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Everything posted by SOUL

  1. @LfcCharlie4 You are so close to having a clear perspective on the genuine nature of some things but it appears that you hold onto seemingly 'pragmatic' concepts and rhetoric that veil you to reality. I'm not going to try to clarify things for anyone because often experience is the most effective teacher and one person cannot give another those lessons. So my radical view is I'm not here to tell anyone what to think, feel or believe.
  2. I was surprised to hear that hedge funds could short exceeding the amount of real stock that actually exists but am not surprised they do stuff like that to manipulate the market for their benefit at the expense of others. Learning they can do this leaves me wondering many things about the influence and effect of that on the market as well as who permits it, who enables it and by what process it takes place. It doesn't seem fair that a fund can short stock exceeding the amount of real stock existing. The thing is there are many other stocks that are currently being shorted in this way and even establishment traders have engaged in short squeezing as well so this isn't unprecedented circumstances apart from who is doing the squeezing, Will it continue to happen or will the retail trading apps block individual traders from doing it again and will they allow institutional traders to do it while they block the retail traders from doing it? It will be interesting to observe how it plays out.
  3. Well, it's not as clear cut as protecting regular people from themselves, I added some other aspects of it in my response to them you may also consider.
  4. Options expire by Friday so it isn't completely over and there has been some murmurings that regulators might even give them a longer grace period to save them from their own greed. If they do would they do the same for individual investors? Hmm
  5. It wouldn't be a 'top' if the demand to buy was still there and the buyers are allowed to buy, a manipulated catch 22 done by the apps. I just wonder if there is no buying of real stock permitted then how can those individual investors sell what they currently hold? The hedge funds with their imaginary shorts can close those positions by the time the options expire but the people with current unrealized profits may be prevented to realizing those profits if there is no buying of the real stock allowed. This is one of the reasons for the class action lawsuit undoubtedly.
  6. I agree there are likely people who don't understand what's happening and think they can cash in on something they aren't fully informed on. This is a disheartening outcome to people who may not be prepared for it and aren't in a position to rectify it. Although, part of the establishment manipulation that is going on to harm some of these individual traders is halting BUYING of the stock, which would raise the price and may have those people to see a gain but allow hedge funds to SELL the stock. Some may think to themselves how can someone sell stock that people can't buy? That's not how the market works! Well, in this circumstance hedge funds shorted stock that didn't exist to profit on the demise of the company so they don't need buyers to close positions. So they prevent the price to raise by blocking individual traders buying real stock so hedge funds can close positions on 'imaginary' stock to limit losses....and if they can suppress the price enough before the option matures maybe erase the unrealized loss before it's due. As those individual traders sell their stock to realize their gains because they are still permitted to do so this will also help the hedge funds recoup unrealized losses before it's too late as it all adds to the devaluation of the stick price. Let's just hope the more vulnerable individual traders do it to take their small gains or small losses before the complete tanking of the price after the options mature and all the shorts have to be closed since many of them aren't real buy/sell trades, they are imaginary ones. I'm not an expert in this so I may not be fully informed of every aspect of it but this is just from my current understanding which may or may not be accurate admittedly.
  7. I'm sure there are a wide array of people that comprise the people who participated in this situation. I heard something read by a content creator that was written by one of the traders who did and I may not be able to actually find it to link but it was very telling. They spoke about how they have always been in financial insecurity even in childhood and every day they are at risk of financial ruin if something accidentally goes wrong not of their own doing while working low paying jobs. So when took this opportunity it was a risk easily born because they are always at risk. Sure, some, even many or most may have been 'day traders' but I suspect there are many varieties of people who are involved so I won't moralize about them as a collective block. I myself am just taking note of what is happening in observation of it and doing my best to not ascribe much morality to it even if it may appear as if my describing what I see does.
  8. What else is it you think they are they doing? Explain it to me. Bias = people saying stuff I don't like. I don't 'hate' anyone or anything....maybe your own vision is clouded by your own emotional disposition. I do however have feelings rise up from my subconscious mind about the happenings in this world. I feel the misery and suffering in the world even if I don't attach any identity in my own being to it....but it's there, in unity of one it is there. How many more times do I have to exclaim if you think I thought, I think you thought too much.
  9. Bias = people saying things I don't like. Did you know 'truth' is a bias, too? I just describe what I observe, if you don't like it then that's your issue to resolve, not mine. You again should consider that if you think I thought I think you thought too much.
  10. So buying a publicly traded stock as the market and the apps used as brokers are designed and intended for is the same thing as openly calling for violence and discrimination on others that is against the ToS of the platforms they are using? Hmmmm....interesting.
  11. Nothing I said was historically or currently inaccurate. Just because the person who has been caught on video openly coordinating with law enforcement to protect the extremist group in their violent activity during the civil rights protests this past year is also now protecting themselves from prosecution by informing on the group because the tide of public opinion has turned because of their activity doesn't change the nature of the circumstances. It just shows the duplicitous and self serving nature of the individual. Law enforcement may create the dog and pony show of arresting people out of power but will never touch the white supremacist elements in power who never get exposed or consequences. If they start arresting and/or removing from power people like Marjorie Taylor Greene or the people who made the decisions to not prepare leaving Capital police exposed to the mob in the capital riot even though they had Intel and knew what may happen then that is different. Time will tell but I won't trust authorities to do the right thing in holding accountable the established racially motivated hierarchy and discrimination because they never have. They may just try to save face in public opinion through token actions because of the unprecedented happening at the capital and their inaction to resist it....and even many of them secretly and not so secretly endorsed it. Oh....and yes, law enforcement has sometimes behaved much like organized crime in the past and even still to this day strong arm communities without repercussions.
  12. 'Law enforcement' was created for and employed to enforce racism since the beginning and has always been populated with people actively serving this purpose so it's not surprising of their connections with right wing extremist groups because they are have continually been one in the same in many respects.
  13. Why project nefarious intent on people who are only trying to create a financial change for themselves through a legal publicly available opportunity? It's the establishment financiers who have been behaving sketchily for decades through their dealings and lobbying for regulatory advantages so we should be questioning them about their deeds not the individual investors who are only doing what the market is there for. Just because the source of their communications is social media and not board rooms doesn't make it less credible or imbued with ill intent. The trading apps are now circling the wagons and protecting the establishment by halting trading for retail traders but I'm sure the hedge funds don't have the same limitations. Again these financial 'gangs' have behind the scenes lobbied for and been granted advantages so they can protect from accountability and exploit for profit that the individuals traders don't enjoy the advantages but are actually getting excluded from. Are these a 'publicly traded' corps or not? Only when the few can enjoy the fruits of it but as soon as the masses are in the field picking the crops then it's a problem? Hmmm...who is nefarious now?
  14. The conceptualizations of the imagination often are the obstacles to being in liberation and regret is one of those even in the potential of it.
  15. My thinking exactly yet here we both are.....
  16. My apologies, you said to me 'your thinking' so you could understand why I might have got the impression you did have an idea.... my mistake. My view of it is like if the worst team of the best league in the world got beat by a bunch of rec league guys one time and it was an entertaining game to watch... Although I have to add it seems that the deterrent on market shorting this provides may help curb some predatory behavior.
  17. Again...if you think I thought something I think you thought....wrong....or more accurately, incorrectly about my thoughts. ...aren't all words a game? It's all in our imagination.
  18. Buying a stock isn't skirting of anything or a loophole of's what the market is!
  19. I didn't say it is a crime or that it's wrong but there is a difference between buying a stock so profiting off it's well being to the benefit of others and selling a stock and profiting off it's ill being...or demise at the expense of others. Things are what they are....we don't have to moralize them with words of good and evil or right and wrong we can just explain what it actually is and it speaks for itself. Besides....if you think I thought, I think you thought.... wrong.
  20. I prefer that the zoomers better start making the government nice by voting for and running for office...we are running out of time to prevent greater catastrophe and misery.
  21. They may go after social media in some fashion to protect establishment interests but a collective of individuals making each their own decision to buy a stock isn't the same as the largest shareholder of a company from making public statements about that company. Unless they illegally accessed information not publicly available to make that decision, which at this moment I don't know that they have, then this would be something they could be prosecuted for because they violated SEC laws. I'm not trying to be argumentative with you, just trying to clarify to the best of my understanding so please forgive me if I come across as such.
  22. Wrong is a relative term and can be used to mean a wide array of behavior but crime is an objective violation of established laws... these two aren't all that interchangeable. Buying a stock isn't a manipulation, it isn't wrong, it isn't a crime. It's what happens every single day on the market, it's what the market is. So they didn't manipulate prices or commit a crime. They did what the market is there for....though one may think stock markets are 'wrong', but that's relative.
  23. Yep, in the 2008 RE crash they blamed the people who took out the loans for it, not the people who created subprime loans, who then packaged those loans in an instrument sell to others to trade in speculation so that tanked the value of the assets. They bailed out everyone except the people who lost their homes, in fact, they let the people who crashed the market for profit take the homes, too. Then politicians whip people into a red scare frenzy blaming socialists for the financial ills of capitalism even though it's socialists that seeks to protect the middle class working people from capitalists and inspires them to storm government buildings.
  24. Who is the one that used the word crime? So what are you complaining about?