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Posts posted by makouda

  1. I'm confused about the topic of contemplation.

    for me, contemplation is thinking, asking question and asking, then maybe an answer would come somewhere. but isn't that just thinking thinking which is the opposite of stillness ?. when I meditate or just watch a leaf for an hour I'm in peace, but then if I start trying the find something, my mind chattering returns again and I loose the stillness.

    any insight 

  2. I used to keep a huge photos album (family photos, traveling photos and so on). now I noticed that when I look at those photos I feel kind of sad, even when those memories reminded me of good days, and I think the memories about good days are the worst because I feel kind of attached to them.

    then I've noticed that I've just been lying to myself, all those memories are lies because those moments no longer exist and the only true thing is just RIGHT NOW, So I've decided to take bold action and delete all my memories -_-, even what I consider very precious like pictures with my parents as a kid. it was very hard in the beginning but then I've experience a sense of relief to let go of them. and this helped me in other areas of my life too. now I don't take pictures anymore and when I do I just delete them because, well !! they are just memories, lies, illusions.

    Any similar stories ? O.o

  3. Hi

    I'm wondering about which method could help me the most with my meditation, binaural beats or neuro feedback 

    I started meditation using Holosync for almost two years now and I find it really effective and committed to finishing the whole program, but recently I've stumbled across the concept of neuro feedback and one product that caught my attention is the muse headband. 

    I'm confused because when the holosync creator claims that his tool is the best way to meditate in the world, neuro feedback companies like muse now says that binaural beats are bullshit because they put you in the meditative brain wave but don't teach you how to make them by yourself which means that binaural beats are temporary relief whereas neuro feedback cause you permanent changes 


    Holosync creator also claim that his tool creates momentum


    Any insight please