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Everything posted by Arthur

  1. If stage Orange is different and more evolved than Blue, why do so many people cling to Science and take it as a dogma? I see this all the time. Science has LITERALLY become a new religion. The mainstream culture is built around it. The materialistic narrative for who we are, and what is existence, is soooo prevalent. Just looking at the people around me, they all regurgitate random scientific facts. Everyone watches quick 1-minute science videos. Everyone wants to be in STEM field because science is where the money's at. People look to science to explain meaning, existence and consciousness. Nobody actually does real science, but everyone loves to talk about it. Science became the ultimate unquestionable authority for the majority of people. Instead of doing empirical work, the majority rather take the word of a guy who has a Ph.D. Is this the same bias that a stage Blue mind has? or is this tendency not related to spiral dynamics? how can you unplug your mind from the constant bombardment of scientific narrative?
  2. Synthwave list
  3. For me, it happened after the first breakthrough. It took about 3-4 torturous first trips to get there, but all consecutive trips were pleasant. I looked at it as a sort of purging or purification of the mind and body. I was strongly resisting the flow of consciousness, which lead to a negative outcome. Just like electric resistance, or water pipe obstruction, creates pressure. During a breakthrough, you surrender every bit of resistance. Once all opposition is gone, the substance will unlock a radical state of consciousness. Don't bang your head against a wall though, if it doesn't work after 10 trips with sufficient dosages, maybe set it aside and come back later.
  4. Why self-actualization is important for some, and not for others? Some live their lives without ever working on themselves. Others listen to some advice here or there to improve a specific area of their life. Yet, there are those who make self-actualization a way of life. Why certain people have this drive? why such a difference in attitudes? do you think everyone should value self-actualization equally? what made you different in this regard?
  5. It does. Once you have an awakening, it recontextualizes your perspective on life. I like Leo's old analogy of Santa Clause. Imagine receiving present throughout your childhood, fully believing in Santa Clause. You truly imagine that a bearded man is coming down your chimney every Christmas, and every kid around is reinforcing this belief. One day you wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, and you see your parents stashing presents underneath the tree. What changes? The presents are still there, and they've always been there. You can't talk about this to other kids because they won't believe you. It doesn't affect your life externally. The only difference is that now Christmass has been recontextualized, and now you know the truth. The knowing, in this case, has no "personal" benefits, and that is consistent with Enlightenment. People who never had an awakening see reality as solely material. Simply because they never experienced anything outside of that. Reality is not material, it is truth, identical to self, identical to consciousness. This has to be realized in the moment. Same as with any deep wisdom, you can hear and study it, but won't get it until you do. A 5-MeO breakthrough will help you get it.
  6. I had the same experiences after my death and breakthrough on 5-MeO. It will pass after a week or two.. unfortunately.
  7. Yellow dudes will be coaches and teachers, older guys could end up in some high positions in academia. You can also find them in Green circles. Being post-Green, they will embody a lot of green ideals. They're holistic people, knowing a lot about everything. They won't be a stereotypical Orange dating coach who only knows pickup. You tell apart orange from yellow by asking whether the person is genuinely interested in something or only using it for personal benefit. Most importantly they will have a ton of life experience. Yellow people will be unconventional, likely lived in different countries, have an open mind and a long journey of life-improvement behind them. It's extremely hard to develop yourself to that stage when your parents and culture constantly pulls you down. Yellow requires some kind an inner push, a unique ambition, curiosity and discipline. Yellow mega-thread has some good examples.
  8. do you eat in the 4 hours before bedtime?
  9. Are we talking attraction or finding the right partner? those are separate things in my mind. The attraction part is that list Leo posted. It's about becoming a better value man or woman. As far as living with a long term partner, the compatibility of your personalities is much more important. Typology theories, like Socionics, do a great job of describing this. You can have a confident player guy, who doesn't match your personality type at all, and vice versa. People get attracted based on looks and masculine/feminine dynamic, but they completely disregard psychology. That leads to bad or just mediocre relationships. The perfect type will be your compliment. He or she will be the opposite of you in many ways. He's strengths will complement your weaknesses and vice versa. So if you are naturally an outgoing player type, the right person will be more reserved and introverted. It goes much deeper than that of course, I highly recommend reading more about this stuff.
  10. coffee is definitely addictive. I've been on an off coffee all the time. I'm managing my coffee intake much better these days, but it isn't easy. Coffe fills your brain with rapid beta waves. It increases your pace, makes you chaotic and hyper. It's not a high conscious drug in an of itself and has some negative side effects. When you take it too much, it builds tolerance and you don't notice any effects, and when you try to stop, it gives you headaches and lethargy. With that being said, coffee can be used for its benefits. To use it properly, do the opposite of the mainstream. Don't drink a cut of coffee every morning and 3 more cups throughout your day. Have a cup every 2-3 days only when you need that energy boost. At those intervals, a single cup of coffee, before an exercise or a demanding project, will have x5 the effect of daily users, without side-effects and addiction potential. requires discipline tho.
  11. Originally I wanted to experiment with mushroom, but then stumbled on a substance that is synthesized in a lab and is supposedly identical to Psilocybin, aka "synthetic mushrooms". Getting 4-AcO as a research chemical instead of shrums seemed a much cleaner and cost-effective option in my mind. In retrospect, maybe I should have gone with regular shrums first. 4-AcO was... to put it mildly, a very intense mind-fuck. I did two trips, at 16mg plugged and 25mg orally. The cool thing is that just like shrums, you can eat or drink it. My ass can finally get a break I also found no difference in the experience between the two methods. Right of the bat, this substance was very different than other psychedelics I've tried (DPT and 5-MeO). It cranks up a completely different knob in consciousness! I found it to be quite the opposite of DPT. My trips were 7-8 hours long, with the peak being 5 hours and 3-4 hours of afterglow, which was also pretty intense. The whole thing was mind-twisting. On 5-MeO or DPT, I can easily surrender and melt into the void of blissfulness, but this was a completely different animal. The trips were extremely cerebral. I felt intense pressure in my brain at the come-up, as though my head was squeezed in a vice. My level of concentration was enormous, akin to 10 pills of modafinil. I had a dramatic increase in awareness. It was so distant from my baseline, that I immediately started laughing recalling myself just 30 minutes ago. The trips were super mind centred, full of thought loops, memory tracers and mind fuckery. Quite a contrast from DPT, which was primarily in the body. 4-AcO wasn't gentle at all! It started messing around in my head, in all kinds of places. It brought up all the areas of myself that I need to work on. I lost myself in thought circles, and reality completely disappeared. I literally become a thought for a whole hour, and only 5 minutes have passed in clock time. To me, the substance felt full of Masculine energy. DPT has more of a feminine body-vibe, whereas 4-AcO is full of extreme masculine mind energy. I walked around the room like I'm some kind of shrum god. My eyes were open as wide as humanly possible, and I didn't blink. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and saw an evil grin. My body felt strange and robotic, but also effortless, as though I was a puppet. My face was glued to a window with my mouth fully open and saliva running down. All while infinite intelligence was uploading insights into my brain. It was pretty harsh. To make matters worst, in the middle of the trip, my neighbour knocked on my door. He was bringing his trailer and asked me to move my car. I freaked the fuck out at first but then summoned the courage and went out to move the car. After the look on my face, he's probably not going to be knocking on my door any time soon And to make matters worst, after an 8-hour mind raping experience, it left me with a bad hangover. After the first trip, the headache pretty bad, and had to work the next day. The second time, I was more prepared, I drank lots of water and got better sleep, and the headache wasn't as bad. One day of recovery with a warm blanket and a cup of tea is a must for this one. It was pretty intense and dark, but there were positives as well. The trips made me introspect and reflect deeply on my life and my development. The substance brought up many phony beliefs and notions I have. It made me a more mature man with a much clearer purpose. At times I thought I went completely crazy and wanted to run to mommy. Though in the end, I would say that it was beneficial to get a bit of "masculine compassion". No doubt, this is a hard-core substance for me. I've read different reports, but they don't seem to describe it in this way. I can see the potential for micro-dosing, for the concentration and fluidity, but anything more is a serious mind fuck. I wouldn't recommend this to beginners unless you really want to take a beating and humble yourself, which I suppose is good from time to time.
  12. I don't think awakening is for everyone. You are consciousness regardless of whether you're aware of it. So self-realization is only a "must" from your human perspective. I think this shift will always be kept for a small circle of awareness junkies who deeply desire it. Through them, consciousness will turn on itself and manifests enlightenment. But consciousness is everything, all the possible experiences, personalities, appearances, brain types, life-paths etc. Self-actualization might be the highest pursuit, but only if you ask people on this forum. Making awakening mainstream, and everyone enlighten in an instant, will only limit consciousness. How would one know awakening if not for the non-awaken state? Even from the perspective of Spiral Dynamics, Turquoise has nothing to do with enlightenment. I think society will continue to evolve up the spiral, while self-realization will always be kept to a select few.
  13. Green will come naturally when you exhaust Orange. Pursue Orange goals and interest fully and you will outgrow them. I don't know your background, but generally speaking, engage in the following: Education - get a uni degree in some scientific field. Get a good-paying job or build your own business. Become financially independent. Get good with girls, get involved with pickup. Work on your body, go to the gym, get buffed. Get nice materialistic stuff - good house, cool car, sexy gf etc. Learn about science and tech. Revisit basic personal development - Tonny Robbins style. Those are healthy Orange activities, each item is a phase you have to fully go through. Without this, I don't see how you can progress to Green and beyond.
  14. I've just had my first trip with 4-AcO-DMT yesterday, and I feeling an intense headache today. 4-AcO is one of the active ingredients in mushrooms, a.k.a "Synthetic mushrooms". It's pretty new to me as well, other substances I've tried, DPT and 5-MeO, never gave me a hangover. I think It makes sense because mushroom trips are much longer and much more cerebral than the other two substances. It felt like my mind was maintaining an intense level of concentration for 5 hours straight. It was akin to taking 5 pills of modafinil. Would be nice to have a solution to that, I wonder if the headache problems get better or worst the more you take it.
  15. There are no other people, really. There's only one stream of consciousness happening right Now. You only have one experience, one awareness of the present. The projection of consciousness onto others is only a thought happening right Now. Whatever isn't in your direct field of awareness doesn't exist. Technically, it "exists" but only as a thought occurring in the Now. This field of consciousness is not yours or anybody's. it isn't associated with a body or a place and time. Its simply a play of appearances in emptiness. but it sure seems like its "your" life, and that its very important, and that there are other people, etc. Its extremely hard to see through this, but Psychedelics can shows you.
  16. Sounds like you're both clinging to some romance in the past. That experience is recreated and idealized and by your mind. I think you're attached to an idea of each other, rather than the real-life person. Our mind likes to spin stories and fairy tails about a perfect partner who fits into all the boxes, but reality can be very different. It becomes a matter of what you can accept in your partner. Try to look very objectively at the person you're with. Without any neediness and attachment to the past, decide whether you want to be with this person. Assume they will never change, and things will never go back as they were in the past, will it still be worth it?
  17. I had the same experience when I first started experimenting with 5-meo. My trips were terrible. I was scared, anxious, it was uncomfortable, and I wanted it to stop. It gets worst before it gets better. The first time can be brutal until you break through. Once you on the other side, its pure bliss. The breakthrough actually changed my relationship with the substance. Every consecutive trip was pleasant and therapeutic regardless of the dose or the substance. 5-MeO amplifies what you feel inside. If you're new to psychedelics, you will have internal baggage and bad karma that will get burned. I went through total hell on my first trips. Its just how the substance works, there's no free lunch here. Yet it's the best thing I've ever done. Living a higher consciousness lifestyle and being inturned with spirituality will reduce the negative side effects for sure. Leo was pretty developed when he first did 5-meo, hence it wasn't as bad for him. But form personal experience, and the majority of reports I've read, the first attempts usually go bad. I recommend you spend a few months getting over your ex, then get your life together by quitting video games and porn. Then go back to 5-meo and commit to 10 trips with increments in dosage.
  18. if plugging is too much effort, how do you plan on surrendering your life?
  19. Thanks everyone! I think another nice thing about DPT is that it's not very popular. It's not strictly speaking illegal in most countries, and the prices are lower than 5-MeO. It's the regular N, N-Dipropyltryptamine, I haven't tried the analogs.
  20. I wanted to experiment with DPT ever since Leo introduced this psychedelic. I finally got my opportunity, and let me tell you how amazing this substance is! I tripped many times with 5-meo in the past. I have spiritual practices in place and a pretty healthy psyche overall. Trying DPT felt like a natural next step. I've done 4 trips so far, at 20, 30, 50 and 70 mg, all plugged. As soon as the effects started to come up, I immediately recognize a very familiar sensation to 5-meo. My consciousness has been amplified up by a factor of 1000. A warm blanket of love came over me, and I've melted into blissfulness. I wanted to come back there ever since I took 5-meo. My consciousness became very lucid, and it was easy to see it for what it is! All the thoughts, emotions, sensations and objects are simply consciousness in disguise. The seriousness of life became laughable, as though my life story was just a play of visuals in emptiness. I went through instances of my entire life and saw them as manifestations of awareness. My existence became very impersonal. I wasn't the experiencer anymore, I was the canvas and the paint itself. It was so beautiful and joyous. Here is my perspective on how DPT and 5-MeO compare: The higher dosage of DPT made it a tad more difficult to dissolve in water. More water was required and I ended up with a larger volume, not a big issue. DPT has a stronger body aspect to it. It feels very much like a detox for the body and the mind. At the onset, I had slight nausea and a sensation of buzz in my head. Throughout the trip, I often felt like vibrating. It was quite pleasant, especially with The Psychedelic Muse playing softly in the background. I tripped on an empty stomach, so the nausea was manageable as well. DPT left me in the body, while 5-MeO, especially on breakthroughs, completely blasted me out of this world. On DPT, I could function and felt present and aware. It was slow and mellow, as opposed to 5-MeO, which hits you like lighting and leaves you drooling on the bed in a fetal position. DPT is excellent for contemplation. Insights were bombarding me all the time. My mind was on steroids, penetrating every aspect of my life, past and future. I was also able to connect deeply with Leo's teaching. Love and consciousness immediately came up as the highest virtue in life. There is absolutely nothing that comes close to Love. My compassion for myself, and everyone, was enormous. Tears started rolling down my face when I realized how much people are disconnected from this. DPT trips are much longer than 5-MeO. I was surprised by how long this state of consciousness lasted. It also felt like time slowed down. My mind was actively cycling through insights, while my body was vibrating and exploding with energy. As you can imagine, after 2-hours of this, it became a bit exhausting . But afterwards, I felt so refreshed, as though I did a week of non-stop meditation. Insights from 5-meo arose only at the come-down, which was short-lasting, but with DPT they kept coming for hours. Overall, it was positive and therapeutic. The love and joy I felt were beyond even the deepest orgasm. I think breaking through on 5-meo altered my psychedelic experiences. My very first 5-meo trips were a total nightmare, but all the consecutive ones were pleasant. It's was definitely worth getting to this point. I'm extremely lucky and grateful to have these experiences.