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Everything posted by NoSelfSelf

  1. I was on one speedreading workshop, what they made us do is to look in the middle of the 2 pages and then with corner of your eyes you glanse the pages it will be blury ofc, then you turn pages for example 20 pages fast.(this is for like your subconcious taking in the information when you read those pages it will be like you read it somewhere). Then you go back and there is another technique called snake, you go with finger in snake like movement towards the bottom of the page seeing the key words and getting the point of the paragraph, key words are enough to give you sense of whats going on...
  2. Yes i know it, its because you dont have game (not being connected to yourself).. Thats one of the reasons i started to learn it, so im myself no matter the situation im in...
  3. @Razard86 If you dont see that its lying to you all the time then you are in mind prison. It has capacity for truth thats when it gains your trust so it can lie to you You cant train something that you have trust in, or you realized at one point it lies to you all the time with truth here and there then now you can train it...
  4. Gratitude,belief in yourself,seeing that you are imprisoning yourself actually senting message to stop you ,shadow integration,not believing and trusting your mind since its lying to you all the time, self trust vs cult mentality etc.
  5. First i need to read the book to know exactly what its about, but i can tell you only way to be completely honest is stand behind your words and your actions,so for example you decide you will never in your life smoke ciggaret again, now whatever feeling and mind chatter happens you will stand behind ill never smoke ciggaret again so its your creation+standing on it..
  6. @Spiral Game is you what are you talking about ?
  7. @Reignforest How are you connected with your mindset when you want to be understood doesnt work like that... Nice how you built things around the house you should built the experiences with her then her emotions will be satisfied so she will probably want to be curious about what you doing...
  8. @Reignforest What defensive ? Being a man is connection of your own mindset with your behaviour... Not outside mindset with your feelings then behaviour which is cause of all this problems...
  9. She doesnt respect you, see you as weak you are not in your masculine and that makes her feel unsafe and bitchy, if you are strong she would be the opposite... One woman can be a complete sweetheart to one guy and totally bitchy towards another ,its all from perception of who you present yourself as and how you are around her... Since you are from single mother and didnt have a fatherfigure then you screwed... This is repeated so much If you are a man she will respect you. Also she will try to push your buttons and see what she can get with ,so if she starts some fight and you tolerate it thats what you going to have. Guys have so much tolerance from women you should have zero tolerance for any bs...!
  10. @ivankiss @ivankiss @ivankiss @ivankiss Thank you for making me realized even more that im blessed have a nice day ?
  11. @ivankiss Do tell me where did you see im butthurt about the opposite sex im all ears :)... Well im not forcing anyone to like me if someone wants to avoid me please do... Bent how i dont understand? It looks like you dont have a clear structure and communication to tell here how it is and how its going to be ,since you terrified of losing her... There is no arguments when you are clear with your intentions,thats like going to a restaurant and telling them that you want pizza and they serve burgers, nah they wont compromise to sell you Pizza its clear that its a Burger place...
  12. @ivankiss Someone who needs a woman will take the disrespect,look to be liked and loved by her,be terrified of losing her,shifting his identity based on how she feels about you. Someone who wants a woman will cut her off when she disrespects,will love himself above everything and be in a position to give,wont lose himself,stay behind who he is no matter what she does... Thats the bottom line here...
  13. Now i understand where wise people come from ? this makes no sense somehow (copy/paste)...
  14. 1.Title is a complete fail 2.Being hyper independent and not negotiating less than you decide that your value and standard is,is not being fucked its the opposite... 3.Cant be lonely when you are good with yourself
  15. You first need to learn what game is otherwise it doesnt matter what place you are in ,it will be the same...
  16. @Vrubel No i would call that a desperation
  17. @Vrubel Its a must to demand respect but if its not returned you just walk away you dont sit around feeling bad about it. What i get from you is that you say one thing and do the other without realizing probably you are senting those signals to her too.. Because you said those are elaborate games and then you want to be controling with her :to respond fast, for her to be direct ,while your only job is to be impactful and give her free will to be what she wants to be... You are again manipulating her because when you make moves then you only asses if shes the one, if not you just let her go, you are not taking any "shit" its also not seeing you are the problem, if she had an amazing time she would call you but since you are like every other guy then she goes for someone else, thinking this one will be different ?
  18. @Vrubel But you are paying because you want to pay doesnt matter what she says or does next, thats the Game you making moves but her responses to your moves dont make you feel any kind of way ,because you are not attaching emotion and yourself to what she does,if you do then you making moves to get something out of her, if she acts disrespectful you feel bad about doing your previous moves its because it didnt go how you wanted... I would respond depending of what i want with her, if i want casual thing then i would communicate that on first date and even push her to the other guy because im telling her she can have free will with me(also how game works in this)...but if i want something more serious with her then i would do what you did ,tell her im not interested if i didnt want something serious i would say something like:: hey i want you and Johan to really have a nice time together i want you to find the one for you because i love seeing that smile on you that you showed me across the table (or something) you lets hop on videocall before the meet so i pick dress for you i know what guys like You think you cant win and guys are a threat, but someone with game doesnt care and will show her how different he is from other guys ,that he will even push her to other guys so she sees the difference but okay thats advance stuff... If you buy dinner to have sex you manipulating btw...
  19. You are manipulating with paying for dates thats why you felt bad,disrespect can come from many different places and why do you care how she responds, you are in your feminine could be that...
  20. Shit test worked so perfectly that she made a camp inside your mind,bbq some nice stake with butter and bacon stripes watching you exposing yourself love it! Love when women do this masterfully what a perfection ?
  21. How can you say that we lame and then say that they are the beautiful gift of this world cmon dude ?
  22. @itsadistraction Im not putting you down its automatic with the mindset you hold,no no you are making it about the sex thats why you manipulate thats why you have no game nobody worth anything would make things about sex and not even tell her that you want sex but to lie and manipulate her with your tactics instead stand behind who you are. You would do anything for sex and give a middle finger to yourself over some woman what a shame.. Im not rewatching any pick up bs because they go for whats behind her legs, someone with game goes whats between her ears, like they say...