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Everything posted by Alex90

  1. Dear fellow actualizers I need your help to solve my problem with a strong tension in my diaphragma and throat. It is getting to a point where the tension is starting to criple my daily life. It is starting feeling like it is controlling my life. What to do or what not to do... After I recovered from a depression in 2015 I started to have this strong tension in my throat. It came out of nowhere. All the time I was awake it was there. For a long time I tried to investigate if the tension was trying tell my something. But I could not find any answer to that. So I tried meditations and psychotherapy. But it did not help either. After 3 years I found an yoga technique that solve the problem. The tension in the throat was gone! But a few days after a tension began in my diaphragma. At some some times the tension was/is so strong that it is difficult for me to breath. So for 3 years I have been this strong tension in my diaphragma. Recently I have started to do some yoga-asanas twice a week. Which helps remove the tension. But then the tension starts to appear in the throat again. And a after a day or two the tension goes back to my diaphragma. I have been to several doctors, and they can not find any thing It is like never get down to the root cause of this problem? What are your thoughts on this? Any advice?
  2. Where to find a high quality shilajit product to an affordable price? I was going for this:, but the company is totally out of stock I have tried to give it a search an google, but I think it is hard to find the a proper product... Any ideas? @pluto
  3. A well recepted guy from who recived rasa
  4. Exactly! People are dismissing this because they do not have a direct experience of it. If people begin to trash talk about "enlightenment does not exist" How would you react? You would tell that they dont talk from a direct experience. And that it can not be arugued or debated. what or who determinates what is crazy/insane or not? The path to the gateless gate requries radical openmindeness. If you went to your local psychiatrist and told them about enlightment and absolute infinity. They would laugh of you. Are you crazy? Or are they close-minded? If you went to tibet and told the enlightned tibetans buddhist that you can have glimps of Emptiness by snorting 5-meo-dmt. They would laugh of you. Are you crazy or are they close-mindes? If you told Leo the importance about chakras and energy 10 years ago. I am pretty sure he would laugh of you. Because he would have had any direct experience. Bottomline is that do not be sure about dismissing things with out having a direct experience. If Leo went out tomorrow and told these transmissions actually works? Would you then change your minds? Take a leap of faith
  5. Haha I dont know man. Every person has a different path. After I reached LOC 1000 meditation, yoga, self-inquiry etc does not make any sense any more. What is there to get? Nothing! After the rasa the beliefs and attachments is fading away by it self. I got my trans from this guy. One of ramaji students. He is way cheaper
  6. "I" got 5 of these rasa trans last december. They really work. I lost my will to seek, because there is nothing "I" can do. Month by month The Nothingness is getting more and more clear
  7. This site has a nice overview
  8. I can't find the article right now but I have read an article that adding a little radish seed would also be very beneficial to increase the concentration of sulforaphane
  9. So I have decided to sprout my own broccoli sprouts to get the benefits from the amazing compound, sulforaphane. A lot of dealers on the internet gets good reviews, but the sprouting percent between each batch seems to vary a lot because the dealers get them from different distributors. hmmm.... Can any recommend a good source for buying broccoli sprouts with a consistent good sprouting percent? @pluto, @Michael569
  10. Thx Yep I meant whole wheat
  11. Whole grain is the same as regular grain. It still contains the peptides which give the autoimmune diseases. So avoid that as well. I have switched to quinoa, buckwheat, and black rice, which has also have much higher values of trace minerals. Try compare fx. pasta with these 3 at Quinoa and buckwheat are also alkalines compared to grain which is acidic. An alkaline body heals much better.
  12. Great question! I do not know. But would also like to hear some thoughts. But why do you think that enlightenment equals happiness? Enlightenment is the end of suffering - not eternal happiness Happiness is a state and Nothingness is the stateless-state
  13. Hello from Copenhagen, Denmark
  14. You are not the body.. It is just phenomenon. You can not feel infinity, because it is just another phenomenon. you ARE infinity!
  15. @Privet, thx again. I will give all your inputs a try
  16. Thx for the input, Privet! When I am in quiet environments I can see that I have nothing to do with thought. Furthermore I can see that thoughts consist of inner voices, inner images etc, and they come and go from nowhere. I hope it makes sense, cause english is not my first language as you can see. But I will try to improve my noting! Should I also try to notice the nothing between my thoughts? And what about awareness? the "nothing" occurs within my awareness? or?
  17. Hello! I have been doing 30-60 min of self-inquiry every day for a month now. I would appreciate if some could tell me, if i'm on the right path or not 1. I start with my eyes open and look at my body. Am I the foot? Am I the leg? What if I cut of the leg? Will that leg still be a part of me? 2. Then I start to open og close my eye for at few times. With closed eyes the body doesn't exist, but I am still there? So why do I think that I am the body? 3. Then I sit with closed eyes. And I ask: Who am I? Am I some of the remaining phenomenons? The changing colour in my sight? The sounds? The feelings? And how can I know that I am these or not? Or maybe I am the sphere within the phenomenon is occuring? I have been stucked on this level for at good time. 4. Then yesterday I sat with closed eye and was asking again frustrated What is left? Sight? Sounds? feelings? maybe awareness? For fuck sake there is "nothing" more. Then it hit me that I have always thought that nothing was the opposite to phenomenon... Like something that is between phenomenon. But maybe nothing is a phenomenon/object that is just non-existing? So I tried to sense the phenomenon of nothing between my thoughts, behind the feeling of my back and under my butt. And then I asked: if this emptiness/nothingness is not the body or mind, where does it end? I would be glad for any input
  18. It is expanding/increasing your awareness. I have used holsync for 4-5 weeks now. It has expanded my awareness more, compared to the whole preceding year. But that just my experience- try itfor your self. But I would recommend not to use those on youtube. Go read the science behind it and dont be cheap. I paid a lot money for just the first 4 month, but it is totally worth it. And as Leo says the bineural beat won't do all the heavy lifting for you. For example I have becommed more aware of my feelings and how I judge the people around me, how the food tastes, etc... But dont settle for just that. Dig into it, now your are aware of it! Yesterday I looked at a fat person, and normally I would just get at feeling of disgust or sorry for that person (sorry ). But now I can from moment to moment see that "I" make a judgement which was follow by a feeling...... And this is here the heavy lifting comes into place - you have to dig into what you "saw": Who is the one making this judgement? ( I was aware of that it happened without my involment) Who is feeling this digust? I am also aware of that a lot my suffering through out the day is because I resist to take action og I try to resist my feelings and supress them for example. Just to be aware of your resistens gives at great relife of your suffering. But again dont settle for just that - dig further: Who is the one making this resistens? Who is feeling this resistens? I hope this can be at help.
  19. @Leo Gura @Space So normally when I do the Do nothing technique I see phenomenons arise and passing away within "the sphere of unintended awareness". But then after I read your posts I tried to zoom out while meditating, so that I were aware of how "the sphere of uninteted awareness" moved around in the mind and body. From the feeling of my feets to my thoughts, to the sounds of holosync etc. Is that still proper Do nothing technique? Because awareness is a phenomenon as well, right? When I did this I could trace how " the sphere of awareness" moved round 1-2 times pr second. Eventually it went from 1-2 times pr second to 10-15 times pr second and further until I was total exhausted. The funny thing is that after this mediation I think i entered som kind af concentration state. For the rest of the day only had like one thougt comming up every 5-10 min. Such a joy and blissfull day. Another funny thing is that while I am writing this post I can see that you can trace your awareness into infinity? You can be aware of your awareness, but you can also be aware of that your are aware of your awarenes and so on.... please correct me if I am wrong.