Milos Uzelac

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Posts posted by Milos Uzelac

  1. 8 hours ago, Sri McDonald Trump Maharaj said:

    Maybe you could try to journal a little bit, just start writing out everything? Don't get into your mind while meditating, when you sit, just sit. :) 


    8 hours ago, Sri McDonald Trump Maharaj said:

    Maybe you could try to journal a little bit, just start writing out everything? Don't get into your mind while meditating, when you sit, just sit. :) 

    Will have to start doing it I as separate Self-Actualization Journal on this forum. Thanks man ?

  2. 8 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

    Write out a list of all the things you dislike about yourself and other people.

    Write out a list of all the things you like about yourself and other people.

    This will get you started.  It will get you digging.

    The ego is everything you identify as me.  The shadow is everything that you identify as not-me.  Me in the sense of -- I'm the kind of person statements.  E.g., I'm a skater. I'm a tough guy.  I'm a metal-head.  I'm bad with women.  Etc. 

    The key to shadow work is to let in little repressed pieces of you from your shadow come back into consciousness so you can integrate more fully with your authentic self. Your quest to carve out a strong identity caused you to reject or repress certain parts of you.  This is what shadow work fixes.  It allows you to fill-out into your authentic self more.  

    Emerald has 2 vids on shadow work that you gotta watch for background.  Her YouTube channel is called The Diamond Net.  Watch those two vids.  They will solidify your conceptual understanding of shadow work.  

    Thanks for setting apart to explain this to me and reply. Haven't watched her videos before will check those two.Thanks again ?


    8 hours ago, Sri McDonald Trump Maharaj said:

    Maybe you could try to journal a little bit, just start writing out everything? Don't get into your mind while meditating, when you sit, just sit. :) 


    8 hours ago, Sri McDonald Trump Maharaj said:

    Maybe you could try to journal a little bit, just start writing out everything? Don't get into your mind while meditating, when you sit, just


  3. Im writing this at 4:00am in my south-eastern european time zone. Since I cant fall asleep decided to write this instead of meditating because I don't understand the principles of experiencing,expressing and letting go of suppressed emotions and "deleted" traumas and events. I apologise for my laziness and ignorance for not researching about shadow work and how that differs from strong determination sitting until suppressed stuff comes up. Do I have to psycho analyse and question myself and my actions during the meditation or is that just mental masturbation. I write this because this my main issue that keeps coming up and up again in my life and inhibiting me for being even slightly present and more caring and interested in people.I feel must start doing some purging as a separate thing apart from focusing on mindfullness labelling and vypassana. I am supposed to go to psychotherapist in late september but until then I must at least start try to experience and express some of the suppressed stuff that has been incapacitating me. I will research this but can anyone give me quick advice or techniques of how to do efficient shadow work during a meditation. I would be especially grateful of someone can share their experience and results with some shadow work if they have the time and will to write it here. I feel like a lazy newbie when writing this topic so thank you for setting the time to answer.


  4. I feel that there is a must now in my life about starting this journal if didnt I dont  think I would be able to overcome it or continue coping with it my entire life. I started being terribly insecure and auto-destructive with my habits when I went to 1st grade of high school. I have until now been able to auto-correct certain habits and not succumb to addictions (such as pornography,idle watching of various youtube videos and playing video games). However I havent been able to conquer my depression,insecurity,social anxiety,unlogical neurosis,anti-rational behaviours and now after I turned 19 years and got into state-budget financing in the Philosophical Faculty at the University of Belgrade as sociology student I feel like I wont be able to graduate from it and will be at the mercy of others and life if I dont overcome these neurosis. I currently have a blockade in my mind to write more and to set goals and tasks in this journal so I will live this as first entry and will add more when I again feel the need. Thank you all who support me in advance I will try to do the same for you as well when I can offer advice.

    Final Note: I will unveil and conquer my inner nemesis and demons that have been plaguing and fooling me all this time! This is the path towards inner peace,love and freedom. I will awaken the Sleeping God within that is my mission.

  5. 17 hours ago, Danielle said:

    @Milos Uzelac yes, I'm from Croatia! Drago mi je sto nas ima s Balkana. :D

    Super bas mi je drago. Nego mogu li da te pitam da li postoje ili da li se organizuju vypassana odmaralista kod vas posto sam primetio da su Hrvatskoj na primer (barem meni deluje mozda gresim) ljudi dosta otvoreniji i zainteresovaniji za meditaciju,jogu i za ostalu istočnjačku praksu. Hvala unapred na odgovoru.Puno pozdrava :)

  6. On 9.8.2017. at 3:28 AM, aurum said:

    Realize that the goal of SDS is not  to run up your time score of sitting still, like a video game. That's more of a result.

    The goal is actually to bring up as much resistance as possible while staying mindful.

    For instance, I could sit very comfortably doing SDS on my nice soft bed for 1.5 hours. Maybe more. But if I were to do SDS while sitting on an uncomfortable rock in the blazing sun, that would be much harder. I'd might only last 15 minutes.

    So I'd actually much rather make SDS as hard as possible than do things to make it easier. Making it easier defeats the purpose.

    The more you stay mindful when the resistance comes, the more you will emotionally release. And that is how you will be able to sit for longer periods of time.

    Side tangent, if you have problems with people disturbing you with meditation than you 1) need stronger boundaries and need to let people know you're not available because you're meditating and 2) should try in the morning before you talk to anyone

    Yeah thanks a lot for the advice about schedule and the insight about mindfulness during the meditation. I would also like to go on a vypassana retreat outdoors to try out what your saying for myself but I currently havent found any organization for such retreats currently in Serbia (my country). Suppose I might try that solo if see an oportuinity during my holiday. Anyways thanks again for the advice.

  7. On 8.8.2017. at 11:54 PM, Danielle said:

    Try sitting in a chair, if you don't already. Sit comfortably and do wim hof method before SDS or wash your face with cold water, that helps a lot. You will be more alert in matter of seconds. 

    As far as your schedule goes, you know that better than anyone, but I can recommend installing break free app or some kind of app of that kind that rejects calls and notifications so no one can distract you. Sretno! ;)

    Hvala! Thank you will try out with  this advice in the future. If I can only ask if are you from any ex-Yugoslav country in the Balkan Peninsula, so to have an easier communication in the future. Again thanks for the advice!

  8. I feel stupid posting this and I hessiated posting a trivial personal problem such as this , but I dont know how to solve this issue. I have been slacking off on doing vypassana longer sits on my since I havent planned on external circumstances and people that would inhibit me in setting aside 1-2 hours a day to do SDS. But when I started again, apart from having usual mental chatter and images, I started drooling from my mouth and would fall down on my back unconsciously after 40 minutes. I had a sort of a catharsis few weeks ago when I wept after siting  for a longer period, but couldnt get any solid  insight for why I was weeping. But since then it was just mental masturbation for 40 minutes.My aim is to be able to do shadow work with this since I have suppressed a lot of my problems and sins towards others and my self. I want to get a catharsis on all these suppressed feeling and then act on them towards others that I hurt.

    So not to bore with this, my question is what do I need to do to improve my sitting perserverance,durability. Should I do samatha breathing concentration before I sit longer or should try to split  vypassana sits during the day.

    Also what are the best schedules for meditation apart from periods when I know nobody will call me or distract me. Early in the morning or before bedtime?

    Thanks to all setting the time to reply and read this.



  9. Hey thanks for this post really needed it in this moment of time, randomly stubbled on to it while trying to find something that would help me in purifying certain blocked emotions. Im going to try the same pattern you followed since I have been focusing too much vypassana SDS and it didn't allow me to release certain emotions that I suppressed. Unfortunately I never experienced nor read anything similar so I don't know what's the case.

    Thanks for the post ??

  10. 8 hours ago, Seeker_of_truth said:

    One thing is that as you keep sitting regularly, your flexibility will improve. I've read that the numbness when we sit in a cross legged posture is not due to blockage of blood flow but rather some nerves getting compressed and thus not being able to send signals to/from the lower part of the leg and thus we don't feel anything there. What I've noticed is that as my flexibility improved with my sitting posture and if I place my legs in a certain way, there have been times when my legs don't fall asleep. But I've never experienced what you have said that, it was woken up instantly. For me these days it takes about 10s to fully be able to feel them, then for about 60s or more I have to wait for the pins and needles sensation to go, then I can start walking. (Sorry thought I could maybe answer something, but that's all that I know).

    No you posted useful information, Thanks ? good to know about the flexibility(its a neat ability ?)will keep that in mind in my practice.

  11. On utorak, 27. jun 2017. at 7:00 PM, Seeker_of_truth said:

    What do you mean that your legs were woken up ??

    Blood wasnt running through them,didnt feel my nerves.But when i got up it was like an instant blood flow to them,and I could walk easily(it takes me 10-15 seconds to waćk properly after i get up).I Dont know how else to explain this(really uneducated in terms of biology,medicine),but a lot of these things are subjective,so it sounds absurd.?

  12. Just now, ajasatya said:

    @Milos Uzelac i am mysteriously feeling very happy for you xD

    I was in a moment at that time(but there wasnt a true lift there was still hidden messy images and talks at the back of my mind),but now im back into regular mind,emotion,image gibberish.Anyways thank you for this,but I think you must be for all people when you are in the flow ^_^

  13. On 6/26/2017 at 4:20 PM, Leo Gura said:

    Just keep practicing consistently. Allow the spiritual purification process to happen. If you sit daily, you should see the process working on a weekly basis. Emotionall crap will surface, and then pass away, in cycles.

    The key is to not get fed up and quit. Trust the process. Give it time to work. Strong negative emotions means progress. Don't judge your results by how happy you feel. Happiness is a long-term by-product.

    Thanks Leo,will take this advice to heart and practice^_^

  14. I couldnt sleep yesterday so I decided to do a Strong Determination siting( I didnt set an alarm(big mistake, I had forgotten) but I think I was siting for about an hour and ten minutes by the looks of my clock) I started reciting in my headI want to die in my  and be absorped by life,and had these messiah complex mental images that Im kissing and in love with beatles,bugs,animals and objects also I was thinkig about how Jesus could have embraced all his suffering and still be in love with the world(was neuroticly trying to do the same in my head).So I want to ask in what measure is this egoic,delussional and how do I overcome it (or embrace it) and pass through it as mental distractions in my next longer sit.My goal is  to be able to sit for 2 hours.  

    Also this was the first time that when I sat lotus position  my legs were almost immediately "woken up" and that I was waking regulary right after I got up.So I want to ask is this the always case after you sit regulary in this position after some time?

  15. How do I commnicate(better said explain,justify) to other people that meditation will help them immensely and that I am doing this work because it will make me a better person and that it will help me with my goals in Life(which I have to yet deeply rexamine).I live in a foreign country(Serbia) and I have a fear simply directing people to Leo's channel beacuse its on english and even though many people here easily understand it (but still a lot of them dont) I have doubt that they will wont take the information the right way and dismiss me and it as my thougts(waste of time,irrelevant,crazy,stupid).The videos are long(they have to be) and I dont know how many people here will even consider watching one if I direct them as help to an issue they have(beacuse I have a limiting belief(doubt) that they will dismiss it on sight and call it bs).Im a fearful when it comes to telling people that Im doing this and ashamed that I cant explain(even tell) that meditation will help them with their issues(I dont know how to specify in what why exactly,will it for a example ease thier insomnia,anger or anxiety).I want to be open and more direct to the world  that Im doing this for my wellbeing and advise them to do the same for thiers,but its the shyness,right words,doubts and stepping out of the norm that im afraid of.This is really limiting me to be more dedicated to this and I would really appreacite a response or an advice of how you people who dedicate thier lives to this announced and explained to the world why are you doing this and stayed firm in position to others of the benefits that it has for you and will have.I know I may have to face mockery and crazy labeling(or am I thinking to negatively) but how do you say this openly to a rigid or uninformed people. How do you say it openly and with what words,stay true to this and embrace it whatever the circumstances.Thanks in advance, I know im too fearful and thought centered that I will have to work on myself so I can be more open about this to others.

  16. Just wanted to ask is this a symptom of suppressed emotions (crying),dishonesty about my personality in social situations (palm sweating)  and in case of drooling primal instincts that are deeply embedded subconsciously in me that I am denying or do my eyes tear up and sting because I am unable to look and focus on one dot in my room for more than 25 to 30 min :D

    Also can someone give me any advice how to improve this technique so can I stop blinking compulsively during the session and after my eyes start stinging so I can maintain focus on the object or do I just ignore this and do it  until my eyes develop a resistance to it. Thank you in advance xD