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Everything posted by supremeyingyang

  1. That and that: is the essence of healthy Yellow and early Turquoise. The opposite is true. There is a point to talk to them, you answer reciprocal. They are kind and friendly, you are kind of friendly. BUT! They try to force their believes on you, you stay friendly and may tell them that you disagree. If they continue to push, you answer with the same force. Or you go with the flow, because you can't argue with ignorance. Akido Communication Style. Normally will this not be an issue, because that are glimpses of ignorance. If you wait until they become back to consciousness, everything will work out smoothly - Without any further manipulation on your part. Just wait until it's over and you'll see how it'll get better over the years with you relation to certain individuals. With the default verbal aggressive ones it's sometimes a big mistake to be to patient, because they take it a weakness... But double check if it is someone like that... ussually they have a reputation for being rude. But pleeeease do not be default aggressive to people you expect to be in blue or lower I was certainly at that point to be verbal passive aggressive to lower stage people and - guss what - it caused tremendous suffering on my part.. This is the whole 'woke people' in green against ignorance fight you see in the media.. That is so right! But do not let them compromise your own values. Well written! That is the hardest part. Yeah. Spiral Dynamics becomes counterproductive for us to get to higher stages, but it can be a key to raise lower stages. If one is so high he or she can take on the mission to make a new model. Haha. Well, at some point will models not be very useful any more. But we are faaaaar from that. Mhh, is the absence of empathy, patience and compassion a indicator for lower stages or is it a different line of developement?
  2. Yeah, that's puzzle thing is not cool. But hey, I'm really good at it now. Training;) How good is that brave browser? BTW I use Firefox plus an external VPN Program. I would like to have secure as standart, not as special like it is now: 'why would he like to be so anonymous? what kind of shady business is he doing?' But lets be real: It's also a key technology for revolutionaries, protesters and criminals. But that is a tiny fraction, well, we'll see how that plays out. Sidenote: 1. Do you use Whatsapp? I'm thinking about switching to Signal / Threema, but I would have to make a pitch to everyone at work, in my family and in my social circle. Eeeeeh..! That is the problem with 'social networks'! If many are there it's a disadvantage not to be there. And many think like that, so nothing happens. And what if 'my' secure messenger will not be popular? 2. Do you know that there is a alternative to Android / IOS with a pure Linux Phone ? That's right, you can use it like a normal computer with bluetooth mouse, keyboard and Screen. The only problem is the price of the hardware (like 650$ or 700€). I think in some years we'll have normal OS' on our mobile, but right now it's not yet here... I would really like linux on blackberry-like hardware with a physical keyboard;) 3. The real secure phone (by Edward Snowden) : You take a normal new smartphone (Android, IOS or whatever). You open it and take all Cameras and Microphons out. If you want to take or make a call, you use a headset. A little bit extreme though and you need some skills to play with a 700$+ device;D Idk what is with location tracking issues and if you can take out a unit like a microphone.. This'll be a propblem a long as we need real mobile number for mobile internet..
  3. Hello, my brave fellow carpetbagger. I present you stage yellow crack, not kidding. You certainly know Youtube. You know that it has Algoryhtms that determine which videos you get. This can be a advantage or a disadvantage, mostly a disadvantage. It keeps people stuck in a bubble. And lastly you know VPN Clients. I give you the recipe to use VPNs for research. But 'Why would I want to do that?' you may ask. I plea you to find the answer for yourself;) Recipe: You need a VPN and a group you want to research. For example Christians in the rural parts of US and we search on Youtube. 1. Make a connection with a server in the US 2. Go in with a blank browser with no cookies or other history or Ad-Blocker (you want to see the ads!) 3. Go to youtube and type in a phrase that is typical for your group. For our example with the formula US-State + Christian activity -> North-Dakota Curch Choir 4. Look at the results. You want people that speak their mind as little youtubers (<50.000 subs) or Celebrity of the target group that speak on an event. If you find nothing, then return to 3. 5. Watch some Videos, makes notes, whatever. Click like crazy. 6. Go to the Home side of youtube an see what video are presented to you - TADA! 7. You can use whatever other Website you want - but attention! As soon as you are out your 'persona' is gone (of course!). Have fun
  4. I haven't read the book, but I know the phenomenon. What do you think about this? You can't remove welfare and charity at this point without provoking violence. The people are dependend, because it's kind of easy in the present, but horrible in the long run. It's like not going to the dentist. Some day you have to go and sacrifice more teeth compared to if you went there on a regular basis ( took advice etc).
  5. I'd like to go meta on this discussion. 1. Firstly we need to clear that we understood each other : @Sizeable Oof, you meant finding our trigger points in politics would help us to get over them or tackle them healthy, right? If roughly true, go to 2, but If wrong we need to clarify this. 2. My Theory is that our childhood upbringing and development from then on relative to where we are from highly influences our trigger point. For example if you are coming from a all blue/orange community you are likely at best green in your teenage years. If you went abroad or to college you encounter many oranges, greens and some yellows. Relative to your old setting this seems fresh and new. This is all that 'Come home to Christmas / Thanks Giving Dinner and hear you relatives talk racist shit' posts on vice et al. Now consider a second path. You grow up in a green community with strong spiritual ways, which is weak in making money. Maybe you go beyond green or you go down into orange to make a decent living. Now you get triggered by you hippie elders and their unpractical ways. Here a interpretation alternative: Maybe you go along with the hippie parents and choose to go into a green movement, that happens to get you in jail for a political action. You surrender and call in at Stefan Molyneux' show to tell everyone about 'your sick left wing past'. Or you go to jail, but stay to true to your values. Now you are triggered by 'the facist state' and so on.. See? Here is my formula: Interpretation of your developement relative to your developementhistory determines your trigger points
  6. @Umar I don't know the Author, not even listen to an interview or something like that. Why do you think he's in Green? I don't find green values in the stories, even though the Orm obviously flew through the author.
  7. @Derek White Nobody is perfect. Yeah, he should be humbler. But at least he tells you: 'I'm full of shit, like you, but it gets better. Clean ya room, man,'... Just what some people need... For other people is that bad advice.
  8. @Yog @Leo Gura Well, I had almost regressed back into Orange. Peterson and his crowd can be quite influencing. My Perception changed over time. At the time Jordan Peterson came to fame I liked his content. I was in Green Movements all my teens, but I got frustrated with the limitations of green. I wanted to get things done, but all of my friend were into drugs, politics & talking shit. It was like you find your new family and then you realize that you on your own again. In other words I developed a Green Shadow. So Jordan Peterson gave me what I wanted to hear, with wisdom here and there. Finally I was able to outgrow much of my green shadow. So that went great for me. But I was almost there - in close mindedness. I was was lucky there....
  9. @SoothedByRain Wasn't Star Trek, at least the newer ones, build with Spiral Dynamics in mind? He said that, but I find no evidence in the fookin' interwebs, maaan.
  10. @Yog I'm sorry, what do you mean?
  11. Thats goofing arround in my mind. Models get better the more one plays with it. Maybe someone will discuss in 2 weeks on which stage spongebob squarepants is... ahaha^^
  12. @Leo Gura Savage..;D Well, Peterson gets the most replies from this communist bashing (although it's not communist but what northern america feels what communism is). Supply and Demand.
  13. The World is between Blue and Red, with Orange at best in the cities. Some people are higher, with Gerald reaching into yellow Greetings
  14. To read some books is definetly a good start. You can surely find some youtube channels about psychology.
  15. Yeah, I do that. I need to be very concentrated in my work (unless I want to work more than I get paid for). So I come earlier than most, Concentrate like that Video for 5 Minutes and start the Work. If possible I repeat at noon. Effects: Rapid Productivity, I mean I was good in concentrating before but... I is like a booster. And it feels good. I use another Technique which seems to be like bullet technique: at the evening you write 6 goals for tomorow. Every goal takes 20-40 Minutes, bigger goals will be seperated. Together it works quite nice
  16. @bejapuskas Well, Psychology has much of Statistics. Be prepared if you are bad at math. This is a very worthwhile skill, which can help you whatever happens. If you learn statistical programming you'll be the unicorn in you department and will be recruited right away. That can be a good thing because they take money for the apprenticeship as a psychoterapist in some countries. Statistical Programming can easily earn your degree and hold your way free when you are a pdychotherapist. Also... Depending on you specific major on the specific university you can have almost 0% of technique you can use in the praxis of a psychotherapist. You have to do that in you spare time for yourself. Merry Christmas:)
  17. @RobertZ Thanks bratan, I'll dig that Bullet Method. @Rasheed I compiled some methods, which I want to share. 1. You make notes in different domains: a simple little paper notebook (for little things like what you wanna buy or ideas) on plain text on you pc (make backups!!!!!!!!) on some whiteboards (one holds headlines, the other some specific content) a college spiral notebook (for hourlong studies) After some times go go through your analog stuff and translate it to your digital contemplate book 2. Read lots of books on finance, career, biographies and strategy. 3. Develope a 5 years strategy and plan it down to what to do this month. every day and week you ask youself briefly : AM I STILL ON TRACK? 4. Concentrate (Leo has a Video on that) before work for just 5 Minutes 5 Meditate
  18. Life goes in periods. You are more energetic in some times and less in others. Don't be afraid this is necessary. However, things you could check are you nutrition (especially iron, vitamin d & b vitamins), sleep schedule (enough?) and workload (too much?).
  19. I trink tap water. In my Town the quality is above the quality of mineral water. Imagine how baffled I was as a kid to learn that this is not normal!
  20. Boy, 16 years old, you don't know how lucky you are to question on your path so seriously! If you start now you can be relatively easy going and in 10 years, bam, you are a master. You can do it:):) Not important, sure, there are better universities. Better names. But if you go full in you could reach to the top. For example could you go in Bachelors to Czechia and in Master wherever you want.. That is my opinion Yes Probably yes, but you would need to find it first. Give some lines to describe it: So what would I do? Back then I was 16 I would have choose Psychology, however, medicine and psychology combined are the shit. Sometimes they call this clinical psychology as a combined study path. So why is it important? It means that you are allowed to write prescriptions (but not as a psychology major) - at least in good ol' germany. So how do I know that? I studied Psychology, on the side, to soften my flaws. My Girlfriend is at the end of her master of psychology and II know several others master of that major. My Psychotherapist has studied both medicine and psychology. Okay, now I answer your Question: Do you think there is a better way beyond all this, that would make me the most useful as a person? Think about why would you want to go into the field. For example you decide 'because i want to help metally sick people REALLY good, to make the world a better place'. Ok, you write it down and hold it to yourself, not talking it around. Now you let the days, weeks and months (because you have to go to highschool ether way) go by and then think about it. SOMEDAY you notice something that somebody tells you in a conversation or on in a video on youtube. You write that down and research. Be open minded. Then decide when the day comes if you want to go the outlined way with university and so on (sacrificing 5+ years). Be prepared that they will teach you stupid shit, statistics (math! ahhhh) and some useful bits. In medicine you'll have to learn the right methods and study 8+ hours (with inefficient methods more like all day long like most medicine studentes ==> bad culture in this major). If not you have to come up with something. Plan all the way to the end stategise often Book tips: Robert Greene - Mastery (a classic read about the path, because you'll need 10+ years to be a master), Aaron Clarey - Worthless (good read on the worth of majors, but a lil harsh and cinyc), Daniel Coyle - The Littel Book of Talent (Techniques to learn), Marcus Aurelius - Meditations, Knut Hamsun - Hunger/ Fyodor Dostoevsky - Crime and Punishment (Two romans with a severe metally ill protagonist - do you can help extremes like that?)
  21. It's so funny. To say JKR is transphob is like Leo Videos are shallow. It goes down to your metaphysics. I claim that we construct reality on the base of a materialistic world. So yeah, you can make up whatever concept you want - and it becomes even public reality if enough people believe in it. If the Contradictions become ever to big, the made up on concept will be ether a. dropped or b. even stronger believed. Right now is trans* the pet concept of the decade, very postmodern and so on. Green people reacting versus Blue. Same old Song. The whole debate is complicated, but not sophisticated. Maya: A Person can not change sex. Yeah, but seldom anybody claimed that, aren't they? It's the change of gender. Two different concepts in gender studies (juhu, my 1 gender studies course finally good for a conversation)
  22. Sure that is understandable. Yesterday I made these Luhmann-Vocabulary-Map in the other Thread. I think I'll go further in the Subject so: Yeah, likely I'll find it helpful:)