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Everything posted by Sine

  1. To the masculine. Insights come to you quickly and violently. Explosions. Eroding you. Killing your fakeness in chunks. As your opposite, my insights arise on me slowly, grows in me as dandelions, with intense patience, cracking the parts of me that are locked and heavy, open for the sun to enter. Slowly, slowly killing the parts in me that are untrue. As yet another crack into the light, I was suddenly stretching into this understanding; I can never lose you. And with this understanding, a lineage of fear started to loosen up, ready to be shaken off from my shoulders. Wisdom is a rumor until it lives in the bones. Living this truth these days, I sit in silence and listen to every part of my body, embracing the impermanence with love, and for the first time, joy instead of fear. Certain that nothing is never really lost. I lean back a little bit. There are birds in the sky and fruits on the trees and I am running on the field with my dog, faster and faster, arms wide open. Listening to your music. This song; eyes wide open. Remembering your eyes in the sun with your smile. It makes sense now. The lives I lived with you I no longer want to recognize. As I grow, looking back I am ashamed. Like Eve, realizing she was naked. Holding this part in me I whisper to myself; I did not know any better, I did not know how to protect myself. I did not know how to protect you. You think you hurt me but I promise I was letting you. This is the greatest sin but also yet another natural law. I want to embrace this part of me with love. I want to release myself from this now. Blindly, I was reacting to every sensation. Controlled by the fear of losing you, losing protection, being without, and being alone. All alone, so alone. I am finding the balance now, between cravings and aversions, finding a place to stand still and feel safe. How can you feel unsafe when you are on the path of God I remind myself. God is great. She is so great that I and everything I am and ever was, is included in everything he is, which is also you. And this is love. Forever love. Nothing else. This eternal love is the love I want to resemble in my behavior towards you and every other being that you are and ever will be. I want to grow every day learning to love you better. Educating myself so I can press my forehead tenderly towards all your faces, assuring you that it is not possible for me to not embrace you. It is within this love that I want to be your woman. Every woman I can be to every man you can be. With you, I recognize that no matter how great of an effort we put into separating ourselves from each other, there was never an end nor a beginning to our dance together. Please, twirl me one more time. I will look forward, with butterflies in my stomach, to the second I return back around, looking up into your eyes, whatever color they might be this time, waiting for your embrace. x The feminine. Your silly dancer, always.
  2. But how can you get into an argument, if you are not attached to either side? I don't doubt your experience at all and I myself find the spiral dynamics model very useful, also regarding personal development, so it's because I'm genuinely interested.
  3. @Fearey Where is the picture in your post from?
  4. Because why fill yourself up with energy right when you need it the least?
  5. Haha yes, I think that quote has a lot of truth in it!
  6. Oh my God. . . (!!)
  7. Haha I have had insights about this exact thing recently. Earlier on I thought spending time with my family (a place where my bad habits and unhealthy emotional patterns get triggered a lot) would be bad for my development and bring me down in a sense, but now I have become aware that spending time with them is actually the best teacher I can get and look at it as a sort of spiritual practice. Bringing it all down to the ground so I can share it with my family in a way that fits them and the situation. Not trying to change anyone but accepting them as they are and honoring the teachings they also return to me in all kind of forms.
  8. OMG YES I would seriously consider traveling from Europe to participate! ??
  9. I'm recovering from/struggling with ED at the moment while also seeing someone, you can PM me if you want
  10. get into tantric sex - problem solved
  11. WTF. "Common sense" - wtf is this concept anyway. An echo chamber is what I would call it. "The moron-way" - an imbecile way to talk about other people. This pisses me off. Get born. First of all. No. You can't be sure that the earth is round when you haven't seen it yourself. You can only choose whom to trust and then choose what you want to believe in. Whether or not you think the earth is round it's a belief and you should always keep that in mind and therefore be humble about everything you know = have chosen to believe. Yet, even if you have seen that the earth is round with your own eyes, this is still a belief. You choose to believe in the picture of the outer world that your brain makes for you. If you had different eyes, a different brain, or a different kind of body, or maybe even a different kind of awareness/vibrational level what do I know, it would look different and therefore be different to you - and you would probably choose to believe that picture. It's like the saying about how God created man in his own picture - but it's also the other way around. We create GOD (reality) in our own picture. So be careful and humble about that. Of course, we need to create "him" in our own picture because otherwise we couldn't understand shit and would just be shit scared trippin' all the time.. But still. It's important to be aware that we are doing this. When asking questions like these, and discussing these topics, I really believe humbleness is a good way to approach it. The only true wisdom is knowing you know nothing.
  12. I'm in university and during the philosophy-like subjects, dualism and monism get mentioned a lot. Nobody in the school books ever mentions non-dualism and I'm confused about what the difference is between monism and non-dualism. I would really appreciate it if someone could explain it to me.
  13. It seems like there is a lot of conscious communities in Hawaii - But I only know this from youtube and people I have spoken to. Have not been there myself.
  14. I feel you deeply in this <3 I think it is a sort of integrity dissonance yes, and I have struggled with something like this myself. Just yesterday I had a great realization about how honesty and openness attract people into your life that you can be honest and open around - like a positive loop. But also, don't rush it. Maybe the people around you who are closeminded will follow you eventually, or maybe when you move further in your own development you will be able to communicate with more love and be more accepting and loving, so in that way, your honesty won't seem so scary to them and make them go into defense mode. Experience the journey from being out of integrity, slowly coming into it. No rush. Small steps and walk with love.
  15. I have recently done a breathwork session that sent me into a trance-like state, where I experienced something that was like a vivid dream. The experience was very profound for me, and I had insights similar to those I have had after trips on 2-CB, psilocybin, and ayahuasca. The session lasted for approximately an hour. It was different from a regular trip because doing breathwork to reach such mental states is physically challenging (at least in the beginning before you start to "lose yourself") - This feeling of having "done it myself" made me feel more in control - while also allowing myself to lose control completely. (I have also practiced Wim Hoff method, but this was different and more oriented towards reaching a trance). I had a friend guide me during this, but the technique is simple and easy to do alone. Yesterday I saw a documentary about how DMT is an endogenous compound already found in the lungs - this made me wonder if any one of you has ever tried to do this sort of long-duration breathwork during a trip? I think I will try it myself, but I could imagine that it would make the trip seriously intense? It could also be that it is not possible because it takes a lot of energy/body control...
  16. But then why does Leo use the term Non-duality and not monism!!!!!????!!?!???!??!?!??!??!?!?
  17. But in philosophy, there is not always a God implemented in those concepts. Monism doesn't mean one God necessarily, right? it can mean that there is only matter or only mind for example...
  18. I think forgiveness is what will release you from this. For your own sake. Have you tried listening to Leo's recent guide about it? It helped me forgive someone I hadn't thought possible to forgive
  19. Probably you should work on making your life situation more attractive for girls/a potential partner to be part of. I think that is a big deal when dating. I have experienced multiple times to find a guy really attractive both physically and emotionally but when I evaluate how a relationship would be in the long term, his way of life is not one compatible for a partnership - so maybe that could be it.
  20. It's not true. Girls read the profile text and it matters more than pictures. You need to: 1) Sound interesting in your text - not too needy for a relationship but also not too focused on just having sex/going out drinking. (it's a balance) 2) Have photos where you do stuff that makes it seem like you have an interesting life - it's more important what you DO on the pictures than what you look like. For example, I once ended up dating this guy because of pictures of him going hiking/camping and I thought that looked appealing. 3) Also, job title and height are important. Sorry but it is. I have matched with tons of guys on tinder that wasn't model-like looking even though I had the option - because of all the other stuff that matters more than looks. Looks aren't very important for girls. If there is something physical that is important it's more about you being physically bigger than her so she can feel protected and held. I swear to God it's true