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Everything posted by SOUL

  1. Science is a body of knowledge about the physical world and the scientific method is how that knowledge in attained. Although, the knowledge of life isn't limited to just what can be attained through the scientific method and there are many who are skeptical of any knowledge that has not been vetted through that method but this doesn't nullify or falsify the knowledge of personal experience. It seems that most are preoccupied with focusing on who is right and what is true as if this is the pinnacle of all existence. The religious, the scientists, the mystics, so many it seems, nearly everyone wants not to just know what the "truth" is but tell others what "truth" is for them. There is too much energy put into attempting to discredit other people's knowledge they have gained through their own experience. It's as if the mere presence of knowledge that doesn't fit their own experience is a threat to something...... hhmmmmm... what could be threatened by knowledge that doesn't support a certain narrative or paradigm..... I wonder. Although, it is especially humorous when people who claim this threatened 'thing' doesn't exist act as if they are consumed by it. There are different methods that produce different kinds of knowledge, growing more aware of the distinctions between them and the correlations of them is just another form of enlightenment. Being that they are all part of one whole of existence I cannot understand how anyone would think they are unrelated except to protect the destruction of something that supposedly doesn't exist.
  2. The clickbait is that duality exists as much as paradoxes do.....and vice versa.
  3. Is this one of those how can someone be enlightened if *insert behavior*? I guess how can I be enlightened is I don't know the answer to my own questions....right?
  4. The clickbait is that enlightenment exists as much as the self does.....
  5. Awareness is the observer of our consciousness and thought is the manifest of information in the mind that awareness in consciousness observes.....
  6. Ask "who" is it that is or is not eating? Once you can answer that then eat... or not.....
  7. Is the thought wondering if all thoughts are useless useful?
  8. Do disappearances exist, too? Or should I say did they.....since, well... you know.....
  9. People have a tendency to associate feelings with the heart and thoughts with the head but really both thoughts and emotions take place throughout the body. Even your own words talk about a "feeling" that prevents you from being as you wish to be.... but if your "heart is blocked" then where did this feeling come from? You see, it's not as it appears. What is happening is that you have emotions and thoughts to which you place your attention on so that these becomes more prominent and empowered in your consciousness. So, place your attention on thoughts and emotions that you wish to become more powerful in you and when your self conscious, otherwise called ego, tries to remind you of those thoughts and feelings from the past attempting to convince are "yours"... do not agree. Again, instead place your attention on the thoughts and emotions you wish to bring to light in you, this is how you will transform your consciousness. It will take some time and just like a seed planted in the ground doesn't bear fruit overnight but eventually your work will bear fruit in you, in your consciousness.
  10. Want or desire is the psychological expression of what we experience in the physical as hunger but though we can be hungry, to satisfy that hunger we "want" cheese and we don't want lima beans. We are horny but we want who appeals to us and not who doesn't, it's the psychological expression of it that satisfies us in a way that just the food or sex doesn't.
  11. This is a mistaken perception formed in the mind, there really isn't any duality, there is variation yes, but it's not a duality. Pleasure is pleasure and is known for it's own characteristics, it's not recognized because it is the opposite of pain which has it's own characteristics. Both of these can be simultaneously experienced together, to prove this point we can see it in how many people push themselves to train their bodies or in some people's sexual proclivities. So joy and misery aren't opposites countering a two sided scale, they are individual expressions that can be experienced by themselves or even together. We can even experience another indifferent or placid state which isn't like those others two that has it's characteristics of it's own and can simultaneously exist with those others. Ceasing to feed the mind's mistaken perception of duality isn't an act of resisting or pushing back against it which actually feeds the notion by creating an opposite to it. What dissolves the mind's perception is awakening to the diversity of infinite variation and eventually the old perception falls away like a habit or behavior. I know what happened in your mind, it likely spoke up and said 'but wait, the opposite of infinite is finite' to defend it's perception, it's paradigm of belief. Although, the actual nature of those two isn't in opposition to each other or a duality or polarity since all the bits of finite comprise the infinite, finite is part of the infinite, not apart from it. Awaken the consciousness by being aware of a perception that transcends the erroneous one in the mind.
  12. Why do you divide life into these two halves? Focusing on two parts of our experience, the material and the spiritual, while positioning them as opposites is merely a duality mindset perspective. Those parts are included in the whole of our life experience and there are unified qualities that neither of those two alone possess in and of themselves. So seeking to be a "whole master"...hehe.... is transcending all other parts of the consciousness experience, the egoic and the enlightened, it all, as well as the mind's duality paradigm altogether. Then all of the things that comprise those two you mention appear in a transformed context of this unified perspective.
  13. It's interesting how people interpret my intentionally open ended comment and it seems there are some who seem to act as if a materialist boogeymen is under the bed waiting to dash their mystical dreams or maybe I'm misinterpreting other's comments. Although if the mind were open enough my comment can be interpreted in any number of ways. It is also interesting you view "everyday life" as cementing a zombified stupor of unconsciousness.... you are aware that you create this for yourself by thinking it so, aren't you? This is a belief based paradigm constructed from a duality mindset... you are welcome to free yourself from it's influence and effect at any time. For my own experience I find the ripples of awakened consciousness in every facet of life no matter how tediously everyday it may be....but alas everyone can do what they will with their own experiences.
  14. @Pierre Or a hug but yeah savoring life for the fulfilling delicacies of experience it is can often be neglected and even resisted by those that want to deny it.
  15. @Pierre Well I prefer not to label it with another ism, it's really about accepting what is as it is. if I were to call it something it's more of an isness but why call it anything.
  16. Overthrow the ego, an awareness coup.... off with our heads! Aho!
  17. Exactly, I'm working on it, it's a process but eventually I will get it down to 0%....
  18. These are all interesting thoughts to entertain in the mind but don't allow it to distract you so step into traffic, then you will quickly learn what "matters".
  19. @Ether Why do you want? So you are of the opinion that you "got" some "true information" that people aren't "paying attention" to..... Interesting theory..... I went to a healer and told them I have this uneasiness in my spirit when I think, they told me don't think that way and to take two breaths, call them in the morning.
  20. @Nadosa All of these @Shin @Serotoninluv @ADD @Alexo45 have given a refraction of the reflections in awareness that passes through the mind in the moment like the rainbow is the refraction of white light that reflects off the water it passes through. Trying to "disbelieve" something empowers the belief through the assumption that it is believed to begin with. It's peering into the past and trying to unring a bell when in the present moment it is to just be, leave the sound to vibrate itself into silence and not believe that sound into nothingness. The idea of disbelieving is another belief the mind uses as a "truth", every "aha" is yet another "truth" the mind thinks it's sees and is one of the many ideas and concepts it constructs the paradigm of it's personal religion that it bows to in the church of it's own dogma. Our self conscious, the ego, refracts our experience to believe Our awareness, the will, reflects our experience to be live. Oh yes, it's getting deeper and deeper, too deep, yet in fact it is shallow, very shallow. So shallow that it really is only a mirage of water that the mind thinks it sees in sands and after expending all that energy to seek it out to realize it is the illusion that refracts the light and is merely the reflection in the drink it up, the water of life flowing by in the sands of time.
  21. should he be called Madguru then?
  22. @outlandish The practice I mentioned that you are doing is being critical of people suggesting they know who is or isn't "enlightened" and then go on to suggest you know who is or isn't "enlightened". It's quite easy to feign "enlightenment" because there are dogmatic concepts, beliefs and mannerisms associated with it so that if someone professes them according to those dogmas it would appear they are to the others who believe those concepts of "enlightenment". The more comfortable someone is with conversing in those concepts and beliefs paradigms in the mannerisms associated with it the more "enlightened" they appear to be to those that believe those things. Let go of the desire to discern if someone is "enlightened" or not, does it really matter who is or isn't? Does it matter if you know who is or isn't? What if I told you there is no such thing as "enlightenment" in the way it is often portrayed but that most everyone who self examines and self illuminates is experiencing degrees of a process that is "enlightenment"? Just be content to work on your own inner life and not preoccupy yourself with who is or isn't "enlightened" or what is or isn't characteristics of "enlightenment" that can be discerned in others by observing them.