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Everything posted by Girzo

  1. @jacknine119 Are you sure all of them are illegal? There's some stuff like 4-PrO-DMT that might be under the radar of authorities. In many countires even 5-MeO-DMT is under the radar. All fine psychedelics. Or 5-MeO-MALT, maybe. I will check later if I can what might be legal there.
  2. This thread got deeply unserious, real quick. I think what most people forget is that Enlightnement is mostly a social, mental construction. When people say that they are Enlightened they are thinking of an identity they have learned through elaborate process, similar to how people become Marihuana smokers, for example. ( And the biggest upside of Ralston is that his school of thought has ZERO tolerance for this stuff. While all the New Age stuff is dominated by the socially-constructed stuff.
  3. @strika What are you smoking? Not the good stuff it seems. You are literally breaking the first rule of the forum.
  4. I am not though. BDSM is not Red. If you take out all the fancy things that make BDSM BDSM, you end up with just an abusive relationship. Harsh sex without a safety valve and consent is rape and not domination relationship. Some people who value pure power, which can be ascribed to stage Red people, can use BDSM label to excuse their abusive behavior, but that doesn't make BDSM Red, nor them not-Red.
  5. @rd5555 Their values. Spiral Dynamics is a model that maps human values, what are their goals, goals = values, if their values are Red they are Red. BDSM is not Red, they are Blue weirdos that treat the rules of the game like the Bible or some deviant Orange, who cares about the fun and is not that into the technicalities of the game. Red would rather simply be abusive, and not into BDSM.
  6. @OBEler It should work because eliquid works as such that the liquid gets heated and violently evaporates carrying molecules of whatever is dissolved in it with the cloud. The 5-MeO doesn't get heated much in that scenario, the liquid stops the temperature from rising above 160-170C if I remember the liquid temps properly, so it shouldn't degrade much. I mean the smoke can be a little bit higher, but still not that high to destroy the salt.
  7. From documentaries I have watched a lot of them is Red and develops into Blue when the time to quit their careers rings. I think the influencer ones, like porn couples, always the same partners might be stage Orange. Especially if they somewhat protect their face and stuff. But haven't seen any interviews with such guys to really hear what they value.
  8. Typical Leo's overachieveing attitude. An average course has 2.5h total duration and you want to add 5 hours of screaming. Too generous. Half an hour of screaming will do.
  9. Ah yeah, I forgot about the kittens That's great you have saved some.
  10. My man, the 5-MeO is barely hot enough to stay as vapor when you inhale it, the moment it touches anything it loses it's heat and stops being a vapor.
  11. You act like people are outraged Israel has killed too many children when in fact everyone is outraged they are killing children at all. Less genocide is still a freaking genocide, what the hell man.
  12. @koops But have you really tried audiobooks? They are superior, way easier to integrate with your everyday life.
  13. @koops Ken Wilber is 100% meant to be read as an audiobook. He like repeats himself 10 times. Perfect for listening first and then you comeback uf you haven't understood something.
  14. @Buck Edwards Listen on a speaker then.
  15. @Egodeathrow my man, it's an common surname meaning a mountain, without a simple relation to the word "guru". What are you trying to do here?
  16. Gura means mountain in many slavic languages, including russian.
  17. @TheAlchemist no, most of the pharmaceuticals are on the safe side, safer than harmalas. You need to check your exact substance individually to know if you need to be careful with it.
  18. Yet, the reality shows that things like BRICS never rise up to their promise. Maybe there's an inherent structural issue to the authoritarian countries that make them unable to cooperate at that level. Or maybe it's just the current setup of the world divided in a center, semi-perriferies, and perrifferies, that make such cooperation a net-negative for all the parties involved no matter what.
  19. @ici What makes it ugly is that it is AI generated, sounds like shit But It's like a good sketch on a napkin that you could give someone to skilled to execute on and actually create some music and record some real vocals. Or maybe even AI vocals, but manually-steered.
  20. @CARDOZZO Are you writing a sci-fi book? I think your readers might not buy the 'quantum energy from the brain' concept. The sci-fi readers nowadays have got sophisticated taste and quantum mumbo jumbo doesn't satisfy them anymore.
  21. @Bobby_2021 You indeed are pulling things out of your ass. You are talking to a sociologist, I know when you pull stuff straight out of nowhere. I am done throwing bricks at this brickwall of your ideology.
  22. Also, Bobby, I think your attitiude comes from thinking of social constructs as something worthy of the word "merely." Social constructs are real and very powerful. Money is a social construct. Gender is a similarly powerful social construct. They are not "merely" social constructs. They are so important and powerful you are willing to heatedly discuss about them online, spending your precious minutes of life on this instead of doing self-actualization. Very important.
  23. "There is clear research that shows that the vast majority of women show less interest for engineering than men." This is ok. The END. Put a stop there. That's my whole argument. If you go further into venturing into saying with certainity about why that is, you will probably make a mistake. We can say our ideas of possible explanations, state our opinions, that's all good, to argue indefinitely defending them, or treating them as some proven truth is foolishness.
  24. Have you read about this topic? First, it's about gender, so it's culture. Then, even on the wikipedia page there are descriptions of people arguing about the 'why's', because they are not obvious, no where are genetics pointed as the main factor as to why. Exactly what I was saying. You noticing the existence of the Gender Equality Paradox, that's great, we are describing reality. You jumping to conclusions as to why, no bueno, that's imagination. Everything. Culture, psychology, genetics, environement, life experience, etc. Both at the individual and collective levels. You are building up an argument as to why you shouldn't say WHY things are for sure, as even experts can disagree for a long time, but also 100% agreement is never needed for science to go forward, science is a dynamic process of discovery and inventivness not a religious dogma. You are doing what you accuse the feminists of. You boil everything down to some stupid patriarchy. Patriarchy is a bullshit explanation. Social reality is way more complex and there are other things that influence these results, as you have mentioned by mentioning the gender equality paradox. No you don't know, you don't even read the books or the current scientific research and it's very visible. My man, you say you want clarity but you are not willing to spend 10 minutes to clarify for yourself what 'gender fluidity' means by reading a wikipedia article about it. Gender-fluid is an identity that an INDIVIDUAL can have, not a fucking concept that everyone's gender is fluid, the hell. It just tells you that there are some individuals who don't have a stable gender identity. SOME. INDIVIDUALS. It is your misunderstanding of the basic meaning of the term 'gender-fluid', you don't even know what it relates to, as I have said above. Just read them for yourself if you care and don't listen to others' opinions. Otherwise, you will just end up as opinionatied as them. Ups, too late. Replication doesn't mean shit. I cannot replicate a tsunami hitting the Fukushima nuclear plant. Does that make the measurements of the impact invalid, because I can't measure it again? The fuck no. Every branch of science has a subbranch called Methodology and it deals solely with the problem of how to construct the research and do it properly. The replication problem you describe is meant to describe the shit that happens in STEM science, for example in chemistry, where mainly Chinese or Indian researchers mass-produce papers with fake results - they fail to prove something but write it worked to get money and points for publication, etc. Social science has different important issues than the replication problem. The problem with skipping them arises when these complexities are absolutely crucial for understanig the topic.
  25. This is toxic spirituality. I would give you a kick to the ass if I ever had some permanent medical condition and you told to my face that I wished to be born with problems.