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Everything posted by Seed

  1. @Barna It isn't off topic, it's related to the DMT experiences which people keep stating is Absolute Truth. Well all that I am stating is, how can you say the experience is Truth, when they come into these two categories... 1. A past experience 2. An experience which has been reframed into thought processes by our illusion of a brain.. Hmmm...? Nothing is important or not important. That obvious. Thoughts are redundant , as they are merely illusions. We are on the same page here ?
  2. Therefore all the dmt trips and elightenment experiences in this forum are redundant. 1. Because they all happened in the past and 2. Because the experiences have been reframed into thought processes by our illusion of a brain
  3. if you are needing to use your brain to recall information or facts, then you are forming thoughts. Whether what you saw is truth or not. It has been filtered through the brain as thought. There for it will only ever be perception / illusion / belief whatever you want to call it..
  4. How can you be sure the facts arn't thought ?
  5. @Dodoster Yes I know but believing you are absent of thought, is still a form of thought. If you were actually absent of thought, the words you are coming out with wouldnt exist. Therefore there would be nothing to discuss or call Truth.
  6. @Dodoster how can you be sure Truth isn't another belief?
  7. But how do you know this version of ' Absolute Truth' isn't another illusion, just like the illusion we call reality.
  8. The place you go to when you take DMT - that you call Absolute Truth. How do you know that isn't another illusion? If so, then it isnt Absolute Truth is it... I'm speaking hypothetically..
  9. Has anyone ever considered that Absolute Truth is just another illusion??
  10. @No-Thing I feel you may be taking it all far too seriously.... Leo is trying to reach the minds of millions of human beings, each in their very own unique and personal situation. Take from it what works for you, discard or adapt the rest. As wise as he is, he doesn't have magical powers, neither is he super human. Therefore a 'one size fits all' coaching video doesn't exist.. preparing to be shunned...
  11. So tell me Leo.. Why all the detailed videos on the physical and phycological differences between men and women... And how we must understand these differences in order to co exist... When all is just an illusion anyway ? Bodies don't exist... Brains don't exist... Therefore men and women don't exist? But in your video you speak for an hour about all these supposed 'facts' of the two sexes. Sexes which form bodies and brains. If they arnt real, why create a video about them? It's a contradiction surely?
  12. You should believe and be guided by whatever you feel is true to you. There is no factual proof as to what our spiritual purpose is, as well as the reasons why we suffer. So therefore, your theory is correct but also not correct. You are only correct in the fact that you feel strongly about this philosophy and it makes sense to you. Maybe in time, you may decide the opposite. That's also okay... Try to accept you can't change anything anything for your families situation. However, the future is a blank canvas and full of every possibility. X