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Everything posted by Girzo

  1. I don't think of myself as Enlightened at all, but your questions are interesting to answer. Yes or no, depends on how you look at it. From one angle everything is there, from another - nothing exists. You don't need to be Enlightened to notice where phenomena go and from where they come. It's like a separate insight that can be grasped, I think I've grasped it. No center, no left, no right - no up, no down. There's a perception of 3-dimensional space, but it's located nowhere. It wouldn't affect the Absolute. It would affect how everyday phenomena looks like, but in the end it doesn't matter at all, since you have never existed and never will. Quite literally. Enlightment doesn't protect from brain damage, if that's what you asking for. --- I would like to know that one!
  2. @John Iverson this line of reasoning has helped me in the begining to grasp this "you and me are identical" stuff: Sit in silence and try to locate yourself, you will be trying and consequently finding nothing to finally figure out, if you are diligent enough, that you are this Nothing. You will also come to conclusion that other people are Nothing too, therefore you are all the same, because if there was at least one diffrence between you and them, you wouldn't have been Nothing.
  3. @RawJudah I am speaking from my own experience. Starting meditation habit took almost immediate effect on me. You may suck at it and not be able to meditate for long periods of time, but it doesn't mean that it doesn't work at all. 20 minutes is not that much to pull off.
  4. I understand this part less in naive way, more like when you find out your True Self, then your desires stop being egoic, but start to come from the Self. So the desire to move a mountain comes from the Self, not from "you". Self is everything, so it doesn't have any problem executing it's will, either by the work of living beings, or some other mechanism, not by ostentatious magic trick, because there's no need to amaze anyone with it. That's the power and that's the miracle in my opinion, seeing people working collaboratively without any disturbance from the ego. But everyone is free to believe whatever he/she wants to believe.
  5. Meditation habit! At least 20 minutes daily. The MOST important habit. You will feel like another human being just after a week. The thing is not to do it mechanically. For starters, I recommend guided meditations, like Leo's or Mooji's ones
  6. I like it, because you can always rewind your thinking to a certain point and tackle problem from different angle or explore another path.
  7. If the work offers you enough free time to contemplate and meditate, then I don't see why not stick to it. Totally other thing is when you are working 10-12 hours daily without a hope of it ever getting better. Then it's almost like chasing success, but worse, because you are chasing survival.
  8. 20 minutes daily, I am 5 days in, it's my longest streak in row. I am very bad meditator, but I am at peace with that, which makes me very good meditator? Does it?
  9. @Wad Morld Yes that true that man should choose a woman that chooses him too, but I think you go too far in putting accent on looks, status and charisma. There's still a lot to improve beside that, it's your confidence, sense of humour and being okay with sex, for example. You see, you have said "I went out partying" and nail the point here. @Hardkill 's weakness is that he is not getting enough exposure to women, that's what he needs to fix. Almost all of us who struggle with geting girlfriend need to fix. Hey @Hardkill, if you really believe that Asperger is a problem, why won't you look out for a girl with this syndrome. She for sure wouldn't mind anything connected with that disorder, because she would be very similar to you. Personally I think there's no difference. I have never been diagnosed with Asperger, but I struggle with all the same things as you do. But good luck, maybe one day you will find your perfect piece of advice.
  10. The only three options that have ever worked for me are shopping mall, city centre and music festivals. I find clubs a bad place to do pickup. It's probably just my personal bias, but some clubs are terrible. Library doesn't work, yoga classes too, people there are +35. At least in my country.
  11. There are those substances, but they put serious restrictions on your diet and medicaments you can use. Never ingest them without research.
  12. I have a four step formula to ramp up your skills to ungodly levels. It's a secret so powerful, that it could be missused in the wrong hands. It goes like this: Stop making totally ridiculous threads on and distracting yourself. Start taking action and talk to girls. !!!MOST IMPORTANT!!! Fucking analyze your mistakes! Ask yourself what you've done well. What not so well. What can you do better. And try to avoid your mistakes next time! That's how you learn, there's no other way. To know how to swim you need to get in water. No coaching in front of computer will ever show you how it feels to swim. Do this check-up after you finnish every day you do game. Do this every time until you feel you don't need it anymore. Like a training wheels in the bike. REPEAT STEPS FROM 2. TO 4. If you will still insist that nothing works for you and you have tried everything, then I have got a thing for you that you haven't tried yet. Do a pick-up retreat. Go on a 10 day vacation to some big city and game all day. You will be on a whole another level after that. You can watch Leo's video on doing solo-retreats to prepare for that correctly. Basically every technique used to progress on a spiritual journey can help with learning other skills when applied correctly. Back to your question, I don't know anyone with autism, but my best friend has Tourette's and has a girlfriend, so I don't see how that could interfere.
  13. @DrMobius Leo talks about it and shows bruises on his hands at some point in this video
  14. You can always use ignore oprion. It works well.
  15. @art All principles are groundless in their essence. Principle doesn't stay in opposition to invention, it's just a more basic invention that lays ground for other inventions. The utmost building block of reality is Nothing, not principles.
  16. Not really. How it looks is only a matter of how you pull it off. I have been approached by girls few times and it was always a pleasant experience. Never thought anything negative about the person in that kind of situation. It's a matter of projecting confidence. I can imagine I wouldn't be so happy to talk with the girl if she wasn't confident. I wouldn't reject her instantly (because we men actually have hearts), but direct interaction towards quick ending instead. You see, you can gve yourself many excuses: "I will look desperate", "I will look like a slut", etc... The truth is you simply don't know if it works for you until you try it. That's what I encourage you to do, try approaching a guy.
  17. The best one would be The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ DeMarco (I have heard that his new book, Unscripted, is just as good). Ken Robinson's books are cool and hardly ever recommended, too.
  18. I have an answer for you. It's called higher dose. Haha
  19. His books are pleasant to read, packed with stories and practical exercises. But only 50% of the content of his products is useful, the rest is filled with marketing bullshit. There are better authors, but if you already have Robbin's book in your hands, then why not give it a chance? For me, "Awaken the Giant Within" has helped to change mindset about many things. I can say for sure that it was influential.
  20. If you are looking for a complete plan on how to gain strength without going to the gym, then you can try "Convict Conditioning" by Paul Wade. It's a very simple and easy to follow training routine based on calisthenics.
  21. There one also needs to be careful not to start believing that world doesn't exist. It safe to assume that you simply don't know and investigate from that point. When you will find it then you can say: "Ohh, I really see it doesn't exist." Or maybe you will say it does exist. It doesn't matter what words you assign to it, what's important is the Truth itself.
  22. I have the same issue and at the moment and I went back to eating grains, but that's only a temporary solution. I hope someone can give some valuable advice on this.
  23. What about spices? When it comes to loosing weight then eating oatmeal/groats > meat. I would suggest eating groats + steamed veggies to every meal with meat. And cutting amount of meat you eat by half. You will feel full, thanks to fiber contained in oatmeal and groats. Fruit - you can eat as much as you can. If you are hungry then it's better to eat 2 bananas than to consume the same amount of calories from meat. I have been eating like that for few months, went down to 75 kg (I am 180 cm tall) and actually have the opposite problem. I can't force myself to eat enough to sustain that weight, and I don't want to come back to fries or consuming more meat. And nuts are great. I recommend a handful of them everyday. You could think that they don't help, because they are very dense in calories, but the opposite is true, since they increase how much calories your body burns. Just start cleaning your diet and it itself will work wonders! You have the right idea, I would only restrict calories on meat, try to go as much vegan as possible and practical for you.