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Everything posted by NoSelfSelf

  1. @Schizophonia when you have game you dont care about what she does, the way she left an impact on you you will leave on her would want her to find somebody else because it will lead her right back to you becuase there is nobody like you, but now you dont see your value and you dont know yourself,didnt create anything for yourself leaving you hopeless...
  2. @Schizophonia Being alone and contemplate is fine, but contemplate about yourself so you dont make game about sex but yourself ,you can only move up from here 🎢🎢🎢
  3. Thanks for your honesty 🙏 Looks like you will go far 👏
  4. You sound same as Tyler is this real 😆 Nice!
  5. @danniel When you really want to do it then you will keep focus only on the thing you need to be doing ,your mind is swaying you from doing it mixing thoughts of something else with that thing... For example i want to do something then if that thought is mixed with doubt or something else, then you have conflict inside yourself everything in you needs to be pushing in one direction... Its like rowing you cant have somebody rowing in different direction everything needs to be aligned for a purpose of rowing...
  6. Because you dont want to do it,so there is a conflict between i should be doing it vs i dont want to do it, so you jump in your mind beteween those two ..
  7. @Sabth Yeah it will probably take you few years to start making 10k a month business is tough doesnt come fast... Let me know if you can make it fast ill be all ears...
  8. Thats like asking how can i self actualize in 2 months, im curious too like why would i waste time to learn skills and build myself when i can do it all in 2 months...
  9. @The0Self Yeah i get it im just talking with you randomly maybe some insights pop up cheers! 🍺
  10. @The0Self That's why i dont like puas in general looking to understand women and see what it works to get resaults so if sleeping with other guys will make your resaults skyrocket to the moon you telling me you would do it 😅 While game is about understanding yourself and no matter of resaults you stand on your manhood from that resaults come or not,who cares since most important thing is to worship yourself and keep your own integrity...
  11. @The0Self Now im reading it like its good but then i saw he recommends asian guys to get buffed to be seen like protectors like 😂 They all teach game 50% good 50% garbage that has nothing to do with it
  12. @The0Self How mystery knows whats up when he is similar to RSD?
  13. I dont know how you interpit this? thing sounds like you meant control like her dad who knows 🤷‍♂️ Nobody worth something goes approaching for sex like if you saw Brad pitt or James bond in movies hey im James bond lets fuck 😂 Cool 90% have no game
  14. @Kalki Avatar Investing in yourself makes you worse doesnt make sense 😅
  15. @Butters You are projecting i dont want to get entangled in womens emotions that would be a losing game since she is better at emotions than me,respecting only if she deserves it like i said not disrespecting since not caring is involved...
  16. @Butters Im not lost in anything,yeah you have no bullshit attitude willing to lose her in any moment without blinking...
  17. @Butters That's what you do not caring to care thats manipulation.. Taking care of her on steroids(like a biggest simp😂)when she shows she is worthy yes...
  18. @Butters Women can see what you are doing from miles away, they have decade experience so you need to stand on who you are no matter the woman you do what you would do if shes not there,yeah its narcissistic but minus self sabotage,control,insecurity they show and women will always benefit 1000 more from a self centered guy than someone who cares about her dont tell her that its a secret 🤫...
  19. @Butters Then you are not an asshole that women love but hate they love ,you are good guy that uses asshole traits to make things go smoother...
  20. Asshole is someone who doesnt care about a woman ,only if she does something that he likes, so he will automatically reject her misbehaviour and everything he doesnt like,since its not serving him,meanwhile adding value from everything that he is,he doesnt need her,that's why you cant be an asshole you care about a woman,want for her to like you,worshiping her looks and all other bs so you will act in all ways unattractive...
  21. Problem with all this is you making game about women, you are listening to the people who dont know anything about how it works, they put high value for a woman,become alfa for a woman,be this for a woman etc. While game puts everything on a man you were reading wrong literature,i was stuck in all that bs for years until i found real game and let me tell you, its transforming me from the inside in a ways i cant explain and i havent even started 😁 That's why i was attacking everyone but oh well see it for yourself 🤷‍♂️ You can win in a game but ofcourse you are making game about external resaults,validation which is fucking up your mind which is working againts you because you dont have game...
  22. @Spiritual Warrior Yeah next time add why you want you two together there, set up the mood so she in her mind can set an expectation, with fun details or best add the voice message after text, or a video of a place of party to make her wonder what could be, anything to be different(show you are creative)... Its on you based on your personality style to create it, im just giving the ideas...
  23. Tell me what did you write in text tho? Now i see your text, you need to entice her why to come, paint a picture of how its going to be between you two not some party where she doesnt know anyone...she read that and felt boredom... What you could not be understanding about the game is that you should be the same in the person and over text,over telephone or over fax,mail etc. if you are different over text than in person its a insta turn off game were funny in real life be same over text but not in a way that only you understand the joke...(so she feels and remember you in the same way you made it work like you said in real life,or you could be only one that noticed "chemistry")..
  24. Yes that's complete basics,interesting thing is that if you dont mix the other with thoughts of yourself,you wont be getting any emotion at all,emotion happens when mind mixes other with you and if emotion arises from subconsious it becomes (an)other and if its not mixed with your own original thoughts of yourself, you wont be getting: " i feel bad that means im bad " indentifying with them you could ground yourself so much in yourself that you get glimpse of enlightment thats why its called being centered,centered in who you are with no mix of other... At that point you can create emotions for yourself,you even have emotional connection to yourself where every emotion is there to love and worship you and not the other,then and only then you can truly love the other...
  25. Great you dont want to have an emotional guy in your corner, he will find a way to bring you down...