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Everything posted by Forestluv

  1. 2015. It’s based on a brilliant mathematician with post-rational abilities. His rational collegues saw him as a threat and ostracized him. I haven’t seen it, yet I want to
  2. Your views on post-rational being seem high Green to me. Perhaps transitioning to low Yellow. A Yellow/Turqoise being would have direct experience and understanding of post-rational self-inquiry and contemplation. Perhaps consider exploring this area. Leo made a great video on it. Notice how our conversation on post-rationalism is different than my conversation on post-rationalism with Jack River. It’s not “better” or “worse” - just in a different space.
  3. Thanks. You’re good. It’s an area I want to improve. Yellow level sees some value in all perspectives - yet can see some perspectives as better than others. I don’t feel like any one perspective is “mine”. I like to hold multiple perspectives and explire them. I think both you and TJ have perspectives with sone value. I evaluate ideas all day long as part of my job. I’m totally conditioned to do it ?
  4. Exactly, it’s a fun little story. It’s not like I believe it ?
  5. In post-rational being, my thoughts have no more relevance than a bird chirp.
  6. I’m still learning how to “meet people where they are at”.
  7. This seems like green-level post-rational abilities. You may be transitioning to Yellow and developing more sophisticated post-rational abilities.
  8. That’s what helped me. I was a rational scientist for most of my life. Transitioning to green was really uncomfortable for me at times.
  9. @Jack River We scientists use surface-level intuition and metaphysics all the time. Scientists just don’t like admitting it, because they see it as whoo-whoo
  10. Ok, to take it one step further. . . Imagine if one person had 100% of the wealth in the world such that everyone else - 7 billion people - were starving to death. IMO, a blue/orange position is untenable at extremes. Developing relative thinking and empathy helps, yet I think one can work through that view rationally as well.
  11. A beautiful tier1 perspective ?
  12. I have. Once you get sufficient tier2 direct experience, you will be able to see why TJ is orange-centered with immature tier2 views.
  13. Then you should be comfortable with post-rational self-inquiry and contemplation. As well, you would understand how post-rationality can contribute to science.
  14. What is your balance between wellness for the individual and overall wellness for society? For example: if 100 billionaires “rightfully earned” 99% of a nation’s wealth such that 90% of the populaton was starving in poverty - would you support forcing those 100 billionaires to pay higher taxes?
  15. By “authority” I mean experts in a field. I think TJ’s perspective on Turquoise has value from an Orange perspective. A rationalist understanding of Tier2 is very very shallow. In Orange quantification terms, perhaps 2% understanding.
  16. It seems to happen to all of us. I try to keep an eye on it. It’s a block against growth.
  17. Ignorance is unaware of it’s own ignorance and will aggressively defend it’s own ignorance.
  18. You haven’t transcended rationality yet. Leo addresses this in one of his videos. I think it’s one on contemplation - ehen he explains how to contemplate “what is a thought?” post-rationally
  19. For me, self-inquiry and contemplation is post-rational. One of the most important lessons I’ve learned: Just because I can’t imagine something, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.
  20. @StardewValley Leo covered all these questions in his green and yellow videos
  21. @Andreas TJ Reeves’ perspective has some value, yet he has not transcended Turquoise - which is my point. Someone without tier2 experience and comprehension will not be able to see that TJ Reeves has not transcended tier1. Tier2 emerged when enough people were at tier2. Now Tier2 people are exploring a lot of nuances. In the future, we may divide Yellow and Turquoise into several subdivisions. A tier1 person can’t even comprehend Tier2, let alone a potential Tier3. TJ Reeves seems to have some glimpses of tier2, yet his tier2 views are very immature. He is still grounded in tier1 - looking up to tier2. A potential tier3 will emerge when enough tier2 people evolve through Turquoise. I think you are underestimating Turquoise. It appears there is more growth in Turquoise than all the lower stages combined. I also notice you seem to appeal to what you view as authority on SD. IMO, direct experience becomes really important at stage green and turquoise