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Everything posted by Omario

  1. hey, what are some good books on the ego, i want a book that talks about how do you begin to numb down your ego.
  2. @Brittany @MikeB @gilded_honour @RabbitHole i think leo does an amazing job on his channel really, no need for any books on nonduality when i have leo explaining it perfectly.
  3. @Leo Gura what about rogan? i heard you say in one of your videos that you consider him pretty yellow, i think elon is much more of a systematic thinker than rogan is...
  4. @Leo Gura haha spot on
  5. hey what are things i could be doing right now to eliminate my ego?
  6. So much of my question is already in the title. I'm 16, i've never been in a meaningful or real relationship. That makes me an angry little sad blue balled boi. You had a similar situation to mine, I heard through your videos,but you have significantly improved that area of your life. If you don't mind telling me and the bunch who are reading this how you approached handling this part of your life. How did you emotionally Handle the lack of results (if there was a lack). What are some books you read to help you navigate through your journey with the opposite sex.
  7. yes, but focus on it and do as it tells you, take it with a seriousness that you have never experienced before
  8. @aurum hows your situation with the opposite sex, and what do you feel you can improve in.
  9. practice self acceptance and really, these low self esteem problems come from having too much ego, you must learn to let go of your self image, i know it sounds airy fairy, but really there is no other way around it. your problem is not your self esteem, it's your ego. You mustn't be confused with the term egotistic as having too much self esteem, in fact these people have less of an ego than you do. See what the ego does is that it always searches for an identity and once it has fallen into the trap of trying to identify whether it is worthy or not, it will always find evidence to prove its worthlessness. Escape your ego learn to dissolve it, through meditation, understanding and acceptance. You won't even be surprised once you all of a sudden have high self esteem, once you have tuned out the ego. I sincerely hope you read this and understand its importance Omario
  10. do you know any forums that are good for getting better with girls? tell me thenkx
  11. @outlandishthanks for the advice on acid, but i actually do alot of drugs already. not in a dull way where i sit around with a bunch of friends and talk about boobs while smoking a joint. I do it with the intent of gaining insights, alone at home where i'm undisturbed for a day or two( usually when parents are out of town).
  12. So yeah i have dated, but in the pussy type of way, where i don't do shit, and the girl ends up leaving me. never kissed a girl, the idea of having a relationship,sex,intimacy seems like something out of a fairy tale for me. Also I am very neurotic, I'm somewhat of an extrovert, and i can be a leader, but I'm just such a pussy when it comes to girls, 2 girls have openly liked me this year, we would hang out, talk on the phone but thats about it, and they would always hint that they liked me... but i just don't do shit, I'm super scared to confront them about it, I'm watching friends lose their virginity, and being intimate with girls. And me Im stuck here with my dick in my hand. What can i do to change that, i want to date, have sex, be with girls, but at the same time im not doing the steps to get me there. Tell me what i gotta do as a 16 year old to go out there and be involved with the opposite SEX. (getting puss)
  13. @supremeyingyang a forum with dudes that are trying to improve their game.
  14. @outlandish exactly the awkwardness doesn't go away but you react to it changes, you begin to face it. instead of fear it. enjoy it instead if hate it.
  15. @outlandish your insight has now become mine. thanks guru
  16. @Truth and how did you go about doing that.
  17. you also mentioned that you went to L A to do this 30 day cold approach thing
  18. @SBB4746Books can contain knowledge that is truth, certain books not all, and the probability that you will find this truth on your own is very low. Thus some truths are taught and not self discovered and you must be a student in order to learn them. The book is your teacher and you,the reader,are the student. So the more you read, the more you grasp the truth. not books like harry potter or someshit, but books leo recommends
  19. @Space make sure you have a nice physique as well.
  20. @Truth what did you find to be the hardest thing to improve in out of the list you gave me.
  21. @outlandish how old are you now and, whats your situation with the opposite sex, how did you start to break out this "shyness" that you had.
  22. Hi I'm a teenager. In my early years. (6-10) all the girls had crushes on me in my class. I was confident, assertive, playful, adventurous etc... unlike the other boys in my class. But due to my oversensitivity which derived from constant early childhood abuse, i always cared what people thought of me. Suddenly the one girl i actually admired stared to pick-out all the tiniest details in me and make fun of them. This drove me mad. I became hyper self-conscious around her judging myself before she would and eventually i became like that around all girls, and now to the same sex as well. What do i do? I cant have conversations with a girl without feeling like Im weird or not good enough. When i do have a conversation im always pleasing the girl. And its so weird now since i have seen dozens of videos on the internet about this stuff and this has only made me more self conscious since i now have a bunch of rules telling me how not to behave. How do i go about becoming a complete player. and taking back my confidence and adventuresome personality.
  23. Hello aliens I recently finished, Nathaniel Branden's six pillars of self esteem, he talks about how some people go on a journey to dissolve their ego but that its the ego in a healthy sense is exactly what they failed to attain, meaning that these people fail at developing a healthy ego so they try to remove it. This idea got me thinking and poses a few question : what even is a healthy ego? is there a thing of such? if there is, why is renouncing it considered the alternative to failure of acquiring it? How do i go about developing a healthy ego or should i not bother and just stick to removing mine? Please share your thoughts with me, i need a little help on this one.
  24. Hey. a fair percentage of the world is categorized as neurotic, i happen to as many others fall into that category. So now there is a problem, and to every problem there is a solution. What are your remedies for curing a neurotic psyche. Are there any specific exercises? Books?