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Everything posted by Charlotte

  1. 2.4 microdose today. Observations... Feeling a bit 'fluffy'. Started a new term of philosophy Tuesday. P2_H01.pdf
  2. Dualities... all the elements Materials
  3. @ValiantSalvatore ? Thanks for sharing! Can you tell me how you did your shadow work please or a link to something? I read the link you previously posted. Sounds interesting.
  4. Also I'm gonna be randomly writing dualities here which is just saturating my mind at the moment ? The whole calender Seasons (winter, summer etc including rain, wind etc) Silence (I love this one) Shapes Sexual orientation
  5. This week has been simply eye opening, insightful and profound. i feel I've worked through a lot egoic attachments and now the most deep rooted ones are showing themselves. A lot of this week has been about insecurities. Insecurities has been present in my life since I was a child so therefore it's heavily attached as a identity. You can feel the rigid'ness of them but they have surfaced even more so, to the point that they are screaming to be looked at and transcended. I'll book in with the therapist. Yesterday was extremely interesting. I had slipped back into an old unconscious habit but this time round it was different. I could actually feel the distance between the Self watching it happen and the self playing out the identification of the behaviour. It was fucking amazing ? Also I'm booking the accomodation for my first (adult) psychedelic trip today. 17-19th may I have the pod booked for. Gives me plenty of time to get some camping gear together and that.
  6. @DrewNows ah right I see. Understand yeah.
  7. @DrewNows no worries dude you thinking about doing it?
  8. @DrewNows what do you mean?
  9. @DrewNows Sometimes when microdosing and walking in nature I close my eyes. It doesn't feel like I am closing anything off by closing my eyes, only strengthening the connection to nature/energy. Does that make sense?
  10. @dimitri Oh wow! That's amazing. Do you plan on doing another?
  11. Today was not the day but that's okay. I did not microdose either. Ego backlash came in big time. I've also been contemplating some from what might seem, simple yet overlooked topics (to me) Happiness. I 'thought' I knew what this was. I've identified a certain type of emotion with a label and lived by that for years. This came about whilst watching Leo's latest episodes. Once you start realising the things you have been taking for granted where based on belief you wonder what else there is. It all comes up when it's ready to be observed. Leo, I don't know how to thank you ♥️
  12. Duality
  13. @dimitri @dimitri Awesome! How was the trip? Wow! That's amazing! @Shin uh huh
  14. @dimitri Hi there. First of all there's nothing wrong with your English, it's brilliant. Did you do the full dose? I haven't actually had LSD I use mushrooms but I'm struggling to find accommodation to do my trip due to the time of season, everywhere is fully booked. I'm still actively looking though. No doubt when I do do it I will be reporting on here ?
  15. What do you mean shin bait you right into it?
  16. I'm ready. Today is the day.
  17. You turned to distraction didn't you (repression) but I could see by doing so it would prolong the inevitable.
  18. @Shin I can see why you would run from it or repress it but I could see the repression of such force could set you back some time.
  19. two thousand five hundred million percent YES!!! ?
  20. Shit is shifting. Coming up. Oh my fucking god this is tough. I was stood talking to my mate yesterday and I just merged with her ? then I felt the panic again slightly (fuck you @Shin) In order to heal other I must first heal myself. This is my calling. I feel the pull. I am going to microdose today and go and sit in a log cabin and be. It is underneath the surface, this won't take much to uncover. It's coming out via energy movements in the hands, I keep moving my hands in mudra like movements involuntary.
  21. Last entry. Love some feedback from anyone who has done the same...
  22. @Leo Gura @Shin(sorry shin ignore) @Leo Gura Thanks for your feedback. Yeah I think this time round it was much deeper because of the microdosing and contemplation I have been doing. Do we need to make sense of stuff like this Leo? Does it need to be questioned? Isn't this the self trying to latch on to experience then? I'm confused about this. What do you mean by,
  23. I have never said it's easy Shin. I also said go do it right now jokingly. Twat.