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Everything posted by Psyche_92

  1. Yes i'm new, please explain EVERYTHING to me.
  2. None. You don't have to meditate a second to become enlightened. Monks that are training for enlightenment happens. Monks thinking that meditating for decades will make them enlightened also just happens. Monks saying that they became enlightened because of meditating for decades also just happens. Everything just happens. "you" already are enlightened, it's just not realized yet. You can't even realize it because there is no "you". Realization just happens.
  3. Are you meditating? Seems like you would benefit from it a lot.
  4. No one is always happy. Emotions come and go, and "you" don't have any influence on it. This is a delusion. "enlightened people" are not always happy.
  5. What i mean is that the backlash is already happening, you are just in resistance of it and want to stop it. You want a method or advice to deal with it ( resistance).
  6. Could be. I always feel like i'm on the right track, only to find out yet again it's not it. I wish i could stop seeking.
  7. State 1: I'm identified with the body, but i can also experience the glow of consciousness behind it. State 2: I'm not so much identified with the body, but fall further together with the glow and become one with it. State 3: I'm not identified with the body, nor do i feel like i fall together with the glow, but feel that i now am behind the glow and observe the body, mind, emotions and everything without being attached to any of them. In this state i don't have the feeling that i am the one controlling anything, i can just observe and see how everything is happening like a movie being played. State 1 is the most annoying one, because this one is almost like falling fully together with the ego, although i think it's not as bad because i can contact the space without too much trouble.
  8. What do you mean with "something other than that"?
  9. Not localizable. Maybe a slight sense that it's attached to the body, but more likely the space and everything around it.
  10. I feel like the body is always performing "random" actions, suited best to it's needs which is driven by pure conscious intelligence. You just don't feel like it is, because you are identified with it, and think you are in control, doing everything which only interrupts and manipulates a natural process. I'm not sure what you mean with "a vegetative state".
  11. You are already dealing with it, you are just in ignorance.
  12. I know there isn't such a thing as shifting, but it feels that way for "me". I'm constantly shifting between states of open attention/truth itself, where i can see "myself" living life, and identification with "my personality". It's kind of frustrating because one time i'm feeling extremely relaxed and the other time i'm so involved in the dream that it makes me upset. Of course it doesn't matter for consciousness itself, but it seems like i can't move to a permanent state yet. Is this just a phase?
  13. You don't. Accept and love yourself for who you are, you are perfect.
  14. As far as i'm concerned, internet is the last addiction that's robbing me of my precious time. I've been using the internet since i was 10, and started playing video-games since i was 6-7. I'm not really playing video-games anymore ( maybe some flash game on Mini-clips now and then), but now i'm watching other people playing games on Twitch. I honestly can't imagine dropping this, because this website entertains me like crazy, but at the same time i find it ridiculous because i'm watching people playing games or doing weird stuff on the irl section for hours on end, and this is keeping me from doing the things i rather need, and want to do. Getting rid of internet as a total, probably isn't an option because i want to be able to visit this forum and watch Leo's videos now and then. I also want to keep using the internet to do research for myself. I need advice on this.
  15. Did you ask the world himself what he thinks about "ecology"?
  16. Exactly what's preventing you from moving on. You need to feel the pain until it subsides and evaporates. You can't do this with the conscious idea of wanting to get rid of it either. The best thing to do is become conscious of the pain, and when it comes up, don't reject it and feel it with curiosity. In the end it's just intense energy moving through us that wants to become free, but we put the label "pain" on it and are conditioned to repress it, which is exactly what prevents it from leaving us.
  17. I was the same, although i could watch for a little longer without getting distracted. What i did was forcing myself to watch it anyways, and so i got to vid 57 in 2 days. The beginning was unpleasant, but i got over the hump and started to really enjoy it and enter a flow-state. Right now i'm 95% sure about what my life purpose is, and so the motivation to continue the rest of the course is kind of gone, but i will definitely end it soon. Also, think about what else can really be more important than doing the course for you right now? Ditch every distraction that you can think of and prioritize.
  18. Not really, at least not that i know of. If you are interested, here is an English interview: Seems like he talks about his awakening in this one. Haven't watched it myself yet.
  19. A Non-Duality teacher i'm following always claims that meditation or any other spiritual practice is just another distraction from the real work. He's saying that every practice is always a turn in the wrong direction, and that you can't find ultimate freedom by calming down yourself every time you feel tension or anxiety,..... This makes somewhat sense to me, as i feel like you are putting bandaids on wounds that have to be examined and felt.
  20. He was a teacher in spiritual healing before becoming a "Non-Duality teacher". But he said that it wasn't necessary for his awakening.
  21. Exactly what i'm wondering. I'm always going for a good period, only to stop and start meditating again. Now i feel the urge to meditate, but i don't want to anymore, because i'm sure that i'm doing it to get somewhere.