Alex Busch

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About Alex Busch

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  • Birthday 10/13/1991

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  1. Honestly, I watched Leo's video about addiction, followed up with the practical steps he suggested, and I quit the next day after sitting alone in a room by myself with no distraction for 4 hours. I was a smoker for 10 years and smoked anywhere from 12-15 cigarettes a day. Quitting cold turkey was something I never thought was possible but since I've went through that process the craving for a cigarette was so rare that it shocked me. Give it a shot.
  2. @PsiloPutty Yeah luckily a couple days ago I listened to Leo's Dark Side of Meditation video and that sort of gave me the sense that I shouldn't take anything that happens during meditation too seriously and to just relax. So ironically a day later I experience something out of the ordinary lol. I really like Holosync personally. I have noticed minor benefits as far as cognitive function and memory goes. Apparently it's supposed to help connect neural networks in your brain, and help you build up awareness and such. But the thing I like about is that it sort of "locks" you in for a longer meditation session. From my own experience, when I was more of a noobie I found it difficult to even sit there for up to a half hour meditating without feelings of extreme monkey mind or distraction; all of the above. About once or twice a week I meditate without Holosync and I find it MUCH easier to sit there for prolonged periods of time without the feelings you'd get when first starting out. Pretty sure it's just habit of using Holosync for an hour a day that makes it easier. After the hour is up and the sounds stop, I sit there for additionally 5 minutes or so. During those 5 minutes of silence everything seems very calm, like your mind and your external surroundings. (usually; sometimes I finish feeling very anxious). But yeah I would totally suggest Holosync, especially for noobies.
  3. Hey there, I've been meditating for about the last two years now, and ususally between 20-30 minutes. Roughly 4 months ago I started doing Holosync and since then I've been meditating daily for 1 hour. Last night I had an interesting experience but I can't point out what it was. 40 minutes into my meditation I started to experience something that i hadn't before. It's hard to put into words what it was but the closest thing I can put words to is that it lasted about a minute where I experienced something closely related to vertigo but it was far more intense. I had to tell myself to relax because I started freaking out a little bit, and after I relaxed I just embraced it and it was actually quite pleasant, and then toward the end my entire body felt like an aura was going around it and then I had an extremely warm sensation going up and down my spine. Then I opened my eyes and I felt more awake than I ever had. I'm uncertain what sort of experience this was and would like some help figuring out what I experienced.
  4. I tried the keto diet for about a month and some weeks (not sure if that's enough time to give an accurate analysis) but I was serious about it. I got the keto strips to make sure that my piss was reading that I was in ketosis. The two weeks or so wasn't bad, I felt like I actually had more energy and saw some weight loss which was nice too. But after the first month I literally felt sick. I felt like my body was lacking some nutrition and felt extremely fatigued and depressed (the depression part was worse than I've ever experienced). So I decided to start eating my normal diet again. Honestly, I would suggest just eating a well balanced diet with plenty of vegetables and limit grains (or cut them out entirely). But if you're going to attempt the keto diet then be prepared for some side-effects for the first couple months. Best of luck!
  5. Thank you for the feedback. I appreciate it. Watched a couple of his videos and they made a lot of sense, and seemed to be more effective than how I've been studying. I'll be sure to implement these into my study routine and let you know how it's going within a week or so.
  6. Hello all, So I've been teaching myself programming and I am intending to go to a coding bootcamp next month. All throughout high school I slacked off and never attained any real studying skills. I try to study between 2-4 hours a day but very quickly hit a wall and have a hard time grasping the information that I'm reading or the code I'm writing. Now I'm hitting walls before an hour of studying is up. I've watched Leo's video on "How to Study" and all though that video gave me tons of helpful insights, I don't recall it giving people who have next to zero study skills, a starting point on how to actually build up the skill. Any advice on how to build myself up to be able to study effectively at multiple hours at a time would be greatly appreciated.
  7. Hello all, I enjoy Sam Harris' content and was curious what others think about him as well. I've noticed that I've yet to hear Leo reference or talk about him once and was wondering why, seeing as Leo often references other peoples work. I would like to hear what other people think about Sam Harris and his work.