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Everything posted by andyjohnsonman

  1. With aerial footage from fifty-four countries, 'Home' is a depiction of how Earth's problems are all interlinked.
  2. He's definitely stage green based on how he talks - what a great man I love his journey. He's learnt a lot of principles that actualized talk about by himself through his tennising heroes journey i feel in some ways this can be more powerful than just hearing about the principles on a youtube channel. He has lived through them through trial and error and you can see in this interview he is living these values.
  3. Perfect timing I just created a playlist of my favourite chilled songs been listening to it all day while doing yoga and feel bloody amazing! Heres the playlist if anyone is keen -
  4. Pewdiepie cringing at a green hippie
  5. Russell Brand analysing stage blue
  6. Just to warn any of you who want to follow the advice Leo gives in this blog it is NOT safe to mega dose vitamin D as Leo states on this blog, "It is safe to mega-dose Vitamin C and Vitamin D3 for short periods of time. I would do so immediately if I felt sick. A mega-dose of Vitamin C might be 5,000mg to 10,000 per day and a mega-dose of Vitamin D3 might be 10,000 to 20,000 IU. I would only mega-dose a few days at a time if I was sure I was sick." I have been taking 50mg of Vitamin D for the last week and have ended up getting vitamin toxicity which can be very serious which has lead to kidney pain, bones aching all over, nausea, constipation, fatigue and constant urination. I would recommend no more than 10mg of Vitamin D a day and refrain from Leo's advice of mega dosing this stuff.
  7. Im back on the vitamin D. Just to update you all It wasn't Vitamin D toxicity it was strength training overload. So i'm gonna take this groups advice and try 5000IU a day plus 50mcg of K2 to manage the calcium levels.
  8. Im also in England and do it often its really fun exercising in nature. Ge wooden rings they are better. I got these - best 35 pound ive ever spend. Once you get strong enough invest in a weighted belt and do weighted rings attatching bottles of water to you - 1 litre of water = 1kg
  9. no worries mate i do it everyday check out a guy call trainingpal on youtube. Ive been doing it 4 times a week and my strength is decent - heres some ideas to get you going.
  10. What type of yoga is best for bone and ligament health?
  11. look into gymnastic rings. Most of the exercises you do on there are very good for muscle and you can throw them up on tree branches at your convenience. No need to get a gym membership.
  12. This is the current situation in the capital of Uganda, Kampala. The people rose against the dictatorship of the current president and he responds with tyranny and killing innocent civilians. This lady was almost killed by a soldier deployed to contain the riots.
  13. This forum is like being at a meet up with my mother and her friends
  14. This is a moment where we can all look at the shadow side of us and see how hard it would be to do what Leo is doing here - It would be so easy to use the status for egoic gains but the fact that he has such a powerful vision for Actualized says it all. It makes me think about the controversy surrounding Mooji and whether or not he did exploit his position. PS i think what he was doing was not exploitative and if anything was a clever way of finding a mate.
  15. John Butler beautifully teaches a stage blue person how to change their ways
  16. I think this would be a very useful Actualized video which I would be very interested in watching as I feel Leo is excellent at doing research properly
  17. I meant to type 50mcg and i still believe it was this dosage that messed me up. I was fine prior to this dosage and after taking it I got all the symptoms of vitamin D toxicity, now i have come off it I am fine again, which makes it strange to hear you all reporting taking such massive amounts.
  18. I dont think its anything else although I have a cough which is unrelated to it. Ill keep you updated and im going to take a couple of months off supplements.
  19. Thats way too much unless you have vitamin deficiency like Michael said. I would go down considerably as you don't wanna be bed bound for a few days with this like i have been.
  20. Well it wasn't happening before I took Vitamin D and now it is. All those symptoms have suddenly come up since i've been taking 50mg of vitamin D a day. There was one day I took 70mg. The research shows that these are the symptoms of Vitamin toxicity.
  21. osteoporosis runs in my family so I want to make sure i keep my calcium levels up for bone density. My dad has very weak bones now. He was told he had high cholesterol about 20 years ago so he cut out dairy products which he believes caused it. I watched a few documentaries about 5 years ago one being forks over knives which claims dairy is a bad source of calcium so I cut it out. Over the duration of these 5 years I feel my bones are getting weaker. The research seems to be divided on this topic with no clear evidence saying whether or not diary is a good source. I feel this is a crucial life decision to make as it could make a difference whether I am healthy as I age or start to become weak. What are peoples verdicts in this forum about whether or not to eat dairy for bone health?
  22. The above comment was responding to this.
  23. Wow thats some great information thanks for that. How can you be sure that "Despite popular claims dairy is NOT associated with reduced osteoporosis risk"? As there seems to be evidence for both being correct. Maybe just to be sure i'll cut milk and cheese in favour of leafy greens and plant based milk?