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Everything posted by Cepzeu

  1. This was a biggie for me on my trip haha. I questioned why I even did it. Activating god mode ruins all the fun of the game for a while
  2. I'm hoping that this thread will help others contemplate their situation a bit more and maybe help some people avoid making 5-10-20 year mistakes in their life. I was inspired after reading about a multi - millionaire who said that, in hindsight, he would try to make $50-80 million by the time he was 35 and then pursue his other passions rather than chasing money and being a slave to the rush of it. He continued to make money and is worth 400-600 million or thereabouts, but his main regret is the time he wasted pursuing those extra millions. Post some of the biggest traps you've fallen into in your life and maybe state your age so people can get an idea of where you are at roughly. My two examples are: - thinking that my parents are right about a lot of things up until around 18-19. They are what you might call successful, which I took as a sign of them being right about the world. There are certainly some good values they instilled in me but I also picked up a lot of damaging beliefs and mindsets, as well as a lack of self esteem with regards to relating to my father and being independent. - focusing too much on studying 'hard' sciences (bio,chem,physics, maths) while in middle and high school. I spent a lot of time worrying about studying and I neglected understanding, and forming social relationships. This bites me in the ass a lot these days. I think that it's wise to study a lot of different things before you leave high school and not to lock yourself into once field too early on. After you leave, I think you can learn about things you are passionate in relatively easily within 2-3 years. It's more important to understand your passions while you are in school and to learn to relate with people who are different to you. I'm in my early 20's btw. Also when reading other people's posts keep in mind that there are also traps in doing the things they wish they did. So it's not a matter of one way being the best way. For example, if I spent too much time socialising and got caught up in petty social problems, I probably wouldn't have developed the meta skill of 'studying in general' to a proficient level which would allow me to pursue a medical degree.
  3. You really do have to have you life affairs sorted and be in a good place before you jump down the rabbit hole, I agree
  4. I'm sorry to hear about your experience. It seems like you invested a lot into this. You know what you need to do. Leave this stuff for a while and work on your human life for a few years. Friends, relationships, finances etc. will all come back with effort. For me, 6 years of this work has culminated in a total awakening. I transcended my past and became infinite. Now as I congeal back into my ego, I realised the potential of this life, and I also realised that my human avatar is not yet ready to pursue another awakening. I am also working on more human things like career, relationships, and hobbies. I am going to leave the deep stuff for a few years and work on my 'ego's' life. It sounds like you want to do the same, which is completely fine. There is no reason for you to pursue this work if you don't want to. Pursue that which brings you Joy. The universe loves you exactly as you are. You can do no wrong.
  5. @K VIL could you elaborate on this. I feel like I didn't focus on dating enough so it's interesting to hear the other side
  6. @Identity I agree, those are really important. I think I'm still trying to work on the people pleasing.
  7. You can glean some insights from him if you need them at that time. He says some valuable things occasionally. But there will always be some followers who follow for the sake of following, irrespective of what he says. Just like there are people who blindly follow Leo without questioning him. Sometimes when I'm really down, I can watch a motivational JP video. Something as simple as 'clean your room' doesn't occur to you when you spend so much time pursuing higher things and you neglect order in your life. A bit of positive emotions from his videos can help boost you up to go and take action to ground yourself. And once you do, you can let him go for a while, you don't have to get caught up in the 80% of his stuff which is delusional. But there will always be a group of people who do. We are emotional creatures, not logical ones. You can be logical, but realise that will mostly be from a standpoint of being emotionally attached to your ego. You feel proud and happy from being a logical and intellectual person, as do I and many others. But don't make a shadow out of being dumb, illogical, and airy-fairy. These are grounded more in the body rather than the mind, and accessing a state where you are not thinking logically, but are relaxed and free-flowing, and going with the moment, and moving your body can be beneficial as a balance to logical thinking in my experience.
  8. Great doco about the challenges of racing motorbikes at the top level.
  9. Do you feel like 5 MeO has addiction potential? I know that when I come back from a trip on other psychs I don't want to do it for at least 4-6 months. For me the insights are beautiful but horrifying at the same time, and trips make me want to focus on integration work. I assume that is a result of ego-based fear. I guess I fear trying 5 MeO and being a slave to it (like a heroin addict to heroin). Or would you say it's more like classical psychs in that you're not rushing to do it again.
  10. @Adam M I'm so happy for you. I had an almost identical experience two days later to you. Except I was very nauseous and emptied my guts (from both ends) . Tip: do not drink smoothies before a trip. haha I love you
  11. Sounds like a hormone problem to me. How long ago did you have the blood tests? Hormone supplements take a while to kick in and reverse symptoms.
  12. Some practical points to take away: - you can experience this for yourself, just follow the teachings laid out by Leo - express your truth, and everything will work out. You are loved. - show love to others, especially those weaker than you. All everyone really wants is to connect and feel loved. - be vulnerable with other people, everyone just wants to feel needed and useful. Being all-poweful and infinite is lonely. - call your parents and grandparents, even if it's just to talk shit about nothing in particular. Ask them for advice even if you don't need it.
  13. Watch the video. Compare to how other cars are sold. Notice there is no neediness in this ad. It shows an epic life and purpose (innovation). There is no pricing, or warranty, or sale info. This ad conveys that the brand is on its purpose, its life is epic with or without you. Does this ad make you want to join in on the fun? Also notice it's not flashy, it's not try-hard in trying to convince you of anything. The underlying message is "my life is epic, I am on purpose, you can be a part of it if you join me" Now notice the corollaries between this and good game.
  14. I hope everyone is doing well in this hard time, and I wish everyone the best, especially good health and peace of mind. I thought I would bump this thread as I'm currently in lockdown like many others, and I have noticed myself distracted with news, unhealthy food, and other low consciousness activities over the past few days. For anyone who is frustrated with being off-purpose in this time, the textbook is a great resource. I have been using it today and even just the first 21 pages have really helped me realign with the important things in my life and to let go of worry about little things. I recommend anyone who has reverted to unwanted behaviours and taken up distractions to take some time and reflect. The textbook is a great way to put things in perspective, and I know a lot of people, especially newcomers, don't see it because it gets buried.
  15. Thanks guys for the replies. I think I will have to start being more honest in our conversations and bring up the topic with her.
  16. Whatever you resist persists SDSing your addictions will only work if you fully accept them and love them and allow them, rather than tolerating them. By loving, you learn to let them be, and by learning to let them be, you allow a natural letting go of what doesn't serve you. Feel them in your body and take a deep breath. On the exhale just let everything be, just relinquish all control. By allowing something to simply be through your love of it, you do not cling to it, and naturally over time impulses will subside. Combine this by creating distance from addictions (i.e. selling your console, blocking porn sites, not going to the casino etc.) and you will be well on your way.
  17. How old are you? Do you currently take any medications? Especially of note are ACE inhibitors such as cilazapril/enalapril/quinapril (sold as Pharex or Hypace) Can you describe your cough? Is it dry or wet (i.e. mucus comes out when you cough). If mucus comes out does it have a colour (green/yellow/frothy white?) Do you have any pain when you cough? How intense are the coughs. Do you smoke cigarettes or weed at all?
  18. She will be interested in you if you openly and directly communicate that you like her and are willing to leave if she says no. The biggest turn off is sub communicating neediness.
  19. This is an important part of the process, and will pass. You begin to realise the limitations of simply titilating the ego with distractions. Consider magnifying love in the "outside" world. In other words, offering your gifts to others, giving back to your community, empowering others. Some of my greatest fulfillment has come from tutoring a small group of undergraduate students in biochemistry. It's a complex subject for beginners and just watching their faces light up when concepts suddenly clicked in their head from my input was extremely fulfilling and humbling. My point is that your ego is suffering right now because it's grasping at things, asking what the world can do for "me, me, me..." Realise you are all things and magnify your love to yourself. Help other parts of yourself see love within their world. You can do this in many ways. It's up to you. You can buy a takeaway meal and give it to a homeless person and sit with them for 5 minutes. And notice how through your actions you have magnified love in that situation.
  20. Here is a simple method that I have found helps to cut through the initial monkey mind and agitation when sitting down to meditate. For me this specifically helps with the Do-Nothing technique to achieve prolonged, focused awareness with little monkey mind within 3-5 min - you could call it a flow state. Thought I would share in case it helped some people. 1. Obviously, get rid of anything that might distract you. 2. Get comfortable and sit in whatever posture you plan to meditate in. 3. Begin breathing deeply and quickly (hyperventilating) for maybe 15 seconds. 4. At the end of that short time, finish your out-breath (DON'T force all the air out, just let your lungs deflate like at the end of a normal breath) and stop breathing. 5. Don't breathe for a while and just be aware of wherever you are in TOTAL stillness. Because you hyperventilated for a bit it will help you to stop breathing for a while. 6. When you feel like you would like some more air repeat steps 3-5. 7. When you have repeated the cycle about three or four times you should be in a very aware state with little monkey mind. You can then proceed with your normal breathing and meditation as you wish. Play around with it and see whether it helps. Some notes: - I've found it better to stop breathing on the out-breath and not to hold a big in-breath in. It's just more comfortable. It's why I mention 'not breathing' rather than 'holding your breath' - You will know you've done it correctly if you don't feel an immediate hunger for air when you stop breathing. This will allow you to sit in complete stillness. - This is similar to what Wim Hof does but his method is way longer and for a slightly different purpose, from memory I think he hyperventilates for a full minute. Here you are just doing about 15 seconds so that you can sit in stillness for a bit.
  21. If you understand what you understand then I don't know why you are bothering with this either. Absolute is ineffable. You can't communicate it, you can only dance around it with language. Every person can only see it for themselves and no other way. I can only communicate with you through concept
  22. I think you are trying to point to the nature of something being itself. i.e. Good is Good, Bad is Bad etc. in other words saying the fundamental nature of something is itself. And that this distinction is between Absolute and Relativity. I think you are chasing your own tail a little bit because you can make distinctions about what something is ad infinitum and from infinite perspectives. From an absolute perspective BLUE is BLUE and NOT-BLUE i.e. non-duality. From a relativistic perspective blue is a colour seen relative to a human's eye sight, for example. Even though you are saying BLUE is BLUE (i.e its fundamental essence) this is still relativity because to distinguish BLUE being BLUE you have to accept that it is not NOT-BLUE, which is duality. From an absolute perspective BLUE is infinity. To insist that the nature of something is its nature is just mind and word games. It doesn't get you anywhere. And fundamental nature of anything (as you describe it) is just concept i.e. Swarmness is a concept made to identify swarms within infinity. It's not really its fundamental nature, it's just an illusion made by mind. The fundamental nature of a swarm is Swarmness, not-Swarmness, and everything in between, i.e. infinity.