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Everything posted by Recursoinominado

  1. Yes, my mom is really toxic, narcisistic, maybe bordeline. Took me years to finally be done with her, i am prone to forgiveness as i see her as someone who is a slave to her traumas. BUT, had to decide to stay away for good because people like that are big trouble, especially when they lack awareness like her. Gave up trying to save her. Not the ideal situation but it is the best decision.
  2. As a society, we should agree on what is hate speech and what is not. This is also often contextual and should be anylised case by case. Would you agree for example that if I shout "kill all the jews" is hate speech? Or "homosexuality is an abomination and should be combated"? If we don't agree on basic premises, society living is impossible. Laws imply the drawing of a line on often complex issues.
  3. Of course, in an ideal world, there is no discrimination at all. But in the world we live now, not all discrimination is equal. This you have to understand. I get it dude, i am a good-looking white straight male myself, sometimes is really annoying to be the center of criticism all the time by females and other groups. But if i stop for a minute and think about other people's experiences vs mine, i have to admit that my life could be significantly harder. And those "attacks" don't put me in any danger because my standard position in society is higher by default. I guess people don't know how... Well, from the top of my mind right now: I don't live in fear of being raped, women do. I don't live in fear of the police, black people do. I don't live in fear of getting jumped and murdered, gay people do. I don't live in fear of going hungry, poor uneducated people do. That's just the most obvious ones, i am sure there are hundreds more that i can't even imagine because it isn't my personal experience. My definition could be something like: unfair default advantages. Being privileged is having some sort of advantage in society simply by belonging to some sort of group. For instance, can you see that a good-looking person's life will be easier than an ugly person's life? All things being exactly the same, only changing the level of beauty, i think most people will agree that a good-looking person will have a few advantages in life. That's just one simple example but any characteristic affects how people perceive us, male vs female, straight vs gay etc. All contextual, of course. Well, if it is brotherly love you seek, start by giving other groups more power in society.
  4. Why are you trusting a pathological liar? He constantly denies undeniable shit that he himself said on camera and it is widely available on Youtube.
  5. Well, historically, white males have done unbelievably bad things when left unchecked. Hint: nazism. Also, white males are still the most powerful group, so, the "discrimination" doesn't carry the same weight as discrimination against a gay black woman, for example. Good for them. Why not close our eyes and pretend problems don't exist? Privilege doesn't exist in a vacuum, you have to compare it with something. When you compare with other groups, white males have it easier, which isn't the same as they have an easy life. It is mostly true, you just don't see it or refuse to admit. Well, what are the chances that white males are in danger from said "discrimination"? From who? Blue-haired liberal women? Now think of the danger when white males come together to hate some group. Hint: nazism.
  6. When the hate speech crowd got strong enough through... hate speech.
  7. Just put limits and consequences to it.
  8. It shouldn't. All mass atrocities were preceded by hate speech.
  9. Socialization is weakness. Reproduction is illusion. Yes.
  10. That's why i prefer amateur porn That's what sociopath narcissists do, they brag about the evil they do.
  11. That's refreshing, i liked it.
  12. No bro, it is "easier" when you spoon-feed us with high-quality videos on various topics. I hope you continue to do it for as long as possible.
  13. Show us those hundreds os studies showing that home wifi and a cellphone are capable of doing that.
  14. Try 5g again. That's a pretty high dose already, no need to constantly up the dose. Alone and in the dark with potentialize the effects.
  15. This video just got uploaded to debunk the previous "study" posted by @Kowabunga Divine timing.
  16. From the study: Yet you claim that it has 50% death rate in 5 years (baseless claim). See this video to understand what myocarditis really is: Not only most (if not all) possible myocarditis caused by vaccines are mild, requiring only rest, the cardiac problems caused by COVID infection are WAY worse. Again, what anti-vaxxers can't seem to understand (or don't want to) is that the vaccine's potential risks necessarily have to be compared to the COVID infection potential risks.
  17. Inform yourself.
  18. 1. Didn't equated RFK with Hitler. 2. No one was forced. 3. That's not the discussion at all. 4. For someone that dumb, you shouldn't be attacking people like that.
  19. It is like saying "i really like Hitler, just not his nazi stuff"...
  20. Not an expert but i am planning to build a channel myself and doing research. What i am seeing getting most views right now even for begginers is doing reaction videos on popular topics (like andrew tate, elon musk) or simply doing an video about them with their faces on the thumbnail and a clickbait tittle (i know, not high conscious but you gotta play the game). It is like borrowing someone's else fame to attract views.
  21. Good weed has been used for brainstorming ideas for many years by very successful people. Also, drugs in general can help shaking your consciousness enough for new ideas to come up. LSD, mushrooms and weed seem to be good for it. Seems like cocaine is also good for "business" but it is addictive, i wouldn't play with it.
  22. That's just the mature thing to do.
  23. I failed every time i tried to show Leo's videos to someone, even people supposedly interested in self-development. Maybe the long lenght videos (1h+) isn't appealing for firstcomers... I guess is only for the CHOSEN ONESSSS