Joseph Maynor

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Everything posted by Joseph Maynor

  1. I think Zzenn is a smart guy with a unique perspective. I've learned a lot from being exposed to him. No need to demonize him. If you resonate with him, great. If not, great. It's just like he'll tell you himself about teachers and teachings, "eat the grapes and spit out the seeds." It's like George Carlin used to say, "there are two knobs on the radio, on and off." Nobody's forcing you to listen to any teacher. If you don't like Zzenn, ignore him, plain and simple. There's no need to try to demonize him. That actually makes you look bad -- to try to demonize a teacher that you don't don't resonate with. It's like you're saying, "if I don't like the guy, you shouldn't either -- if I don't like the guy, nobody should like the guy." That's extremely arrogant and reactive. That's a kind of "my way or the highway" attitude.
  2. What is that which wonders how much of your life you're in control of?
  3. Check out how I do my daily accountability checklist in my Journal vol. 13. Also, it really helps to have an accountability partner where you're both doing this together. That's the ideal way to do it I've found. You share your ongoing list with them and they share their ongoing list with you. That really helps I've found.
  4. Until you're dieting and exercising every day do not accept any limiting beliefs about weight, including but not limited to the limiting belief of obesity being a metabolic disorder.
  5. Communism seems more like a Green thing to me than a Blue thing. It's Green run amok. It's like letting the students run the university.
  6. Ignorance can also be conceived as doing or clinging to something dumb that you think is worthwhile.
  7. I don't think Spiral Dynamics is necessarily tied to the Ego-Mind's urge to feel superior to other Ego-Minds. You can have the motive to grow be an independent and distinct motive from the motive to feel superior to other Egos. One's desire to grow can come from within, not necessary from a desire to artificially fill a kind of interpersonal deficiency need.
  8. Start to get yourself on a daily routine. You might benefit from having an accountability partner.
  9. I feel like I'm in the space in my life where an intimate relationship with a woman is really causing me a lot of growth. But think this depends on the particular Path of the person.
  10. I agree with this. Bingo friend. I see many Stage Blue, Orange, Green folks thinking they are much higher up on the Spiral than they really are. They're deluding themselves. You're not at Yellow unless and until you can learn to think paradoxically and know what that really means and practice that in your actual conceptual understanding practice and interpersonal conduct. You get my award for the best insight of the year so far. If you're still stuck in linear, black and white thinking, you're not at Yellow -- you're probably some combination of Blue, Orange, and Green thinking you're much higher than that.
  11. I think it's important to realize that we all get triggered if the right set of circumstances present themselves at a certain time for us. That should cause us to be more humble and lenient, which I think it does do that when we really sit down and think about it. Enlightenment does not make you a morally perfect human being. It's the Mind that idealizes Enlightenment into a kind of moralistic perfection.
  12. Ignorance is when you have yet to discover being and do significant work to transcend the Ego-Mind.
  13. People are not illusions. What is that which says that people are illusions? That's the Mind saying that. The Mind is that which says things are this or that.
  14. You need to compose a diet. Here's mine. Diet.pdf
  15. Just be straight up with her and tell her asap. Don't delay telling her. And make sure you talk to her as much as she needs to talk to you. She will be disappointed, but that's to be expected.
  16. I don't think Yellow or Turquoise necessarily synthesize many perspectives. That's not really a condition for Yellow or Turquoise in my view. Yellow and Turquoise appreciate perspectives but that doesn't mean that they necessarily synthesize or integrate perspectives.
  17. Please. I haven't posted a question on the Forum in a while so please be kind to this question. I want your list; don't post me someone else's list or even be so much concerned with someone else's list.
  18. This is exactly how I feel and why I kinda wanna stay away from discussing Enlightenment with other people for a while. I started to feel gross at myself too. Like, what the hell am I arguing for. It's easy to fall into the trap of becoming kind of an evangelist of your own view of Enlightenment. And that feels good on the surface, but it causes deep pain at a deeper level, and then it's hard to break free from that because you kind of get addicted to it. It's like being addicted to a partner in a bad relationship. It's a very conflicting kind of thing. On the one hand you still get something out of a bad relationship, but you also get a lot of misery too. And then I started to realize, why am I doing this? Am I really advancing the kind of ball that I think I am? See, in my mind, I had this kind of savior's attitude that other people needed my insights. But I'm not so sure how that actually played out. I mean, it would be interesting to find out if I did actually help others or if that was mostly just not the case. I've really only had a few people tell me that they learned something from me. So, here I am playing the martyr, and for what? Does it make me feel good? Not really. It kinda makes me feel stressed. It kinda makes me feel like I'm trying to prove myself. But I don't need to prove myself. There's absolutely no reason for me to need to prove myself or to fight with anyone else at all. It's sick that the Ego-Mind even wants to go there and then get stuck there beating a dead horse until either someone shoots me or I shoot someone else. This is why Zen Masters will punch you in the face. It's hard to wake up when you're stuck in the Ego-Mind. It's like being stuck in a bad relationship, it's hard to even know how to pull yourself out of that or to even muster the will to do so. Something really dramatic almost has to happen to you for it to happen. And then you go, oh shit, I was caught up. And that wasn't how I wanna live or how I wanna be. I'm so glad my Ego-Mind got popped out of that, because I was stuck in it again. I go through cycles like this from time to time. Usually it's when I'm integrating new insights and I feel like I wanna share those lessons with others, which initially comes from a good place and a noble place. But then after fighting with people for a while, the Ego-Mind kinda takes over and I become zealous and evangelical and not very Enlightened or kind as a result. And then I go back to not really wanting to talk about Enlightenment for a while. So, there's these cycles with me. I think teaching sometimes does me a disservice. Sometimes I wonder if I should just give up teaching Enlightenment one on one and just stick to my writings which don't trigger me in that way. It's that one on one teaching Enlightenment that tends to do me in the longer I play that role. Somehow the Ego-Mind gets caught up and gets more arrogant and cock-sure and interpersonally abusive as a result. But that is not the way I wanna be at all. That's not healthy for me, let alone other people. It makes me look pathetic and like a madman as well as the persons I am arguing with.
  19. I see I'm not the only one who gets triggered on occasion.
  20. My current master list of personal development topics that I wanna work on in the immediate future: intimate relationships Enlightenment Being just Love Emotions Right action (Ethics) Compassion Kindness Taking into Account People's Limitations Decency Enlightenment as a refuge for the narcissistic Ego-Mind Transcendence of the Ego Transcendence of the Mind Metaphysics and pictures of reality The pros and cons of subconscious programming Friendship Spiral Dynamics Teaching/ the pros and cons of teaching/ getting off the tit of teaching Being present Emotional mastery -- removing neurosis, becoming more love Understanding ourselves through relationship Family time
  21. Ooh. I like this. I'm gonna steal this topic haha.