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Everything posted by RawJudah

  1. By asshole I mean a confident guy that has humour and thinks he’s the shit. This is what men respect, this is what women get wet over To me, frame just means you’re an awesome guy that everyone likes, has something he’s really in to, has a passion for something, especially if it’s a cool thing. I swear, the more you focus on getting good with women the worse it gets, you constantly focus on getting good with women and you forget about the rest of your life. This is why you do all this when you’re young and dumb. I know men that are good with women but it’s natural to them, they never have to think about it or put much effort in to it, and they don’t have a clue what Pick-up is or need to go on a massive journey to get good with women. In fact, most men never have to go through the ‘pick-up phase’ because it’s fucking weird. Over here in the UK approaching 4000 women on the streets or in bars is fucking weird.
  2. It really sucks being a ‘’nice guy’. Women aren’t attracted to it, you get trampled on, you’re probably boring, you might be intelligent but it doesn’t really matter, you probably care about health but that doesn’t matter too much. It sucks because to actually get good with girls you have to become a complete asshole in order to get good with them. I was a piece of shit in my teens and early 20s but I had to grow out of that because being a piece of shit wasn’t helping me anymore, but I had girlfriends back then and now I’m single but I’m ok with it (I think) Like Leo has said - it’s completely the opposite of what you’d think attracts women! Such a mindfuck!
  3. @BassamMo They love an exciting, fun, outgoing bad boy
  4. @StarStruck Leo is lucky with his 'fame'. He's not too big, he's not a celebrity, nobody really knows who he is in real life. He can dip his toes in to pickup as he lives in Las Vegas, and come out unscathed. I'm kinda jealous
  5. @Ash55 i wouldn’t blame him if he never does another YouTube video ever again. It must feel like a waste of time… Like - who is actually implementing his work? Who is actually living the self-actualized life? Who is financially Independent? Not many people I’m guessing, including me
  6. @Leo Gura I swear this forum is more addictive than your videos. It’s like a big theme park
  7. @Leo Gura it’s so funny how different you seem on the forum vs you on YouTube!
  8. That’s the problem of being a celebrity, you’ll have women around you all the time that you didn’t before. He was a normal guy before he was famous so he probably took a lot of risks with women. Being drunk/on drugs the whole time just adds fuel to the fire. Now it’s coming back to bite him. Money and fame can do crazy things to people, he’s not immune to this.
  9. I always wonder to myself ‘Was I fine before self help? Yes, I was’ Self help can help but it automatically puts you in the position of the person that needs help in your life. I swear it’s addictive too…
  10. Dude, chill. I’m only asking Leo because he’s one of the internet gurus that actually knows what he’s talking about. And this forum gives me access to ask him directly, and he replies. You can tell quite easily that most people on here are teenagers, so I’m not going to ask most of them. Even though guys like you really know what you’re talking about! Thank you for the second paragraph you wrote, that helps
  11. I have no idea how to become a leader Leo. No idea. When is your video on ‘how to become a leader’ coming out?
  12. Let me guess… move to a city and learn game?
  13. And to meet these needs we have to become leaders? Is becoming a father a choice these days?
  14. Surely that doesn’t happen in 1st world countries in 2023… I kind of hope you’re joking too Leo
  15. @Jason Actualization I’m going through this as I type this. I stopped drinking all caffeine and replaced it all with only water3 days ago. I feel amazing, the natural fatigue has come back, natural sleepiness has come back, I’m sleeping like a baby, and I feel cleaner. Fuck caffeine. Anything that prevents sleep is not a good thing
  16. So I'm going travelling in a month or so to New Zealand first and then probably to other countries. I'm living in the UK at the moment, have lived here all my life, am now approaching the age of 30. I know Leo has said that travelling is material, and it won't make me happy, I understand that. But I'm going to do it purely for the life experience. To meet interesting new people, to push my boundaries and comfort zone, to work in jobs I never thought id be doing, to get out in nature and to really feel alive. Because these past few years I'm not doing anything new and I kind of feel like I should be getting out more. In my early 20s I was VERY social, but that has dwindled away these past few years due to getting older... I'm at the age now where I'm staring down the gun of a mortgage with a highly paid job which I love and hate at the same time. I feel like I've reached a point in my life where I'm getting stuck and desperate for change. Massive change. Although I know that the travelling is temporary and I know I'll have to come back. Is this a really good idea? Or will it just make my life worse in the long run? Is this going to come back to bite me? Has anyone done the whole travelling thing and either regretted it or it was the best thing that they ever done?
  17. I’ve got the the point now where I actually don’t want to know any more ?.
  18. That’s a mature, amazing answer, thank you so much. I’ve been listening to Leo for many years now and I know what he says in a lot of his videos seem true to me. I’ve experienced in real life some of the things he talks about… But yeah, we do have to think for ourselves. He doesn’t know our life stories or what situation we’re all in. I always wonder if I was fine before I started watching any ‘self help’ at all hahaha… My current situation is ‘ok’. I 100% need to change things in my life, and I think taking a year out to go to New Zealand for a complete change of life for 1 year will help me. I’ve been working since I was 18 non stop. Tomorrow I turn 30. Staring down the gun of a mortgage that I know isn’t the right time. or maybe I should buy a house?! Either option ain’t a bad one I guess…
  19. @Insightful27 I think the only solution to this is to never drink alcohol/do drugs in the first place. As in - have been sober your whole life with no desire to drink/take drugs. If you go down the alcohol/drugs route to help you socialise then you’ll build that habit and it’ll be hard to seperate alcohol/drugs with socialising. I’ve noticed that in my own life. It’s not impossible to go out and socialise without those things, but if you’ve never gone out from day 1 and socialised sober in a club then it will be painful. Being stone cold sober around drunk/high people is like getting blood from a stone!
  20. Those are great reasons to go travelling, thank you for your input! Some of my reasons I’ve said in my original post at the start, and others I’ll keep to myself. But the main reason is purely life experience. I feel like I’m stuck in a rut in life at the moment and I’m doing the bare minimum. Work, gym, come home, eat, sleep. I know there’s nothing wrong with that and it is what most people do. But I want to get out in the world a bit more and see what life has to offer. I’m 30, I have socialised massively up until the last couple of years and now is the age most people ‘settle down’. I don’t want that quite yet. It’s almost like the older you get the less energy you have to do things. Hope that gives you some idea!
  21. A cup of coffee always leads to more than one cup of coffee. It’s addictive… Im quitting again tomorrow, water only ?
  22. Everyone loves to defend their drug ? Think about it - most people rely on a psychoactive stimulant to get through the day. Doesn’t that ring alarm bells? It causes dehydration and sleep loss. Those 2 things alone aren’t good for any human being. The only liquid we need is water. Everything else is not a good idea.
  23. Yep, you can’t beat exercise! If only caffeine didn’t mess with our sleep!
  24. Awesome! Are you doing it for life experience?
  25. Whenever I’ve swapped caffeinated coffee for decaf coffee I’ve always ended up back to caffeinated coffee. Obviously it’s better than caffeinated coffee. Water is the only liquid we should be drinking. Deviating from water causes problems, no matter what drink it is. I still have to learn my lesson ?