feeling of victory. Arc
  19. ^You can't get addicted to psychedelics.
  20. My drinking buddies are all gone. Less is more when it comes to friendships.
  21. Yeah me. Almost 9 years.