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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. It was very clear to me before he ran for president that he would be a terrible president. Not just because I am a liberal Democrat and Trump ran as a Republican. It's also because of shrewd older folks like my parents, who also lived in NYC for a very long time, who always realized how much of a con-artist, a moron, and a freak Trump always was ever since his young adults years. They also knew how horrible of a guy his father, Fred Trump, was too.
  2. Nobody knows. Which is very scary. Here's a great take from Professor Laurence Tribe about how negligent SCOTUS was with their hearing of the case: https://www.msnbc.com/the-last-word/watch/prof-tribe-on-trump-ballot-case-colorado-was-doing-its-job-applying-the-constitution-203919941522
  3. I had a feeling that SCOTUS were going to be inclined to strike this down, but I was shocked by how hostile and cowardly virtually all of the Justices on the US Supreme Court were, including the liberal judges, with the case and the arguments presented to them as to why Trump should be disqualified. Hear what, Glenn Kirschner, who is a highly respectable, very intelligent, no-nonsense, and highly experienced prosecutor said about this travesty: The judges didn't even seem to take into account what Trump actually did on January 6th. I really don't think SCOTUS really took the merits of the case seriously enough.
  4. Williamson finally dropped out of the race two days ago, which was expected. Yet, progressives such as Kyle Kulinski and Krystal Ball are still upset about the fact that Marianne wasn't given fair coverage and that the Democratic establishment has become authoritarian by rigging the primaries in favor Biden. They also are saying that Williamson and Dean Phillips are right about Biden going to lose to Trump.
  5. I absolutely agree, but unfortunately that's not what most of the public is perceiving. Also, why is Biden's approval rating lower than Trump's was at this point in his presidency even though Biden has achieved the most positive domestic policy achievements than any president since LBJ in the 1960s and has done a terrific job of cleaning up the mess Trump and Republicans made during Trump's presidency? Can Biden turn around the perception of him and influence the public to realize once again that Biden is by far the lesser of two evils before the 2024 election?
  6. and yet sadly more people in America currently believe that Trump is more mentally fit and for office than Biden. They also still perceived Biden to be too old and too weak and Trump is stronger and more energetic. Many voters are also having the nostalgia about how there was more peace and prosperity under Trump than under Biden despite the fact that Trump didn't really do anything to contribute to better times during 2017 to 2019.
  7. Special Counsel Robert Hur, who investigated Biden's handling of the classified documents during his time as Vice-president, has exonerated Biden from this. Yet, Hur made a very out of line partisan attack on Biden by saying that he is an old man with a poor memory and giving numerous examples of his memory problems. Even though it's good that Biden will clearly not be charged with his handling of the classified documents case, the special counsel is a Republican like James Comey was and his gratuitous comments about memory issues and age will now be used as extra ammunition for the Republicans to use against Biden and the Democrats for the 2024 election. This was a political hit job on Biden. This was Biden's response about the out of pocket statement made in Hur's report:
  8. Yeah, I thought about that, had a feeling it wasn't going to fly with SCOTUS, and I understand that the argument the Trump challengers were making is very new and understudied, but that still doesn't excuse SCOTUS from the way they handled this case. Did you listen to what that prosecutor said? How about what other top legal experts such as Andrew Weissman and Neal Katyal said: Other eminently high minded legal expert such as professor Lawrence Tribe and former conservative judge Michael Luttig said. The interpretation of the 3rd clause of the 14th amendment was already interpreted in a very right-wing originalist manner by legal experts. The US Supreme Court evaded the MERITS of the case and the conservatives did not rule from their "originalist" viewpoints because they were all too scared about the possibility of dividing our country apart. The conservatives on the court are also bought and paid for justices on the bench (especially Alito and Thomas) who are definitely in the pockets of super rich wealthy right-wing megadonors such as Harlan Crow. SCOTUS is corrupt. Not in the way that Trump and the MAGA Republicans think it is, but like Joe Biden said "this is not a normal court."
  9. What would've the heroic warrior presidents Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, FDR, Truman, Eisenhower, and LBJ have done?
  10. Attorney General Merrick Garland made a mistake of waiting way too long with appointing special counsel investigator Jack Smith probably because he wanted to avoid coming off as being too partisan. Yet, that was a political mistake because now it's possible that none of the criminal trials for Trump will began before the 2024 general election day and if Trump becomes president again, then he can easily nullify all of these federal level criminal charges made against. https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2023/08/02/merrick-garland-trump-investigation-honig-cnntm-vpx.cnn https://prospect.org/justice/2023-08-03-merrick-garland-failed-america/ https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/trump-indictment-merrick-garland/ I think that Fani Willis took too long with her case too. I see how Democrats don't know how to play hardball as well as the Republicans can.
  11. I know I said that TYT has been losing it lately, but I think that they made a valid point here:
  12. Biden defeated Dean Phillips and Marianne Williamson in the 2024 New Hampshire primary by an immense margin despite him being a relatively weak incumbent candidate and the fact that since 2022 many polls kept showing that most Americans, including some majority of Democrats, don't want Biden to run for re-election. Marianne Williamson and Dean Phillips campaigned as hard as they could in the state and in many other parts of the country saying that Biden is too weak of a candidate, too unpopular even within the Democratic party, many politicians and pundits have already been calling for him to step aside to let a younger generation of new Dem candidates run for president, he is definitely going to lose to Trump in 2024, and so on and so forth. Yet, the vast majority of Democrats in many of those polls said that if Biden were the nominee that they would still vote for and support him in 2024. Moreover, Biden just won the New Hampshire primary even though his name wasn't on the ballot. In fact, he probably won the largest margin of victory for any write-in presidential candidate in US History. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/01/23/us/elections/results-new-hampshire-democratic-primary.html
  13. Well, Idk if it's necessary to have been in the Guinness book of world records. lol. However, I think that it's quite an amazing feat for Biden. Biden and the Democratic party as a whole want don't want him to lose any primary. They don't even want him to just win by a narrow margin. Otherwise, that would cause the party to be significantly weakened and divided, which would hurt Biden's re-election chances. It's okay for the party holding the White House to have a heated and competitive primary of candidates for the nomination of their party for president, but not a good idea for the party in power to do so. In fact, One big reason the Dems lost the presidency in 1952, 1968, 1980, and 2016 was because during each of those presidential election years the Democrats were the party that had the presidency, but then were divided and weakened by the election day. Phillips and Williamson lost to Biden terribly because they fortunately were not serious Democratic challengers. They don't have the kind of big name recognition like that of a Democratic governor like Gavin Newsom, a Democratic Senator like Bernie Sanders, some kind of celebrity congressperson like as AOC, or maybe some kind of very famous, popular celebrity who's not politician but is a Democrat such as George Clooney. Furthermore, even if they had the name recognition they needed to command enough widespread attention throughout the nation both Williamson and Phillips haven't run campaigns that are appealing to most Democratic voters, let alone the majority of the general electorate throughout the whole country. Williamson is perceived by the public as being a fringe left-wing Democrat. Dean Phillips, is more moderate than Williamson and has been part of the Democratic establishment for about 6 years, but he's neither been doing a great job with managing his campaign nor has been an inspirational individual that has able to stand out in any appealing way.
  14. She still won the popular vote by about 3 million votes. The electoral college is also too archaic and undemocratic.
  15. Many of us starting about a couple of years ago were very worried about DeSantis running for President in 2024. However, he turned out to be such an extremely unlikeable GOP candidate and even so terrible at managing his campaign that he ultimately dropped out of the GOP primary race today! https://www.msnbc.com/weekends-with-alex-witt/watch/desantis-suspends-his-presidential-bid-and-endorses-trump-202586181842
  16. Are religious women who are closeted sex freaks not as common as many pickup artists say? Also, why do they say that the sexual revolution actually made it harder for most men in the 1st world countries to compete for any women, because most women in the modern world have much more sexual attention and options than women from older times and/or from traditional societies in 2nd and 3rd world countries?
  17. I've tried dating some religious girls and I wasn't able to seduce them into bed. Maybe I just had bad luck with those girls. I get that the more religious a girl is the more sexually repressed she is. However, we all know that that could mean that she can't wait to get really freaky with a guy or guys. That's why we've all heard of these stories about these girls who claimed to be devout Christian but then have an orgy, cheat on their bf/husband, have an open relationship, do porn, watch porn, etc. Even many muslim women have apparently cheated on their partners. Yet, Leo said before that doing pickup and seduction won't work in fundamentalist religious communities because it can be difficult to overcome the kind of cultural programming those girls had growing up. Is it that it's possible to seduce a girl from a traditional/religious culture, but it's harder to do so than a girl from a more modern/secular culture?
  18. But you've been saying that he's been making a big mistake for Israel. John Mearsheimer already has talked about how this is going to backfire greatly on Israel in the long-run. Plus, most Israeli citizens don't like this. So, wouldn't this mean that Netanyahu is not only going against the will of his own people, but also making a foolish decision for the country? What big win in the bigger picture will there be for Bibi and Israel other than his extreme right-wing government officials letting him hold on to power as long as he continues this war for them? I am not trying to disagree with you and I am still somewhat open to the idea that Netanyahu's decisions may have some merit. I just don't understand.
  19. You also said recently that: So, does being a good and successful leader require having some kind of balance between delivering what the majority of people want and doing what the leader himself/herself knows is the right decision by ignoring what most people in his/her country are against?
  20. If she's loses the New Hampshire primary, which seems likely to happen, and/or the South Carolina primary, which is also likely to happen (even though that's her home state and she was governor of that state) then it will absolutely be over for her.
  21. Funny enough, about half of Haley's supporters did say that they would vote for Biden over Trump according to a poll: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/poll-nearly-half-haleys-iowa-backers-say-ll-vote-biden-trump-rcna133821
  22. Most Republican voters don't believe that he's a criminal. Also, most of them still totally believe that Trump won the election in 2020 because "Biden and the Democrats cheated." That's how incredibly brain damaged most of the Republican/conservative base throughout the entire country has become. Look at how far ahead Trump has been in the polls. Yes, the polls are fluid and shouldn't always been taken at face value, but Trump's lead in the polling averages has been way too monstrous for way too long now, even compared to Haley and the polls that occur a few days out from a primary or an election are the most accurate compared to the polls done several weeks, several months, or a year out from an primary or election.
  23. The polling averages showed that Biden would've still been heading of DeSantis if they faced off each other. Even Nikki Haley arguably ended up doing better than DeSantis overall.
  24. No, it is in many respects because doesn’t have much charisma or energy. However, it’s also because the mainstream media and the Nazi right-wing media haven’t given Biden fair coverage. The silent majority in this country has really not been receiving all of the correct news info. and high quality political analysis that it deserves. This is again why we absolutely need a liberal/progressive ecosystem that can defeat the right-wing media ecosystem and cut through the mainstream media’s “both sides” bullshit analysis.