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About Destroy_

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  • Birthday 09/10/1994

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  1. Well I did it step by step. I used to played 8-12 hours daily(now I play twice a week 1 hour or 2). Video games was my escape from life(or my failure if I want to be honest). I failed in school, destroyed my relationships, became a nihilist etc. It was just terrible. Never spent lots of money on games tho... I watched Leo's video how he lost 65 pounds in 6 month. Learned a lot from that. I mean you have to do it in little steps. You just can't expect to recover yourself from a heavy addiction in 2 days or a week. Here how I did it: The first step was reduce the amount of hours that I spent by gaming. I decided to play less every week. First week daily 6 hours. Next week daily 5. etc Second was to start an outside hobby. It can be simply walking or whatever. 30 mins EVERYDAY. Third was clean up my diet. I figured out that I don't have energy to do things and my mind was weak to carry on. So eating healthy would be good for you and it also improves your willpover and motivation. Fourth step was to start to do workout. First once per week then as It goes more and more. Now 3 times a week. (1 hour) Find a gf is also a good option. While you are with she you can't play . Unfortunatelly I didn't have that option because of my past terrible experiences with girls(I had to overcome on those ) Now I got a long distance relationship which Is quite hard so I don't recommend that. These were the practical steps. The most hardest part is to start it. Take into consideration you will have bad days and maybe you will cheat( it happened to me) but the most important is to NEVER GIVE UP. Besides meditation and other practices will improve your self-discipline. You will need those skills. You have to Build new habits to maintain this 'new life scedule' in the future. Extra tip: journal and socialization with friends (drink, talk, whatever just don't play videogames together)
  2. Well I watched his content. It mostly touch those topics what Leo covered in his longer vids. He has a video about his emo look(which is not really true because he is a Marilyn Manson fanboy hehe) He denies the values of modern society that why he wears black. He seems a bit neurotic and I can sense his hatred towards average people. Although his webshop is a bit funny He says that your journey starts with book Zero which is only available for 1 hour weekly. This is quite a misterious tryhard in my oppinion. I am not sure he is just an ebeggar who stole some good thoughts or he is real. I don't want to judge him.
  3. Well chasing money is an easier way? He wants to become a billionarie. How hardcore is that? My point was not to ignore girls and love and financial well-being. You can get quality girls and love(or sex) without money...and social status. As Leo said the most succesful people aren't rich guys.( and not only monks) Besides I agree with your oppinion taste the whole cake before decision is might be a safer way for some people.
  4. You are chasing low quality happyness. Maybe these things will fullfy you for a while but its nowhere comapred to the eternal happyness which you can gain by mastering your spirituality and yourself. Second thing you can't buy love. Never forget that. Maybe a mediocre girl's love worth more than 1000 unique girl's pussy. You can have extraodinary sex with any girl. Lastly you wont have time for yourself if you are a hardcore result maker. Your fantasy is not really syncronized with reality yet. It's your choice.
  5. Being jelaous is the sign of neurotic brain. Leo made several videos about how to handle relationships and women(and also being neurotic). You have to understand what women wants from a man. If you can't trust your wife that means you are being jelaous. Jelaousy comes with needeness. If women feel your needeness she will eventually leave you. You have to work on yourself not on your relationship. Seriously marriage won't change women psychology.
  6. Name: Matthew Shepherd Age: 22 Gender: Male Location: Hungary, Szeged Occupation: Network -Computer administration, Library IT. Marital Status: long distance relationship Kids: No Hobbies: enlightenment, meditation, personal development, reading, learning, nature, healthy eating, Streaming, Technical support on game clients I faced several suicide attempts in my life. Once I almost killed myself. I became a nihilist because lack of willpower, bad relationships, lack of tolerance of other people. I played the victim and made so much excuses. Stucked in theory of nihilism. My healing proccess from depression took 1.5 years with antidepressants and tons of xanax... It was just pure poison to my mind. I found this forum and the youtube channel a month ago. I learned so much and claryfied my purpose in life. I had so much hatred againts the world and filtered everything with a negative perspective but Leo's videos gave me a rational answer and his practical psychology seems to work. I do meditation and inner and outer sense practice plus concentracion practice everyday. Its only 1 hour but work wonders. I wish I was taught this in school. Sorry for my grammar mistakes. Personal challenges I've overcome: Defeated depression Find the right path Cleaned or at least started to clean up my diet Started university No more hate againts the world and people. Gave up living in a false theory started to be more pragmatic and results maker What I'm working on now: Working on enlightenment (reading books from Leo's list, building up habits) Working on improving my health & diet Working on being more authentic in relating to others Working on my relationship( how to avoid needeness , jelaousy and be honest) Self-mastery Become a non-neurotic person