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Posts posted by expeditus

  1. Attachments lead to suffering and i realize that we need to find the reasons why we attach ourselves to things but are we really sure that we attach ourselves ONLY to things? My theory is we attach ourselves its because it is our way of coping maybe we are conscious of this attachments? Such as our partners or unconscious of it that its an attachment such as porn, masturbation or maybe we are conscious of it but we deny it or we make excuses for it. For example are you really sure that its your genes that dictate why you cant lose weight? Or is it because you are attaching yourself to the fat inside the body? Its just hard to find the reason why? Im happy because i have learned a lot of things and i can already feel a sense of being in the NOW im still learning and working and if the best attachment is developing yourself i am really happy to cling to it....

  2. in our relationship i always knew that love is when you try to hold on to things even if its toxic. My boyfriend and i are 1 year and month already. but i do feel like sometimes i want to break up with him we had a lot of fights and he always say that he will leave me and i will always chase him. but now i feel like i want to let him go because i want to focus on myself and actualizing but i am afraid that i am unable to find someone like him. Im not uncertain i know what to do its just that i am afraid. and i feel a little disgust for myself because i still have infatuations with other guys. but i do love my partner the question is? is breaking up the best decision? i mean he cant take it anymore i can see it in him. i am depressive but because of actualizing im becoming more addicted to it and i cant put focus on our relationship

  3. 1 hour ago, The black sheep said:

    So first of all, now I am sure that you’ve never tried to meditate or have done it in the past, but wrong. Second, you can use everything to meditate as long as your a 100% in the now. You can walk and meditate, work and meditate but these are on a higher level (easy to get if your dedicated.) but first you need to start to meditate on something that is a part of your vehicle, your body. You can’t be a 100% focused on the sound and you can’t become the sound itself yet if you haven’t been getting to know what your lifelong vehicle actually (“actualized”) is. Like, get to know your body first by focusing on your breathing which is something that is (a part of)you and it’s a movement of energy through your body that only gets to a stop when you die. Even when the rest of your body is completely still while sleeping, the only thing that is going on is the breathing. Now, you’ve realized what your breathing actually (“actualized”)  is. Meditate on your beathing first, watch it carefully and be patient. A tree doesn’t grow in a day. Learn to be aware of something without getting distracted. Once you’ve decided to take this path seriously... then you will meet god. Gods God, by the way, this is not meant religous at all. 


    Well, enough said.


    Thank You So much!! 

  4. I remembered this video leo had made about dysfunctional relationships go ahead and check it out maybe it can help. As for fights and arguments you have to remember that since your actualizing you must make your armor and swords cause these happens in every relationship. The relationship is not complete without fights or arguments. But do remember how will you accept what your partner says when your having arguments in that way you may choose to think for a sec before you react..

  5. Thank You so much for your help actually im using my phone in watching leo i can understand what he is saying but my problem is really focusing to him thats why i prefer videos anyways these insights will help me lastly can i use the metronome to focus on instead of my breathing? Or is the breathing necessary to be used?

  6. hi everyone, i have this problem that whenever i watch leo's videos Im having a hard time focusing and i cant sometimes absorb what he is saying and my mind is flying elsewhere and its MindFUll I having a hard time focusing does leo have any video about concentration? and can u give me an advice for this concern i hope you can help me thank you. Do You think its my ego? I am willing to actualize its just that this problem is really on the Way. 

  7. Hi everyone I am a newbie here amd im really glad that i was able to join i would just like to ask im very interested with self actualization i usually watch these videos and this is where I get an advise but Where should i really start with myself actualization? Is there somthing that i can follow or what is the first video that i have to watch? 

  8. Hi good day to you i am a new member of actualized.org 

    But for someone like me i wamt to do things on my own. But i do need help I have a boyfriend and my boyfriend helps me a lot with my depression. No its not clinical. I do get sad sometimes i can still remember the person who i had loved so much back then and now that i have the person who loves me still its hard for me to get over what had happened and since that started i felt this depression...

    Im sad cause i dont want to hurt anyone and my bf gets hurt when he hears the reason why i am depressed he feels like he is a rebound but no..i always tell him that i love him and i know in my heart that i do...But i am thinking..

    Should i let him go? We have a lot of fights I had a lot of PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME and i feel like i am always chasing and it is tiring but i know that it is my fault and i feel guilty about it but i love him and i cant let him go...

    Another is that...i became SO sensitive like i get hurt so easily...with just a single blow...i feel like im so weak and vulnerable...that i just want to isolate myself and detach myself and actaulize and comeback after im ok...

    But i know that wont happen with my schedule as a student

    Can anyone help me pls..i know that its our head the..mindsets that we have that makes us feel these emotions...but my problem is...my mind works everyday and i cant stop my emotions and i cant stop my thinking process...and i dont want to find anyone or anything to make me happy i want to find it within me...i know..its in me...i want to be free and be happy and i know im 100 percent responsible for my actions...i know i can do this

    Any advice you can give? Thank you...its the new year...and im now ready to make some changes...and i really want these changes to take effect...


    Thank You so much to all of those who are willing to help

  9. 4 hours ago, Cjaryo said:

    @Ocean I disagree with some of your examples, but I believe that you are essentially correct.

    The way I see it is that some things (20%) produce a high yield of results (80%), and we should thus focus on those activities so we can greatly change our lives with relatively low amounts of effort, and a relatively high amount of rewards.

    Wow the simplest explanation that i just needed thank you so much