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Everything posted by SeihastaKje

  1. For the career change just less pressure, maybe I just need to find a better job related to the same thing that I'm doing. Right now, I'm moving into the graphic aspect more (not the UX) that is something that I have more expertise + I like it more. And yes, even though I'm currently looking for a new so I dont want to be expending so much right now, I always try to invest in my creative projects. Something that I realized these couple of days is that I'm trying to bring my art into design (that It has another purpose, to solve problems) and It's bringing me problems (not following requests to the tee and mental frustration). I just need to focus that art aspect into projects outside my regular job. Does that makes sense?
  2. Hi everyone, I never post anything on the forum, just read, but I need some guidance or opinions about it. I'm a 28 years old male currently working as a UX/UI Designer. I never knew what to do with my life (I still don't), I know I like artistic things that's why I think I became a designer. I'm also struggling with mental health issues and I'm having trouble dealing with pressures from work. I was thinking about changing my job for something low pressure (I'm taking suggestions here ) maybe not related to art at all so I can be fresh in a creative sense to approach different art projects. I feel like I could do some plastic art. I really like what artist like Daniel Arsham does, that he is involved in really different art projects from different areas. I know is gonna take time/luck to be able to monetize something like this but I'm just throwing thoughts. Also something important would be a job that let's me buy different materials for different projects. Currently as a UX/UI Designer I get paid well for my lifestyle but thats something that also scares me. Let me know your thoughts! Thank you
  3. I think that every information we get is feeding that belief system we have and in a way it's playing against us when we're trying to seek for enlightment. But i'm not enlighted thought so i need it to survive i think haha. Good Question.
  4. I started reading the book a couple a days ago and it's really interesting. I agree that is a little repetitive some time but i like the way he summarized all. Beyond if you agree with his point of view of the dating and science, i think it's totally worth of time. - Good Book -.