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Everything posted by Heaven

  1. Are u trolling? Because your humor isn’t funny
  2. This is a perfect example of the reason I started this post. There is something extremely hateful and dangerous towards Israelis/Jewish people. We are in a point that everyone should be very careful with his comments. I don’t see a place for more hateful speech towards any race. It happened to black people, gay people. It took a lot of time for humanity to see how unfair this is. I thought the holocaust was a wake up call but obviously I was wrong.
  3. Easy to say from your couch in a western country.
  4. Haha they closed the first one
  5. It’s on purpose. To make the point that it’s the beginning of it. People have short memory I guess. The hate towards Jews worldwide is undeniable. I know you feel sorry for the Palestinians, me too. But can you feel compassionate towards Jews?
  6. I personally hate the Russian government but still feel sorry about any suffering of innocent civilians. I do hope that Ukraine didn’t turn their actions to the devil way.
  7. lol bro. Do you actually believe him? How many conspiracies theories in 10 minutes. Thanks for sharing btw. It’s almost like saying that US did 9/11 to invade Iraq. Or you believe this too? @bebotalk If Ukraine are involved(Which doesn’t make sense) it’s a game changer. To target civilians on purpose is comparable to a terror organization(Like Hamas did on October 7th). War is between countries not civilians.
  8. @Vrubel Your words are definitely make sense.. Israel is making sense. You don’t choose to be gay, black or Jewish..You are born this way. So the hate shows how close minded people can be. I thought we are in a different era, of accepting the other and give them the right to be themselves. I was proven wrong.. I heard something that said that people hate because they are looking for something exciting in their miserable life. I truly believe that if you’re content you can’t hate.
  9. Isis/Hamas/Hizbula must be stopped!
  10. @Merkabah Star So as the Jewish hostages in Gaza. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/03/22/europe/crocus-moscow-shooting It reminded me October 7th massacre..Can you guys justify this too?
  11. We can agree to disagree😅 That’s why peace with Palestinians never happens. The funny part that most of you live in a Western country and you wouldn’t be able to live for a single day in an Arab country🤣
  12. Hamas started a war because they can’t sit around and continue to be funded by terror organizations worldwide. The fact that they focused on building tunnels under the city shows that they don’t care what will happen above it. Now IDF is doing an extremely hard job to avoid the next massacre. Of course when Hamas is hiding underground civilians will get hurt. To blame Israel for that it’s ridicule.
  13. Obviously this guy has PTSD. You can’t ignore someone who has been in the army has the potential of being mentally unstable.
  14. I never heard of that and probably 99% of the people here. Now we will start burning our selves for every world's problems?
  15. This guy shows how extremist Islam can get. They don’t value their life. They invented the suicide bombers. It’s insane how insane religion can get you. Stop enabling and support this sh1t..
  16. I can relate with that..Especially during an horrific time that I am at. The world is a blessing to experience both the good and the bad..Maybe our kids will change it for the better. Hope is all we have
  17. Damn bro you look great . Also speak energetically and clear.
  18. Let’s open a short position on Nvidia together. We might make a few bucks to win the rat race.(Not a financial advise)
  19. @Leo Gura So the reason why you haven’t published a video for a while is because you traveled to Turkey to get a hair transplant?
  20. I am not in favor of weed but generally speaking it’s good for lowering crime rate. I guess the ideal for me will be that everyone will smoke but I won’t😅 I am a calm person by my nature.
  21. Bro I am proud of you. You still answer rationally to someone who is ranting the same thing over and over again. He seems possessed by this topic. @Karmadhi For your own sanity, you should do something else rather then talking shit about Israel.
  22. @Majed No offense but your rants seem like you’re being brainwashed. Which is my main problem with religion.
  23. I see many LGBTQ support Arab countries and don’t understand that they couldn’t live there for more than 2 days. Yemen: 13 Sentenced to Public Execution for Homosexuality https://www.mambaonline.com/2024/02/10/yemen-13-sentenced-to-public-execution-for-homosexuality/ Sometimes you need to ask yourself, which side of history would you want to be in?
  24. Stop answer like a lil kid.. There is a huge difference between abusing women because it’s inherent in your religion than some random acts of insanity.
  25. These pro Palestinians are like a broken record. They will say whatever they can do make Israel look bad.. Sometimes it feels to me like they are bots. They highly ignore the spread of hate towards the Jews and the effect it has worldwide. Antisemitism is climbing and Jews around the world get attacked. They ignore the basics. Schooling right now in Gaza and the West Bank are teaching children about Hitler and brain wash their minds to die as a Shaheed (In their teachings it’s to kill Israelis). Palestinians state with the current authority will be a disaster. Admit it.