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Everything posted by Recursoinominado

  1. Good cities attract people, people bring issues. It is the city's duty to solve those issues. Just kicking people out from the streets, isn't solving issues, this is just a classic moronic right-wing way of dealing with complex issues.
  2. He explicitly stated that he found a way to monetize social justice warriors. He is being paid millions of dollars + fame to defend his idiotic positions. At this point, he will say and do anything to keep receiving validation from his fans.
  3. Well, if i were homeless, i would love to be in Los Angeles, fuck it, why not? Nice weather, beautiful city, gorgeous people, going to the beach.
  4. Half-grifter, half-melted brain from a dangerous induced coma.
  5. Well, then their "democrat" suck as left policies go. Some would say that the US only has a right-wing party and a slight less right-wing party. Clearly not enough. Have they provided enough cheap housing? Jobs?Mental Health assistance? Drug rehab? That's how you solve such problems. Usually, the "obvious" is just flat-out wrong.
  6. Do you think those problems were created by the left? This kind of shallow political analysis is laughable, to be honest. Think late-stage capitalism. If anything, those cities need more leftist policies of social assistance.
  7. You aren't the "observer" of thoughts, you are the consciousness of thoughts.
  8. They aren't going overboard, conservatives are overreacting. How often do you see someone talking about "50 genders and identifying as animals"? You using this example is a result of how conservatives work, they play dirty, pick up "extreme" and rare cases and repeat forever as something common to scare dumb boomers. Boomers lack epistemic awareness, they confuse what they see on facebook as reality, so they think the "real world" has gone mad.
  9. This is obvious, everyone is aware of how "good" and addicting they are. Any good debate has to go beyond this type of argument. If we should learn something about this whole "war on drugs" it is that no one can stop people from using drugs. No jail threat is enough to stop people from using it. Even in maximum security jails, you can still find drugs to use. The question now is: Should we let people use garbage drugs laced with the worst kind of shit like fentanyl or should we provide them with safer drugs that are pure? With LSD we have the NBOME category of substances that people sell like LSD but it isn't. NBOME is dangerous, can cause overdose, fry your system, and trigger psychotic episodes. With MDMA we have all sorts of meth derivates, probably 90%+ of all "MDMA" sold and consumed are, in fact mostly METH. Heroin and cocaine are famously impure also.
  10. Portugal doesn’t sell cocaine at the pharmacy They should.
  11. 19th century China? The poorest country in the world 150 years ago? Can you even compare it with anything we have today? We already have plenty of successful examples today. At this point is just fundamentalism or pure ignorance.
  12. Don't believe everything you see, historical revisionism is a thing. Everyone has an agenda.
  13. We aren't in 1970 anymore, this shit never worked.
  14. Sell with prescriptions, like lots of medication is. Invest in education, rehab centers, inform people the dangers and how to do harm reduction. Also, i bet if you actually get the pure stuff, without all the garbage drug dealers put to increase profits, the actual drug is much less dangerous.
  15. What change? Selling drugs? They literally do that already. Well, people do drugs since forever, they only would change their dealer for a more trustworthy one, and everyone wins.
  16. ONLY legalizing isn't going to solve the problem. And decriminalization isn't the same as legalizing. Decriminalization = you can't be arrested for possessing a drug and consuming it, but you can't sell it. Which is a first step. Arresting someone for possessing/using drugs, ANY drugs is dumb as fuck. Legalizing = You can even sell it. This is better, promotes real business, better products, creates jobs, promotes the economy, takes money from drug cartels, and gives to the government and civilians. Regulamentation is the next step, you create rules for people to sell and consume t. For drugs like weed, it is cool to let mostly the "market" solve itself. But with cocaine, heroin, meth, MDMA, DMT and LSD, it should be as pure as possible, so big pharma would handle most of it, possibly with doctors and social/health professionals watching for the users.
  17. More breaks???? Enough! We want new videos and courses.
  18. Nice video showing the danger of promoting limitless "free speech" to hide HATE speech and the link between hate speech against LGBT people and CRIMES against them.
  19. Simple google search: