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Everything posted by Ananta

  1. Speak for yourself. Plus, he lives in Sweden ? Over a decade ago I had a skilled therapist help me after a suicide attempt. She was fabulous. Therapist are like anything though there are good ones and not so good ones. If you come across one not working for you, try another. Giving up and not talking to a professional when you are seriously depressed/anxious shouldn't be an exceptable option.
  2. @Blackhawk I know you've said you won't go to therapy because you tried it, but wasn't that years ago? Maybe you need to seriously rethink it. Anyways, if not therapy, then you need some sort of support group, even if you won't talk. You can't expect different results when you keep doing the same stuff over and over, so make a change. However, don't do the psychedelics recommended, with your history, it's a very bad idea.
  3. I would advise against fasting if you have bipolar. The key is balance with all things in life from diet, sleep, exercise, time in nature, etc. for optimal health with a mood disorder.
  4. Mods don't have to talk to you about giving you points if guidelines/rules were broken or your acting like an ass (which I have no idea if you were or weren't). If you think it was unfair or a mod is abusing their power you don't bitch about it on open forum, you PM Leo or another mod to report it.
  5. Welcome to all. Hope you have some thick skin. You'll need it! ? My 2 cents is I think suicide threads should be shut down and the user PM'd by the new mods willing to deal with emotional issues. This really isn't the format for those types of threads.
  6. I was introduced to and loosely "studied" Advaita Vedanta prior to even coming to this forum. My views line up with Vedanta views for the most part. It's not a popular view on this forum. So, I try to not to talk about Vedanta specifics too much here. I'm done with debating others for the most part and I'm not a good teacher, so I stopped trying. Swami sarvapriyananda is an excellent tool for ppl interested in Vedanta and are exploring, but James Swartz is the guy to truly learn it the best from. He has an entire free series on youtube. He covers all the basics in that series and is very thorough.
  7. @machiavelli Perhaps you aren't able to understand what he's saying because you're confused, or you just don't agree or because you follow Leo's teachings (why not, it's his forum). I understand clearly what he's saying in the video, but that doesn't mean I can make you understand and no he's not creating dualism or being materialistic. Either way, it's not an imperative topic. Many go their whole life without resolving it for themselves. I would say do some more reading and/or contemplate if it's important to you. If not, move on to another topic. Good luck with it. ?
  8. There are different orders of reality and yes, subtle-body is the inner transmigrating "apparent" body if you will, according to Vedanta. From one order of reality every thing is all consciousness, end of story, we can all hang up our spiritual hats, boom...done! But, from another order of reality we have the "apparent" world with people, animals, maybe an afterlife and reincarnation! ? ...and all of it, no matter how you think it sounds is nothing but consciousness really, as it is made of consciousness, within and permeated by consciousness, but Vedanta picks it all apart for discrimination purposes. I was pointing you to the correct terminology, according to Advaita Vedanta. If you want to explore it, so be it, if not, that's fine too.
  9. @machiavelli Ppl who know Vedanta know it's what is called the "subtle-body" that can transmigrate/reincarnate. I tried to tell you that several posts up ^ ^. The Atma/Atman is no other then Brahman (It's same-same!), it's just that the Atma/Atman is what they call the portion of Brahman that is within the subtle and gross body. So, some call it the soul or the true Self. Which some think to mean "self " with a small "s". Video is only 5 min. Give it a watch. Ps. The subtle body still is only as apparently real as anything else in the "apparent" world.
  10. Sukshma sarira or the "subtle body" is the body of the mind and the vital energies, which keep the physical body alive. Together with the causal body it is the transmigrating soul or jiva, separating from the gross body upon death.
  11. The link ^^ to overeaters anonymous. It's for all eating disorders (including bulimia, anorexia, etc), although the focus tends to be overeating. It runs very much like AA meetings. You can use the search function for meeting.
  12. Thank you both, I appreciate it! ? ?
  13. You are saying I'm a liar? This happened at Walmart in Ohio 10 min from my house just yesterday. Read this ^, it states what stores don't/won't require a mask for vaccinated ppl. Also here-
  14. I went to Walmart today and I noticed right away walking in that only some ppl were wearing a mask ?. I asked the Walmart greeter what was up, since Ohio doesn't lift their mask mandate until June 1st. He said if you've been vaccinated you don't have to wear a mask in Walmart any longer. I ripped that thing off my face so darn quick. It was fabulous to walk in a store again without a mask.
  15. @intotheblack I've seen a chiropractor on/off for 14 yrs and I can say I've not had my face touched or my legs in the air. Years ago, I fell backwards, hit the back of my head on the pavement and knocked a vertebrae out of alignment in my neck which has caused problems ever since. I also get low back pain, because once they mess with your neck enough it can then effect the alignment in your back. I have mainly seen one chiropractor, but he employs other chiropractors too and in a pinch I've seen several others over the years. Again, none of them have touched my face or put my legs in the air, lol.? I loveeee chiropractors, if it weren't for them I would've probably needed surgery. Ohh, almost forgot, my son was dx with scoliosis of his back at about 12 yo by his school and the chiropractor over a course of regular treatments was able to mostly correct it and kept him from having to wear a back brace. My advice, see another chiropractor! Any reputable chiro will require you to have x-rays prior to them doing an adjustment on you. Just sayin'
  16. It depends from what perspective you are referring. From "God's" perspective, you (the apparent person) are being done, so, no choice. From "your" perspective, you can do nothing but chose and making decisions daily. So, choice is a part of daily life. To sit and say, "Everything is God's will, I will do nothing" is still a choice! We don't know what was to happen, until it happens or what lessons would be gained from decisions made until the experience has happened. So, by knowing that ultimately choice is an illusion, doesn't get you off the hook. You still need to think, contemplate and take action...or don't (still a decision was made)! When in doubt..."try" to do the next right thing.
  17. Ty ??
  18. Right back at ya! ?
  19. I was happy to be a mod in the beginning. It was something I never thought I'd do and when I was asked, I was honored and took it seriously. I was disheartened that there wasn't much (or any) Leo support really. My main mentor as a mod was @Forestluv. Always willing to answer questions and got back to me timely. I also enjoyed searching out ppl with multiple or banned accounts, as well as obvious trolls. It suited me well, for awhile, then the serious negativity and disgusting PM's started. ? Not fun. I wound up abandoning the dating subforum for healthier ground, as FL said we were the main mods moderating it at the time. Leo seemed to take over that subsection, so I was done with it. As far as Sunny @SoonHei, I'm soooooo shocked and sad that he did what he did and that he thought he had to ... he obviously had misunderstood the teaching, imo. Which is heartbreaking ?. He was the absolute ? most peaceful, loving and stand up guy on this forum and NOTHING should take away from that fact. ❤ RIP Sunny
  20. I'm sorry but I don't think there's an easy fix for this. You should see a therapist or psychologist and get evaluated. Maybe some therapy will be enough, may not and medication might need added? Anxiety to this degree needs some attention to resolve. I suggest you work on that. I'm familiar with Self-inquiry. My advice is to back the train up and work on the anxiety issues, if not, then during Self-inquiry dis-identify from this sensation, see it's not the real "you", awareness/consciousness. It's a product of the "apparent" self which is subject to change.
  21. I doubt this is cardiac related (but still see an MD to rule this out), it sounds like a physical symptom of anxiety to be honest. Do you feel like you have anxiety? Sometimes ppl repress their anxiety, at least partially and that can be an additional reason it comes out as a physical symptom.
  22. Officially diagnosed with Bipolar type II in 2009 after a suicide attempt. My biological mother (she only had visitation) had Bipolar type I. I take my meds, have follow-ups with my pdoc regularly and I am a very compliant patient. I haven't had any type of major crisis from Bipolar for many years. I got involved with spirituality (started with Eckhart Tolle) within 6 months of my attempt in 2009. Edit: Also, I wish ppl here on this forum with Bipolar or schizophrenia would stop asking members of this forum for advice related to their illness. I usually cringe when reading it. It's usually very poor advice and medically dangerous!