Sahil Pandit

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Everything posted by Sahil Pandit

  1. @Leo Gura I would LOVE to help film your Bay Area event. My LP is focused around videography, I can edit it however you'd like and send it to you #ad
  2. @SaltyMeatballs Your Zone of Genius seems vague. What are you going to get strong at? Be more specific. If you are having trouble with that, look at more examples of others. Check out Leo's Zone of Genius PDF. Study some other people on YT and see what they are good at. Question for you, what could you talk about all day long and not get bored? What makes you excited about life and about working? Find that and do your best to integrate it into your daily lifestyle.
  3. Hello everyone, Hope you are having a great day. I was wondering, what ideals in Western Culture (If you're from the US) strike a cord in you, and you actively oppose? In @LeoGura 's video "30 ways society fucks you in the ass" and "A rant against culture" he lays out a lot of the flaws with this culture. I would love to hear about what things you are currently working on in regards to this. Here is some examples from me: 1. As a young man, being more honest with myself and how I feel. Wearing more feelings on my sleeve and being more vulnerable. Feeling feminine at times and allowing that to be without judging myself. 2. Not letting others lull me back into societal values - such as drinking, partying, gossip, etc. Staying focused on what I want to do and who I want to be. 3. A big one, treating females as they should be, with respect, and not seeing them as objects of desire (THIS is really hard for me, but I am working on it daily by practicing celibacy. 4. Expressing love, gratitude, and an open heart for others. I see so many other men closed off, it makes it hard to see if they are authentic with themselves. I bet most of them are running away from their shadow...
  4. Leo was my tour guide for 2025. This is the story of the dream I had a few weeks ago which was one of the most powerful and vivid dreams I have ever had. I have been telling my friends about it and I hope you get a kick out of it. Especially you @Leo Gura I had just got done taking the LP Course, and I had mapped out my values prior to this dream. I figured out that one of my values was “Hope, Optimism and Future- Mindedness.” and this was played a major role in my dream. ALSO, I am very big into technology and where its headed, so these combined is what made the dream very vivid to me. Here is how it goes… The dream started out as I was walking right behind Leo as we were entering a building. The scene was cinematic and Leo looked over his right shoulder and glanced at me and said, “This way.” He obviously knew where we were going so I quietly followed him along as we entered the doors of this building. As we entered in, I was blown away by the complexity of things that were taking place inside. It was like I was in some type of Matrix. We were passing through lots of security, and Leo had some sort of high level badge which allowed us access to to the vault in which we were headed. Bewildered, I was stunned by how much security was present. There was men scanning my body up and down with futuristic technology and I was very alert and confused on where we were going, but Leo insisted on staying close and following along. Once we had passed the TSA Leo had taken through a bunch of cubicles, where some men were working very hard collecting data on computers and taking calls. We were definitely inside of some type of technology business where the employees were very hard at work. As we approached our destination, Leo propped himself onto a cubicle, leaned his left arm on the edge of the cubicle, looked at me and said, “Check that out.” Scratching my head, I decided to take a look and see what he was pointed toward. As I turned and looked, my jaw sank to the floor. My eyes could not comprehend what I was seeing. I was shocked, confused, and slightly horrified at how stunning this sight was… There were about 8 people working their cubicle jobs, except these people were different. Quite different. They were using futuristic machine learning and uploading their thoughts to a cloud. They were hooked up and had wires on their heads, and these wires were monitoring their thoughts and recording their neuro synapses' . These neuro synapses were being collected and uploaded in present time in order to build the first Self Aware AI Stunned Beyond belief, I looked over at Leo to confirm that this was really happening. He simply looked at me and sternly nodded his head ever so slightly. This dream was one of the realest experiences i have ever had when it comes to understanding technology and where it is headed. I have been studying social media and tech since I was 14, (20 now) and it has always fascinated me how we are relating to these machines we rely on so heavily these days. I am not sure where this ultimately leads, but this was one of those dreams that gave me a glimpse of how what we do now leads us into the future that we create down the road. Hope you all enjoyed reading
  5. @Star Net The number 8 really resonates me for some reason. Could you link me to some more dream interpretations? This is fascinating.
  6. @Jordan wang Sounds like you got lulled into it man. What can you replace in that time? Why do you play? You bored?
  7. @h inandout How about developing your existential vocabulary
  8. @Samuel Garcia Sounds like you had some pent up emotions from the past built up that needed to be released. Reflect on it, and think about where the energy is located perhaps??
  9. @OnceMore I am more of a warm blanket and stop watch type of guy
  10. Hello guys, I would love some insight as to what I should do tomorrow to optimize my trip. Here is the Itinerary for tomorrow: 1. Wake up at 5am, make mushroom tea (Im thinking 1-2.5g?) I have never tripped on Mushrooms before. 2. I am headed to a forrest that has a waterfall, and the hike is going to take 4-6 hours. WHICH is perfect for the trip... 3. I am packing lots of water, snacks (almond butter and honey sandwiches) 4. Also, packing a smoothie with fruits... I have all day to trip, and I want to take this trip to raise my consciousness. I am in very good shape physically and I have been going to the library for 4 hours every day. So mentally and physically, I believe I am ready for some insights. Tonight, I am going to meditate for an hour to prepare. My mind is already very calm, I am just hoping to have some very big insights as to the best places to focus my energy. I meditate, do yoga, exercises, read, in general practice mindfulness. 5. This forrest is dense, so it should provide lots of beauty, and I already have a feeling that I am going to cry (Especially because there is a huge waterfall at the turning point. Any more tips????
  11. Hello everyone! This year, I would like to double down and optimize my common place book. Here are the topics I am studying: WHAT will you be studying this year? Drop some of the topics
  12. @jse @Sahil Pandit yes, two trip sitters.
  13. @ShapeShift Is this a distraction from you doing the work you should be working on?
  14. @Shakazulu If you meditate before you run, then stay mindful when you run, you can get a hit of it.
  15. @kieranperez Sounds like you're overcomplicating things just a bit. What is the ONE thing you want to focus on? How about opening up your time horizon? Being more patient? Trusting the process? I mean you're already off the meds, thats something to celebrate.
  16. @Ether I like the instrumental, what kind of mic do you use? Good lyrics, but I think the audio quality could be better
  17. This thread seems to be a distraction from real work
  18. @Vignan The path to becoming a high level chimp...
  19. @LeoGura If you take away my Babbling Baboon status I will plot with my fellow apes to overthrow you. SO WATCH IT!!!
  20. @molosku You need "Direct Experience" in order to confirm it for yourself. If you're a skeptic, that is great. Time for some experimenting. Have you done an intense yoga workout before? Have you meditated on your breath and noticed the inner energy flowing up and down your spine? If not, it makes sense to be a skeptic. BUT, prepare to be awed when you finally commit to experiencing a phenomena such as a kundalini awakening or one of your Chakra's opening up..
  21. @Frankie10 Find out for yourself. In my experience, cutting through the fluff of what I thought to be true was enough. I haven't even gotten close to real contemplation, Im still purging through thoughts that are arising for no reason... There is a lot to it. Try Leo's Do Nothing meditation and see how that works for you. Don't manipulate reality.
  22. @Shin Hahaha you're a fool
  23. I let myself fall asleep during mediation @lmfao The reasoning is that when I wake back up after 10-20 minutes I continue meditating and just label that I fell asleep. This has a huge impact on my well being later on the day, so I don't mind it.
  24. YES! Also, if it was organized that would be amazing.
  25. Don't let sex cloud your judgement. See her for who she is, and keep that heart to heart relationship and see where that takes you. If that leads to sex, great. If not, that okay too. Leave her the option of choosing. If you force something, you're most likely gonna f*ck up.