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Everything posted by NoSelfSelf

  1. @Princess Arabia That's why i keep telling dont go for whats between her legs go for whats between her ears thats where the real "gspot" is 😏 but it can only be hit by the man that im with myself which is full of sexual,sensual,romantic,kinky adventure that pushes your sexual edge... Look what gay porn got us talk about fuck 😂
  2. @flowboy whats messed up is wanting to be like a woman, to be approached and stand on your looks thats messed up 😉
  3. @flowboy i would take it as a disrespect for woman to approach me @Tenebroso what is their true nature?
  4. @CARDOZZO No problem,love this topic but to my knowledge there is not much to talk about,but if somebody has more knowledge im glad to hear.
  5. @CARDOZZO I wrote " you take the information" that means you get the feedback but the feedback is not a copy its a brand new never seen before original that's my point. Lego analogy is good. For example Leo discovered/created a alien conciousness, nobody is talking about that, because its original but to get there he got alot of feedback but in the end created something nobody found,thats a visionary in my book.
  6. @CARDOZZO You need to conect dots that's the game,you need to take the information a mold it into your own but if you think you will find it in a book written literally no. But again if you ask this queastion you cant be visionary because visionary sees what he needs to do ,what he needs to read, where he needs to go...
  7. That's the thing you are not thinking like a visionary, you are thinking opposite you want book to tell you how to be it, while the visionary is the one who is tapping into uncharted theritory and creating thing nobody else did, you are on your own and you are only one that sees it. That's why game is tough because it forces you to be the one of your kind and who will tell you that? noone you are on your own. Same problem with self growth who will grow you?noone but its easier because master can show you the path just where to look, visionary is the one creating the path...
  8. Negative thoughts come from how you view yourself,feel about yourself,how much you belive in yourself,how you see the world and how much you lie to yourself Negative thoughts are like a mirror of everything i listed above,they just show you yourself but tricky thing most of those are lies that mind want you to be stuck in so its on you to take responsibility to learn about yourself... You actually want to think negative to protect yourself from life while lying to yourself you want change...
  9. I dont understand what you talking about? Game is not about techniques and has nothing to do with nobody and nothing else but you.
  10. @Tenebroso nobody said they are wonderful they are just women and you guys who are bothered by their behaviour are the weaklings who created them, i dont get how is this not clear 😅
  11. @The0Self I get passionate about this topic too much 🤝
  12. @28 cm unbuffed This is my last message to you ever... So im not defending women im allowing women to be what they want to be,but its my fault if she is bad to me , she can do whatever she wants im not her dad what she does to a guy like you i actually enjoy it since you have no game and completely clueless... You cant manage not being emotional on a forum and you want me believe you can manage a woman, makes sense... You caring how she should suppos to act just show how insecure you are by wanting her to be a certen way, so it fits your phantasy but ofcourse no game=no influence... Monkey branch lol keep watching red pill seems like you on so called red pill rage.. Im not brainwashed i just dont see how can a man think that a woman has such a power to control your being and not seeing himself as the one who is a leader,meaning everything that is happening is my fault because i am the rule,i am the direction and i am the compass and everything else, i cant stoop so low to think that so call female nature is cause of me failing... The moment she manipulates,gaslights she is gone it will be my fault to accept that behaviour...but it seems its her fault for you being weak idk... Have a nice day... wont reply to you again...
  13. @28 cm unbuffed Its all your fault mister high value guy because you allow the behaviour number 1 number 2 when she sees you are of value she will change her ways to keep you but wont for a guy who judges them 😂 You just dont get where im coming from... You are lost cause just leave them alone 👍
  14. @28 cm unbuffed What you call fucked up by default is product of all the guys she hanged around with, guys like you who are damaged,cant take accountability and become a man, you care about women,want her to be a certen way, because you dont want to learn game and you becoming someone of value that will impact her to change her ways to fit your standard(oh wait you dont have standards,rules,structure program for her to fit in? Oh well i dont know who is in wrong here?) ,women are reflection of you if you ignore this then there is no help... So you tell me she acts fucked up just because ,then why are you not getting rid of her and find someone who will follow you? but first you dont have nothing to offer her so wtf we talking here?since you dont believe in yourself and red pill content rot your mind why would she be good to you? This is simple mathematics... Be a man=you bring a caring woman You dont like her behaviour=get rid of her You understand that men with game cant get rid of a woman coming to their home to cook,clean and whatever to just be with them 😅(they need to make 100 excuses to get rid of her) wake up but you dont want to easier to call them damaged and stupid by default...
  15. @Someone here Because i read a masterpiece never read something better 😂😂
  16. @numbersinarow Women dont naturally come to you if you dont have something about you that they see you are that guy,who knows whats in her mind was there and who cares she showed interest he did good there but later when they talked he didnt mention what was going on... To see if shes interested: If she is not complaint to what you are suggesting and telling her to do then there is no interest, she could test you for example but you tell her come here for a second and she does it there is some interest, if you tell her to call you and she does there is higher interest etc.
  17. This is where game comes in,you focused on her being scared and not on how to take the fear away... She was experiencing same thing that average guy experience with seeing "hot" woman ,you have something she noticed in you so you must be natural or whatever is the name, but lacking game on concious level...
  18. They are reflection of you! You cant lead ,you are not a man so what else to do is to judge them nice trick there 👍
  19. @Emotionalmosquito You already losing with being thirsty ,needy, desperate. Yeah wasting mine and yours time thinking about other people and trying to be sucessful to get laid, complete catasthrophy 😅
  20. Yes it is,without your own contemplation(thinking for yourself) you cant live your truth and if you cant live your truth you cant find happiness,fullfilment and all that good stuff... Even all the understanding that you get from videos came from your own understanding through contemplation otherwise there cant be no will just know how to recite the knowledge which is usually a trap in self development...
  21. @Emotionalmosquito If you want to be like other people then dont ask queastions that are not for other people, "just go with the flow" wasting my time...
  22. Vibe is in the situation also ,if you bring up the topic that kills the vibe then doesnt matter what vibe you are in so your timing is off not the vibe, also you are being creepy if you bring something without reason again context.. You dont have strong enough game to be the situation... Why would you talk about that topic? i dont see how talking about that brings anything that's why its creepy, you need to explain why you talking about that also to the person to get you...
  23. @Kalki Avatar Yeah when i say game i dont even think about women, they have nothing to do with game ,you are right if you make it about them then all that you said come crashing on you...
  24. I made a list that shows you a little bit distinction between having game and not having game here it is: 1.You want to do something you dont do it 2.You see a woman and you want to approach but you dont 3.You think she is beautiful based on her looks 4.You are concerned about other people and competition 5.You talk bad about woman 6.You copy content of other leaders instead of making it your own(if teacher dont teach you how to be one with yourself) 7.You judge her in your mind in any way 8.You are not single minded you are affected by external 9.You dont know yourself 10.You think you are an introvert,extrovert 11.You dont take action immidietly you want it to be perfect 12.You think you know everything 13.You believe in rejection 14.You base your self worth on resaults 15.You are affected by her actions 16.You cant say no 17.You tolerate her misbehaviour 18.You move based on what you think she will like 19.You approach women for sex 20.Changing your behaviour if she doesnt like what she sees 21.You are moved by your emotions 22.You want to fall in love with her 23.If your parents or society dont like a woman you are with do you care? If you found one thing you struggle with then your game is not tight the more points down the weaker it is, you can post your resaults if you wish down in comments...i could have made 100 points but 23 is enough... 23 points would be gamed up,19 okayish below 19 is low to non existent...