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Everything posted by NoSelfSelf

  1. @Caterpillar hahah i laughed so hard
  2. Basically she left because you stop doing things you did when you were trying to seduce her read that 3 things you wrote its just that what makes girls leave ....
  3. Its on begginer level also the winning at all cost mentality i love the winner takes all it makes it much more interesting and intriguing....
  4. You answered your queastion yourself
  5. So relateble but isnt sport your no1 passion?
  6. Nice guy is weak and easy bad boy is strong and a challenge in her eyes...
  7. Can you be enlightened and smart that seems that doesnt go hand to hand (especially when there is quick decision making involved)but you get spontaneus knowledge which is nice?
  8. @Outer Yeah remembering stuff is harder when you need answer on the spot thats what i meant by stupid but there is no such thing as being smart and stupid in non dual....
  9. @Serotoninluv how would you define intelligence?
  10. Dont let people walk all over you be more assertive less passive
  11. Thats the thing you burn out you suffer you go threw the difficult hard stuff thats what you have to do if there is a way to go around it then everyone would be a master of themselves and master of their lifes
  12. Why does people including Leo try to explore or tap into feminine side(if they are male) i dont get it...i find that being fully masculine is great thing only if its not toxic one,people are usually a mix and thats not good imo...
  13. @Serotoninluv whats exactly the parts that are feminine and what parts are masculine?
  14. @Tony 845 yeah true but there are lot of things you could do with energy beside getting enlightened
  15. @Leo Gura Would there be a video about using our energy in our body for certen things?Its dangerous if you dont know what you doing...
  16. You use the no mind state to realize yourself getting enlightened then when you are enlightened you can think and wont go back into suffering like before
  17. Yeah i got ego death on a street and was really comfortable outside and girls just stare at me without problem like some girls stare at you when you are with your girl...wondering whats that guy about....
  18. @MM1988 Best way to see what you are doing to turn them off is to see what text conv looks like...
  19. Yeah i sometimes want to kill my dad and eat the whole fridge
  20. Girls are attracted to guys whos feelings are unclear...