Joseph Maynor

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Everything posted by Joseph Maynor

  1. Good My notes from the video: Sedona Method – a method to reduce the emotion of X. X can be anger, fear, sadness, resistance, etc. 1. Get in touch with your feeling of X. 2. Ask, could I let this feeling of X go? 3. Ask, would I like to let this feeling of X go? 4. Ask, when would I like to let this feeling of X go?
  2. Who says there's no free will? Does God white-knuckle cling to beliefs about reality?
  3. Good. This would be a good course that would nicely follow your LP course as well. You could sell the shit out of this course. But make the videos at a minimum. People need this information to go from their lower self into their higher self. The mind does need PROACTIVE re-programming to get over the Ego's resistance to leave its comfort-zone.
  4. If you're wise you should be able to flourish in any kind of environment. You're just gonna have a different set of initial conditions to work with. This doesn't mean don't focus on Political Work. It means exercise all your brains irrespective of which clown is in office. Oftentimes, focus on Political Work prematurely can function as a distraction to you getting your own life well put together. Get your own life well put together and then worry about exercising your powers beyond that first priority. Assume the people in office are all idiots and take that into account as you design the systems of your life and your community. Nietzsche said it's wise to factor in stupidity and to account for stupidity. This means that you prepare contingency plans around expected (foreseeable) stupidity. You should be able to flourish in life no matter what anybody else does, including but not limited to the government or silly politicians.
  5. Your life should be great no matter who's in office.
  6. You are always doing what you think is the best thing you can be doing at any given moment in time.
  7. You got it. I just pop in now briefly from time to time. I like to come on first thing in the am and not stay too long.
  8. Gain a Maslow stage and then lose it and you'll find out the worth of each stage. Maslow's Pyramid is brilliant as a model. Of course, you do need to balance the Paradox of Needs And No Needs. Gain Stage 2 and lose it, gain Stage 3 and lose it, and gain Stage 4 and lose it -- then you will know. It's very common to lose Stage 3 say in the case of divorce. See what that does to your life, especially if your intimate partner was the centerpiece of your love and belongingness needs and you have few close friends. Maslow figured it out for us to apply. It's a powerful model for personal/ interpersonal development work. It's not the only model you need, but it's a key one, a big one.
  9. I'm better than I was yes. I'm happy, but I still need to integrate Maslow 4 which I was meeting superficially with my participation on here. So, I kinda took 2 steps backward to take 10 steps forward. My self-esteem has taken a hit, but I'll be fine. Maslow Stage 2 and 3 really need a strong 4 and 5. All the stages work together as well as each stage needing the stages that come before it. Stage 4 needs 3 or else you don't really got 4 fully. But I got Maslow 1, 2, and 3 pretty good now. Unfortunately, I have very little 4 now though which has set me back a peg when it comes to self-esteem and a feeling of power. But I wanna make sure 4 sits on a strong foundation of 1, 2, 3 and 5 in my life. I see the mistake and tragic results that people who shoot for 4 and 5 but lack 1, 2 and 3 get. A missing 3 will throw everything off. You can't have a healthy 4 and 5 without a healthy 1, 2, and 3. Finally, you gotta apply the Paradox of Needs And No Needs -- which is a corollary to applying the Paradox of Ego And No Ego.
  10. Wow, I've been away for a while. Seems like these conversations bring out an ugly side to otherwise nice and well-meaning people. Maybe it's best to get off the Internet and go outside for a while. Go spend time with people who love you and people you can love. And then come back balanced and try to help strangers on the Internet. Otherwise the whole energy is toxic. And for you too the energy is toxic. You can't love yourself when you're subjecting yourself to toxic energy. You're punishing yourself basically.
  11. You need to apply the Paradox of Ego And No Ego to be maximally happy. Getting locked on one side of this paradox to the exclusion of the other side creates suffering for you and for everybody who is exposed to you.
  12. When you lack love in your life it's hard to emit love to others. It's hard to treat others better than you expect to be treated yourself. And then you're always running around biting people being low in compassion and politeness. This is a hard one to see and to fix because you have to understand it before you can fix it. And it takes facing fear of rejection to fix it. And social esteem doesn't cover the love need. All you're gonna do is get trapped in narcissism without having that love need being met in your life. This is why you need Maslow Stage 3 in order to do Maslow Stage 4 right. And you need Maslow Stage 3 and 4 to get Maslow Stage 5. To go for 4 and 5 without getting 3 wired is tragic. Agreeableness comes from being loved intimately and giving love intimately. This is why you need a girlfriend to get 3 handled and a few real friends that are not online friends in your life.
  13. Vote for yourself and forget about politics, it's a distraction.
  14. Watch the video on Developing Skills very carefully. Also the video on Doing Research.
  15. The gateway to Interpersonal Development work is to get yourself an Intimate Relationship. This means a boyfriend, girlfriend to most people. That's the place to begin because that opens the entire door to relationship of all kinds and gives you a natural kind of relationship confidence more generally.
  16. You have no right to an appeal procedure. You don't have a right unless a duty against someone else can be enforced through procedure.
  17. That's called having all the cards in the relationship and steering the relationship agreement totally in your favor. These are called adhesion agreements and they're all over society. You don't Get to negotiate most agreements. Look at the adhesion contracts of any kind of banking agreement. The agreement by one party and all the other party gets to do is sign.
  18. Remake it. That was the one I though needed to be re-made. You were confusing bits of Turquoise and Coral in that one. I thought that was the weakest of your spiral dynamics videos.
  19. You seem to be uncomfortable with being a leader. That will come as you continue to develop. A leader at a fundamental level doesn't cater to anyone, although he knows how to get along with others. But a leader never falls on his sword or feels shame regarding his leadership. Because true leadership comes from the Universe and you're channeling it. There's no reason to waver as a leader. Just keep yourself pure and wise inside -- and keep your courage. Keep your independence even through you continue to function more and more interdependently as life goes on. Video on point to watch:
  20. Leo's older videos are extremely valuable for integrating the Yang aspect. Yang is not for beginners only. It's Yin and Yang (conjunction) rather than Yin or Yang (exclusive or) or Yang and then Yin (process). Even if you've done a great job integrating Yin, you wanna do the same for Yang too. In fact, for women, probably the earlier videos are the more advanced videos than the newer videos are, see. Women need to do work integrating Yang. Video on point to watch:
  21. Hi Natasha. Forgive me for offering an insight here. Yang is not for beginners only. It's Yin and Yang (conjunction) rather than Yin or Yang (exclusive or) or Yang and then Yin (process). Even if you've done a great job integrating Yin, you wanna do the same for Yang too. In fact, for women, probably the earlier videos are the more advanced videos than the newer videos are, see. Women need to do work integrating Yang. Video on point to watch:
  22. Extremely valuable for integrating the Yang aspect.