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Everything posted by TeamBills

  1. "Am I am too arrogant, prideful and cold-hearted ? Be 200% honest plz " From what I've read, absolutely not. I think you are being too hard on yourself / thinking too much about this. "How did you get a whiff of that on your own? I didn't, a good friend of mine told me." Doesn't sound like a "good" friend to me.
  2. Wow that is really interesting. 122, damn!
  3. I've been doing research on it and one of the problems I have discovered is a lot of these "companies" looking for workers are actually scams. Have you been able to work from home? If you don't mind me asking, isn't a gambling addiction super stressful? I don't understand gambling addictions because to me it seems super, super stressful.
  4. Wow! I have been working with an occupational type person who said it wasn't possible to work from home. That comment has been freaking me out because of my current life situation.
  5. @GaiaGoddess Have you been able to work from home in the past decade?
  6. This is what you should be doing. Good job.
  7. @Viking I can relate a lot to your post. "All of that shit creates the following problem: I dont want to do self development work, but I have to, otherwise I suffer. Therefore also if I do self development work, I still suffer because i dont want to do it." I understand where you are coming from but do you really feel like doing self development equals suffering? For me, yes, maybe in some sense, but on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 100 (highest) I would rate it at a 2. If I didn't do self development I would beat myself up for not working hard to improve my self and reduce my deamons, so I would rate not doing self development way higher than a 2. I've also been looking for positive motivation for self development work. What I've been using recently is picturing myself working really hard on self development for a good period of time, and because of doing that I am able to gain some love and compassion for myself. I really want to be proud of myself.
  8. You haven't changed my mind. I believe people are being honest with the polls. I believe if people are truly suffering to a large degree they will not hide it, instead they will complain about it because they want to feel sorry for themselves. "And on some random poll they are going to be fully honest and disclose their true sentiments?" This wasn't one random pole. I read about 20 and then picked one that was closest to the averages that I saw. The suicide rate in the United States is definitely increasing. That I agree with.
  9. Interesting point. I never thougt about it like that. You sound like me.@Nahm Let me be clear. I'm not saying people don't suffer. I'm saying not many people suffer deeply. 99% of people that are suffering deeply are going to respond to the pole I posted as unhappy.
  10. I think you guys are over estimating the amount of people that suffer. If someone is truly suffering a lot, whether they notice it or not, they are going to answer a survey about how happy they are as unhappy. Deep suffering leaves one unhappy. I don't believe you can be suffering a lot and not be unhappy. Well, maybe. But that percent is super small. 13% of the world considers themselves unhappy. Going back to the fact that I read on the Internet every country in the world over estimates the amount of people that are unhappy and every country over estimates the amount of people that are truly suffering.
  11. LMAO Leo's face in that picture looks hilarious.
  12. This pole is in line with the articles I have read from Google. So yes, most people are not unhappy. Here is an interesting stat (I can't remember where on the Internet I read this) every single country in the world thinks that the people in their country are more commonly unhappy then they actually are. I once asked my grandparents if people were happier when they were younger. Their response was "oh my god yeah". The way they emphasized those words was very strong. They also stated that "back then people actually cared and looked out for each other". And hell yes I would take that blue pill.
  13. Im doubtful a phone can properly record sleep information. That is just my 2 cents, my opinion shouldn't be taken too seriously because I haven't looked into it.
  14. I'm skeptical about programs like this.
  15. What type of jobs have you been able to interview for? Are they for jobs that can solely be done from home?
  16. @Gligorije If it makes you feel better I sleep 12-35 hours about twice a week. That is in one sitting. I sleep through alarms loud enough for deaf people. I'm always exhausted at the same time, especially after I wake up from the the 12-35 hour nights. I would say on average per week I have 3 normal nights of sleep, 2 12-35 hours, and 2 10-15 hours of sleep.
  17. Have you made any progress in finding a job?
  18. Is there anyone on this forum who has been able to work from home full time?
  19. Is it possible to work from home and to make a decent, stable, predictable income? I have been working with a vocational type person who has told me that it is not possible. I find that hard to believe. Has anyone on here been able to?
  20. Sorry, but I feel like there are hundreds of things that are a bigger priority in my life right now.
  21. I'm impressed that you're thinking about taking it again. It is taking me a long time to just do it once.
  22. @fluidmonolith It doesn't sound familiar to me. If you're interested in finding the video I recommend using Youtube's subtitles feature. It puts the video into text. Leo has a meditation playlist so you could go through those videos until you find the words you quoted. I will warn that programs that get text from videos are usually not great quality. This is even true for YouTube's system.
  23. @pluto @Shodan @XYZ "Natural does not necessarily mean good, and on places like this forum I would hope men want to live extraordinary lives rather than just doing what comes naturally (pun intended)." This actually helps me explain the point I wanted to make. I don't want to play the world's smallest violin but I have a million things that stress me out. This topic is such a microscopic problem compared to my others problems. If someone was to make a list on how to live an extraordinary life this topic would be so far down the list it's not even funny. We will have to agree with disagree because I feel that this conversation is going to go into circles. "you like most male internet users are probably addicted to orgasm and ejaculation." I probably masturbate once every day or 2. I'm 23 and still a virgin. "Though you would never know it because you never went without masturbation or sex for a prolonged period" You're making an assumption that isn't true. Do you know what they say about assumptions? I tried it. It was annoying. I don't see a benefit. Again, we will have to agree to disagree.
  24. I second this. I don't understand why some people on this forum think sex/masterbating/porn is bad and should be stopped. It's perfectly normal, and suppressing it will probably be an annoying hassle that doesnt need to be there.
  25. Yeah, neurotic video I posted has really helped me with my neurosis. I wouldn't say it has cured it, but it has definitely helped. I'm more conscious of when I see it happening to me and others I know. I also helped me realize how most problems in life are because of neurosis. Thanks for the insight. This video helped me with my obsession that I must be doing meditation wrong. Good n00b guide for meditation. I think I'm going to rewatch the videos posted here. I would also like to recommend the video about how to get rid of strong negative emotions.