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Everything posted by Alexop

  1. The type of gaslighting you find in a typial cult is found in the SD stage orange bubble. No results? It is your fault. Self-help is poisoned with these toxic gurus who don't give a damn about people but enriching themselves. I find SD stages as mini cultures in which you are drawn No matter which SD stage from tier 1, when too many immature people join the mini culture of the stage, it becomes toxic. Be careful to integrate blue and orange tough, just because you find stage green appealing, but you are a 19 year old entitled immature kid, you'll turn stage green into a weapon to justify your mediocrity. Just by parroting: equality, rights, justice does not make you stage green. You just made a shadow of stage blue and orange instead of integrating them.
  2. Are you joking right? You really think that social media will help kids? It turns them into zombies
  3. If what you are teaching there is simple and interesting for them, and taught in a ferm and skillful way, they would naturally become more quiet and pay attention to the class. If they don't feel you are one of them, teach them interesting stuff and understand their position, no amount of threatenings, punishments and other stage blue solutions will work. Just look how quiet and focused they are when they play on the computer, there is none punishing them there. My math teacher from highschool was using this typical stage blue approach of punishment, but beacuse her classes were super boring and completely useless, we were still loud or just ignoring the class altogether. Funny story: I was volunteering at a children's educational project in a village in Romania, there was a very undiciplined, problematic bully type child there, they wanted to kick him out. But I said let me try a different approach first. I befriended him, talked about his interrests in cars and stuff, tried to get in his camp. He said: "I hate these trainers here with their boring bullshit" I said: "I get you, I also got annoyed of many boring uninteresting classes at school too, we can do it another way" I spent most days around him explaining in a more simple manner what they said at trainings and till the end of the project he become more and more interested into the subjects and even built a solar powerd car, I helped him a bit.
  4. @Princess Arabia so see? We two did not get one bit of help from this conversation, people just tell their opinion, understand what they want and waste time. Debatig is a waste of time especially here where the communication is very poor.
  5. @jimwell the ego will do anything possible, will play all possible tricks so that you don't change your behaviour for the better or for the worse. It will try to play games of wisdom and knowledge with other egos on the internet or face to face. Just check how much talk is here in the spirituality section. I bet most people here cannot fix basic stuff in their life like having a healthy social life surrounded by sound and good people, or eating healthy and exercising. How can you convince me you found God and shit when you can't even clean your room properly? God cleans his room, eats healthy, has a job that he loves doing, and does not spend time talking shit. We have serious problems in the world right now, we need people to change their behaviour and come to tier 2 level of acting and thinking. Put that Maslow's piramid on your wall!
  6. Depends on who we are reffering to, I believe most people are at such a low level here, that they should not waste all their time here, but contemplating, meditating, reading and having real direct experiences. Any stupid kid can come with smart posts and topics, the real change is in our behaviour. If you think it helps to stay here all day, do it, who am I to say you shouldn't. But be honest with yourself and ask: Did I change my behaviour in the last year? Ideas and knowledge mean nothing if your behaviour is the same, if you and the people around you(whom you influence) still suffer exactly like before.
  7. 40 hours a week are almost 2000 hours a year of doing something that you almost hate. No money in the world is worth that. I would change my job into one that I at least like. Talk to many progammers and see if you would like to be in their position, req research. Part time would be a solution, you will do more than well with 2500-3000 euros in Romania. Try not get absorbed into earning tons of money, but into creating a meanigful life. I think hiring a good career coach will help more than some general advice from strangers. Good luck man!
  8. Wondering if there are forums where your post must be aproved by a mod.
  9. I think the aditives and chemicals added for preserving and flavouring, the palm oil, sugar....
  10. It is a design problem, anybody can say something. Think about what would happen if youtube would suggest you random videos with no value in them, in short time you would ignore the video suggestions as you ignore the advertising banners. But here? Here any kid that plays WoW all day could paint himself as a wise person and answer first to your question/topic and no matter how much police work the mods do, it will still be like this. When everyone gets a voice, the quality is reduced. Come here when you have a specific problem that hinders your development, and in the rest, DO the damn work!
  11. You want to go post-scientific but maybe trying to prove everything with data is not post-scientific, it is conventional science. Scientists try to prove lots of stuff with data and studies, that does not mean it is true or helpful.
  12. you would be milked to the last gram of money and pussy you have.
  13. it is just werid to formulate arguments that are "for" or "against" something. The are lots of nuances when talking about such complex topics. which AI? the one from today? The one 30 years from now? It depends on loads of stuff. It depends how it will be regulated by governments. I would not want the China's AI to influence my child for example.
  14. speak in the language of the country you live in, then if your kid is interested in learning your other languages, teach it those also.
  15. I will relocate to a very progressive country and I want to know when LGBT really goes too far, it will be a culture shock because in the country I grew up in, most people hate LGBT. If I research this I could run over a right wing nuthead or a lunatic leftist, so better ask you here. As far as I know, the healthy mainfestations are: masculine gay men and women, feminine gay men and women, bisexual and transgenders identfying eighter with the feminine or masculine. But what about the gender nonconformist who is not a man nor a woman in aspect or in identity, who says it wants to be called "hen"(swedish for he and she together) and it is between masculine and feminine energy and fluctuant. Is that healthy for society? I mean I know genders are social constructs but so are money and laws, they still help us. I researched masculine and feminine energies and they are so beautiful if they are understood and expressed correctly, wouldn`t be great to choose one or the other? Isn`t that an unfinished self-understanding? And I can say that if you identify as an attack helicopter you should somehow put some work into it, buy a big radar and some missiles. I feel that some people take advantage of the historical repression of LGBT to go crazy with it now, the belief that there are 86363 genders is just silly. I still try to find really rock solid, non-ideological, non-biased answers to this so if not here where...
  16. Article: Sweden's 'gender-neutral' pre-school Let`s analyze this with an opened mind. what is wrong? what si right? social experiment?
  17. No, the previous party was too liberal, the social democrats. Now there is a coalition between the moderates and the sweden democrates which got the highest percentage and they are known as the most conservative ex-nazi party.
  18. The gov. is now conservative, they just drove everyone crazy with extremely liberal migration policies so they lost the september elections.
  19. I think they are on the right path but only if they also make the children understand that they are biologically male or female and when they reach a more ripped age like 12-13, make them understand that puberty is comming and their hormone dynamics will steer them into becoming men and women and most of the biologically born boys and girls will be very fine becoming men and women. And make them understand the differences between them that will eventually make them attractive to each other, especially the different hormonal dynamics. But what concerns me is that I heard some people from Scandinavia(I live in Sweden) are saying that actually there are no differences between men and women besides physical appeareance which is just lunacy. I have to meet more people and empirically check this. For the moment life is safe and great here, didn`t encounter any radicals or problematic situations with gender, migrants, cancel culture or so... when I made my ID card, I had only two options: man or woman, women are very feminine and take really good care of themselves.
  20. A highly developed woman said into an interview that corporate world is not feminine at all, well most people make money there. It seems to me that women have a hard time in our present economic system. If you`re more feminine, how do you make money and how do you feel about it?
  21. 1. In the west, usually the parents have more money than the young, and the parents help them till even 30s. There are a few exceptions, those who are more traditional, are close to their parents and help them with what they can. 2. Just distance yourself from toxic people, they are everywhere no matter the country. I know it is hard but it is better than getting frustrated all the time and even getting a disease from all that sadness and emotional repression. Breaking from wage slavery is a tough one, you need a way to help people through a skill that passionates you, easier said than done. Do you mean that were you live now you`re not stuck to a job?
  22. Boom! Rasing children is like doing professional sports. Learn the right tehnique/tactics, push it to the edge but still listen to your body and stop when you can cause injury.