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Everything posted by LeighPC

  1. Thank you for sharing. The best definition I have read of codependency is that codependents look for validation of their worth from others. The problem is that the world will give you negative feedback as often as positive...so it doesn't work. As a recovering co-dependent, I have to affirm every day that I am not better than or worth less than any other person. Your value is innate. Your parents did not affirm that for you...that's hard and something to recover from. In my case I had to go back and look at those childhood wounds...and I had to be sober through that process. Leo has so many resources for this, I would spend the $35 for his book recommendations. There is one on self esteem that might be useful. ETA: I just saw where you already have done this, yay! You have definitely taken some solid step and have a huge amount of self awareness that will help you climb out more into the light. Please keep us posted. ETA: one thing that I have found is very helpful on the "building a healthy community" front is to find a running or hiking group, or in your case, maybe people to jam with who don't use drugs.
  2. Three things: 1) Leo makes some of best content on the Internet available for free. Lots of it. 2) People are entitled to make money off of work they do that provides value to others. 3) You ought to be able to trust your own powers of critical thinking and your own judgment to determine what has worth to you.