The black sheep

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About The black sheep

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    The Netherlands
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  1. PLEASE !!! Read this! So as I am just becoming conscious of myself because of my own shrooms I wanted to contact leo and ask if he already was enlightened... and look what i bumped into... there is no coincidence when your eyes are open. Everything is connected and has a reason. Psychedelics and meditation are the answer. it transforms the “ ? “ to “ ! “ . I myself right now have used my own grown mushrooms. All I see is an infinite ocean of love. Non-duality. Right now I have become CONSCIOUS of the universe, of myself. What I also have noticed is that the feeling of mushrooms is very similar to dmt. Even the taste and movement in my mouth. What I am trying to say is that they have something in common these “psychedelics” . There is a reason it is illegal... they don’t want you to realize what you are.
  2. So first of all, now I am sure that you’ve never tried to meditate or have done it in the past, but wrong. Second, you can use everything to meditate as long as your a 100% in the now. You can walk and meditate, work and meditate but these are on a higher level (easy to get if your dedicated.) but first you need to start to meditate on something that is a part of your vehicle, your body. You can’t be a 100% focused on the sound and you can’t become the sound itself yet if you haven’t been getting to know what your lifelong vehicle actually (“actualized”) is. Like, get to know your body first by focusing on your breathing which is something that is (a part of)you and it’s a movement of energy through your body that only gets to a stop when you die. Even when the rest of your body is completely still while sleeping, the only thing that is going on is the breathing. Now, you’ve realized what your breathing actually (“actualized”) is. Meditate on your beathing first, watch it carefully and be patient. A tree doesn’t grow in a day. Learn to be aware of something without getting distracted. Once you’ve decided to take this path seriously... then you will meet god. Gods God, by the way, this is not meant religous at all. Well, enough said. Goodluck.
  3. The second word is your issue. You think too much. It’s simply just the ego being lost and you identify yourself with the ego. Don’t forget that you are not the chattering mind, not at all. Right now you are a puppet of the mind and all of its random and consuming thoughts. Like your whole life morfs from thoughts and if you have no control over those thoughts you’re lost. The mind/ego Feeds on the past and future and starves in the present moment and eventually dissolves after a while. Pay attention to this: when you are thinking about having to work for many years, when does this thinking happen? In the present moment. So whenever you think of the past or future you are doing it in the now, the present moment but the funny thing is that you are not present. If you are present there are no thoughts, there are no confusions, there are no bad vibrations. Also, life is full of opportunities, most of the sheeps miss those opportunities because they are not aware of them being right in front of them. They are stuck in their unconscious way of thinking and dwelling in the past or future. Conclusion: meditate, meditate every day. After a while you will be present and eventually your chakras will open and then watch your life transform enormously. Just by simply meditating. Goodluck and I wish you the very best.
  4. @expeditus the issue is obviously very simple. Your mind is out of control. The one and only way to fix this is to meditate. While meditating be aware of everything and especially thoughts coming in, each time a thought invades your focus/concentration you simply switch back to paying attention to your breathtaking. And this might happen many times while meditating but that is the whole practice, to win from the ego. And I promise you after a week of daily meditation you won’t or have just 2-4 thoughts coming up during a whole session. After a month try to watch his video’s and see what magic happens. After the exercise above, I recommend this method to perfectionize your ability of focus through sound. Meditate and be aware of everything that you hear, everything. This will train your sense of hearing which in my opinion is what you need. goodluck and have a nice day
  5. Well today is my last day at my job and then I’m off for 9 days. I will experiment with my Kundalini and psychedelics. If you people had an idea of what this makes you capable of... love to all souls.
  6. @kieranperez you are in war with the “Ego”, your ego just is too strong. You are currently in a mental prison with sand reaching up to your waist. there are two keys, one is in ego’s pocket and one is somewhere in that prison underneath the sand. You have to dig deeper, you are spiritual as I can read from your text. What I am about to say is only of use if you have been spiritual without obstacles and suddenly all this that you have been talking about, happened. If so, you’ve made a sudden turn somewhere and dropped your key. Try to recall where this movement happened. Where in your life did something happen which started this chainreaction of obstacles? If you can’t find the problem, you can’t find the answer. Here are a few things things that might be the case. DO NOT underestimate this.: • Food: do you eat healthy? - If not, for gods sake start eating healthy, you have no idea what these hungry societies feed you to fill their plates. • do you use drugs? - If so, now I won’t say quit obviously because we all know that dark side or at least I do. Well, I’m not sure if I am allowed to say this on the forums but I will indirectly. Visit shaman(s) in Peru, and let them guide you through All your obstacles and problems even those that block you from being free which are long-forgotten. • who do you hang out with? - Negative people? There is your problem and difficult or not you have to be brave to choose the right environment. Even though you choose not to listen to them, there is a part of our brain that reflects our environment through ourselves. For example, when you’ve a new friend for a while and he has a word that he always uses and when he is or is not around, you notice yourself using that exact same word suddenly. ”one bad apple spoils the whole barrel” • even though you meditate, do you have time alone? At home or do you visit a park sometimes? Or do you always have atleast one person around you at home? This might be your problem. It is so important to be alone sometimes. Especially in nature, go out on your bare feet and ground yourself. “Don’t look at the park but SEE the park.” “Don’t focus on your breath but BE your breath” • are you pursuing a succesful business life? Or just trying to earn a bit more? Are you in love with someone? Are you chasing something else aside your spiritual path? -If this is the case, then I have to tell you something you don’t..., excuse me, your EGO doesn’t like. Listen carefully! You need to focus on your meditation first. Drop everything else just for now. Because in this state of mentality you are not strong enough to achieve multiple goals at once. First set your spiritual path as your main priority and fix everything about your self. Find the ego’s weak spot and break through it. When you have mastered your self and by yourself I mean mind, spirit, soul. Watch the watcher as “Eckhart Tolle” said. After this you can focus on the next big priority and so on. And I promise you that you WILL get better results. If you have money, travel to spiritual places or to places where guru’s are or atleast alot of people that are spiritual and are well acknowledged to serve you and believe me they would LOVE to help you, I do aswel due to the fact that im typing for a moment now. Now, I could go on for hours like this but I think I’ve made my point and if I haven’t I’d be glad to inform you more. Just ask me a specific question. I don’t promise the answer but I promise progress. By the way, by I, I mean the soul. Universal Love and wish you the best with your Ego.